Analysis of the investment activity of the enterprise as a guarantee of the investment process

The investment activity of any enterprise consists in a focused process of finding the investment resources it needs, identifying effective instruments or investment objects, forming an investment program balanced in certain parameters, and ensuring its implementation.

Great help in solving investment activities is provided by such a process as analysis of the investment activity of the enterprise. Using a tool such as analysis of investment efficiency, tactics and strategies of investment activity are developed at the enterprise, plans and decisions are substantiated in the management sphere, the implementation of decisions and plans is monitored, potential reserves of investment efficiency are identified, financial and real results are assessed investment projects both as a whole for the enterprise, and individually by type of activity.

Analysis of the investment activity of the enterprise is one of the most important components of investment management, which in essence is a mechanism for managing investment activity. The very concept of investment management is a fairly new sphere and field of economic knowledge, not only in our country, but also in many countries abroad. As a hotel concept, this term was formed in the middle of the last century. It was the analysis of the investment activity of the enterprise that brought some outstanding scientists from the field of investment management the Nobel Prizes.

For our country, an analysis system is under development and development. This is largely due to the imperfect regulatory framework of the state, as well as the lack of qualified specialists in this field. However, the most active and most important factor, which does not allow us to introduce an analysis of the investment activity of the enterprise on a large scale, is the absence of an actively developing securities market, as well as a significant distrust of investors from it.

Analysis of investment efficiency plays a special role in the processes of investment management in the enterprise. In order to efficiently and effectively manage the investment process, you need to have a clear idea of ​​the progress of the business plan, the results of economic activities, as well as the trends in the economy of the enterprise and the stock markets, their nature. And it is the understanding of these processes and their understanding that is achieved through analysis. At the same time, the received information undergoes special initial processing, during which the achieved results in the investment sphere are compared with the data for the past similar time intervals, and additionally, the similar indicators are compared at other enterprises and firms. Also, during the analysis, the influence of various factors on the value of effective indicators is determined, possible errors and shortcomings are identified, opportunities that have not been used and realized, further prospects and much more are determined.

Such an indicator as an analysis of the volume of investment activity, which is one of the most important components in the overall analysis of investment activity, which allows you to develop and develop the necessary solutions in the field of management. That is why this kind of analysis is the previous step in making decisions and actions on them by the leaders of the enterprise. That analysis is the scientific basis of investment processes, which ensures efficiency and objectivity. As a function, the analysis of investment efficiency is in close interaction with accounting, general planning and forecasts of economic activity of the enterprise.


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