Unknown Ecuador: where is he and what is the name of his capital

Our planet is so good and amazing that you never cease to be surprised! It has so many beautiful corners that are fundamentally different from others that I want to visit everyone. Now we decided to tell the world about a country such as Ecuador, where it is located and why it is attractive. So, let's hit the road!

where is Ecuador

A bit of general information

So, first of all, let's find out where Ecuador is located - a country with such an eloquent name. As befits her, she is located at the equator. Many people mistakenly believe that this is in Africa. We hasten to dissuade them: the equator passes not only through the Black Continent, but also through South America. It is on the second mainland that we will go on a virtual journey.

So, our goal is Ecuador, where he is, we already know. This is a small country with only thirteen million inhabitants. However, it is bright and unpredictable, warm and welcoming. And we will begin our acquaintance with her from her capital.

Capital City

The capital of this beautiful country is the city of Quito. 2700 meters above sea level and delightfully preserved colonial-style architecture are the first features of the equatorial capital. It is worth noting that it was the old part of Quito that was first listed on the UNESCO list in 1971.

where is ecuador country

Remember where is Ecuador and its capital? At the equator! Hence, the climate here is special! Do not be afraid: here, although summer is all year round, it is not too hot. It often rains after dinner, and at night it is quite cold.

Quito is not the largest settlement in Ecuador, although more than two million people live here. Guayaquil, located on the Pacific Ocean, holds the palm of the country.

Quito Attractions

We continue to study Ecuador. Where is he, we already know, but what interesting can be seen in the main city? Of the main attractions, I want to mention the Pichincha volcano, which is visible in any corner of Quito. For fans of extreme entertainment, local guides organize a trip to the crater.

A giant statue of the Virgin Mary with wings is another interesting capital. At the foot of the monument is an observation deck with fantastic views.

The old part of the city, paved with cobblestone, attracts the president’s residence and the Congress building, City Hall, the Cathedral, the Archbishop's Palace and picturesque houses. The majestic temples of Quito are open at any time, however photographing them inside is strictly prohibited. Many courtyards have retained the Spanish colonial style, while houses have neat balconies and terraces.

The capital is also famous for its numerous museums, among which a significant part is occupied by the Inca heritage. An excursion to the equator line, which is 45 minutes away from the city center, will leave an indelible mark on the soul of any tourist.

where is Ecuador and its capital

Instead of an afterword

So that's what it is, Ecuador. Where this amazing country is located is no secret. Finally, I would like to note that traffic here is well developed, during rush hour traffic jams occur in the central streets. But there are bike paths along which you can get to any area of ​​Quito. More recently, a new airport was opened in the capital, so getting to the country has become much easier.

Going to poor neighborhoods, it is better to take a guide with you, since no one has canceled crime. You can stay in hotels that are available for every taste and budget, and in cozy cafes you can cheaply eat.

In addition to the metropolitan Quito, other places are of interest to the traveler:

  • Riobamba is a village that perfectly preserved the colonial past.
  • Esmeraldas Province, where there is a strong influence of African culture.
  • Imbabur province, where a large number of immigrants from India live.
  • Galapagos Islands, home to the famous turtles.
  • Amazonia.

Discover the unique Ecuador - not a hot country at the equator at all!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G3972/

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