Phoenician merchants. What did the Phoenician merchants sell?

The ancient state of Phenicia was located on the territory of modern Lebanon. Despite the great remoteness from many countries, the Phoenician merchants were known even in the distant northern lands. This was made possible thanks to the active trade that they conducted not only on the Mediterranean coast, but also far beyond its borders. What did the Phoenician merchants sell in foreign countries, how did they manage to travel long distances? Read more about this and much more.

Phenicia geographical location, economics and crafts

Almost all the major cities of Phenicia were concentrated on the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. This allowed merchants to freely trade with many states, which were also located near seafaring routes. In addition, several fairly large caravan roads passed through the territory of Phenicia.

what did the Phoenician merchants sell

The position of this state on the world map is not very convenient from the point of view of the development of subsistence farming. This is due to the lack of full-flowing rivers and fertile soils, as a result of which agriculture here developed only in the direction of horticulture and viticulture. The most commonly grown grapes and olives. Also, the country's population engaged in fishing. Among other things, the Phoenicians actively mastered forests consisting of cedar and oak. Those goods that Phoenician merchants sold during their travels are directly related to crafts that were developed in the state. The main income they received from the sale of olive oil and wine, cedar and oak, and much more.

The Phoenician Merchant Fleet: with whom did the merchants of Phenicia trade

About the fleet of Phenicia should be said separately. The shipbuilders of this state for the first time began to manufacture vessels not with a flat bottom, but with a keel, which allowed them to develop high speed. The ships of the Phoenician merchants reached 30 meters in length. They were built primarily from Lebanese cedar. Along the entire length of the ship along both sides were benches with rowers. What Phoenician merchants sold was folding into a hold or onto a deck. The choice of a specific place for the cargo depended on how vulnerable and valuable the goods were.

Initially, Phenicia had trade relations only with its geographical neighbors: Egypt, Greece and Cyprus. However, thanks to the development of shipbuilding, she was able to significantly expand the scope of her presence. Phoenician merchants were known even in Western and Eastern Europe.

Phoenician goods

So, let's move on to the main question: what did the Phoenician merchants sell, what particular product made them recognizable? The craftsmen of Phenicia succeeded in the artistic processing of wood and bone. Figurines and jewelry made of these materials made by them were very appreciated in many countries. It is worth remembering that the Phoenician merchants sold vessels and beads made of glass, because it was in this state that they perfectly mastered the manufacture of its most diverse varieties: transparent, matte and even colored. Of special value were incense bottles, jewelry made of gold and silver.

what Phoenician merchants sold in foreign countries

The Phoenicians also learned how to extract purple dye from mollusks, which they used to give fabrics a lasting and bright color. It is worth noting that the materials painted in this way did not fade during washing. The bulk of the product was olive oil, spilled on amphoras, as well as grape wines. Good income Phoenician merchants brought and resale. Very often in European countries they traded Egyptian cotton and Cypriot copper.

An additional source of income for Phoenician merchants

Despite the success of trade trips throughout the Mediterranean and its adjacent territories, the Phoenicians did not hesitate to rob ships belonging to other states. It often happened that merchants landed in a small settlement on the coast and robbed him.

what Phoenician merchants sold vessels and beads from

It is known for certain that the Phoenician merchants and slaves sold during such raids were selling. Thus, the slave trade brought them a good extra income, requiring absolutely no investment.


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