LCD "Botanical Garden", Voronezh: photos, reviews

Currently, many residential complexes being erected by developers are being built across the country. Each of them turns out to be individual in its architectural style. The Botanical Garden (Voronezh) was no exception.

About Voronezh

"Botanical Garden" Voronezh

At a distance of just over 500 kilometers south of Moscow is the large beautiful city of Voronezh. Its population has long stepped over the mark of one million people. It continues to grow every year, not only as a result of natural growth, many people move here for permanent residence from other cities and regions. Especially often this city is chosen as their refuge by residents of the Far North, Vladivostok and other cities in which almost constant winter and autumn reign supreme.

What else can be said about Voronezh? It is washed by the Don River on one side and the Voronezh Reservoir on the other. It is located in the zone with the most fertile soil - black soil, about which they say that you can stick a stick in the ground, and it will grow. And in this favorable area, many developers are eager to build their projects. The residential complex "Botanical Garden" (Voronezh) was no exception.

LCD "Botanical Garden" Voronezh

Ecological situation

A couple of dozen years ago, Voronezh occupied a leading position in the number of industrial enterprises. But over the past 15-20 years, almost all of the existing industrial large-scale production has declined, the degree of wear has reached 70 percent. Six years ago, half of the population of Voronezh were unemployed. Today, there are food production, confectionery, furniture holding.

In view of the foregoing, the environmental situation improved several times. Pipes of factories that ceased to function ceased to make harmful emissions into the atmosphere. And the damage from food enterprises is not so significant. The rich vegetation of the Central Federal District and the chernozem region, as well as the surrounding water bodies, also save. All this makes the ecological situation in the city favorable enough for permanent residence.

Voronezh Shishkova "Botanical Garden"

Therefore, the developer did not accidentally choose a place for the RC "Botanical Garden". Voronezh is a satisfied city comfortable for living, green and bright. In fact, from the windows of apartments of already built houses, a wonderful view of this very botanical garden opens.

Location of the complex

The Botanical Garden (Voronezh) is located in the Northern microdistrict, close to the Botanical Garden and the central Dynamo Culture and Leisure Park. The borders of the complex are green spaces, which are prohibited for destruction, as they are part of the environmental zone of the Voronezh region. The addresses of the complex are: Olympic Boulevard, 12 and 14, and Shishkova Street, 140-b. This territory is part of the city, that is, in fact, the complex is located in the city, which provides its residents with the opportunity to get a city registration.

Residential complex "Botanical Garden" Voronezh

LCD "Botanical Garden" (Voronezh) is located in excellent transport accessibility, and it is not difficult to get to it from the center or any other end of the city. Shishkova Street is a fairly large transport artery of the city, along which public transport routes pass. There are stops right next to the complex.

Description of the residential complex

What is the LCD "Botanical Garden" (Voronezh)? First of all, it is a complex of apartment buildings, the number of storeys of which is 17 and 25 floors. In total, it is planned to erect three such houses in 40 sections (entrances). The project of the residential quarter is designed on the principle of safety and comfort. Developed infrastructure, favorable environmental conditions - all this testifies to the implementation of these principles into practice.

Facade painting - color scheme

Residential buildings LCD "Botanical Garden" (Voronezh) white, with fuchsia painted balconies. In the modern market for new buildings, yellow and brown shades predominate. Therefore, the described residential complex compares favorably with its other counterparts, embodying, according to the plan of the developer, the flowering of apple and cherry.

"Botanical Garden" (Voronezh) - this name was given to the complex not just like that, but in accordance with its location. Recent years have become a time of renewal and improvement for this park. Conducted its phased reconstruction. The presence of a green area nearby adds the advantages of living in the complex. For greater security, the courtyard is separated from the forest zone by a fence.


The microdistrict where the Botanical Garden is located (Voronezh), the photo of which is given in the article, has good transport accessibility and a very developed infrastructure. Not far from the complex there are such trade monsters as “Arena” and “Moskovsky Prospect”, “Magnet”, “Okay”, “Line”. Lots of convenience stores.

As for children, there will also be no problems with attending kindergarten or with the need to get an education at school. As many as three kindergartens, two secondary schools are available near the complex. For patients, medical facilities offer their services.

Internal arrangement of the complex

The developer of the residential complex "Botanical Garden" (Voronezh), reviews about which are mostly positive, does not stop only on the construction of residential buildings. The project also provides for additional facilities. These include another kindergarten with 220 beds. It is planned to build a sports complex, motorists will appreciate the ground and underground parking.

Thus, the developer took care of the future residents of the complex so that they could always purchase food and other necessary things, practically without leaving the complex, recover from illness or have fun. And at the same time so that they do not need to use public transport and go somewhere.

Construction progress

During the construction of the "Botanical Garden" (Voronezh, Shishkova, 140-b), it remains incomplete. But the deadline for its completion has not yet come, therefore, there are no violations of its obligations by the developer. The remaining two houses of the first and second stage have already been commissioned and settled. In the second quarter of this year, the third house with all its sections should be fully commissioned.

Apartments of the complex, their cost

The developer offers for the purchase of various apartments. "Botanical Garden" (Voronezh), the layout of apartments in which is different, can offer customers from one living room to three. All apartments are spacious, even one-room. Large living rooms and kitchens are also provided. After all, these are the most important premises in any apartments and any families. Designed combined bathrooms and small pantries in the corridors of apartments.

In addition to ordinary living quarters with the most familiar layouts, the project of the complex also provides for original housing - with two kitchens or the same number of loggias. Accordingly, such apartments will be much more expensive compared to ordinary ones. Three-room apartments, since they were originally designed for large families, are equipped with separate bathrooms and very spacious kitchens for convenience. Not every developer offers such a variety of layouts, among which each buyer will choose a house for their liking and wallet.

The cost of one square meter of living space of the residential complex "Botanical Garden" is approximately more than 30 thousand rubles. Accordingly, one-bedroom apartments with the original layout will be higher than the specified price.

Apartment renovation

The developer offers rough finishing of apartments in the residential complex "Botanical Garden" (Voronezh). Reviews about this type of finish can be found various. Someone, having invested the last funds in the acquisition of real estate, would like to immediately drop into ready-made apartments and live. And it’s easier for someone to save on dismantling the old repair and make the one he wants. Therefore, it is easy to find people who praise or scold this approach of the builder very convincingly.

What is included in the rough finish? As a rule, these are standard moments: arrangement of all systems and utilities (heating, sewage, electrical wiring, water supply). Windows must also be installed, the floor screed is made, the walls are plastered. In this form, basically all new buildings are for rent. Nowadays, rarely is any developer performing turnkey finishing.

"Botanical Garden" Voronezh lay-out of apartments

The owners of apartments who bought them in draft finish can only finish the work, that is, cover the floor with a covering, walls with wallpaper and decide something with a ceiling. This option is now the most common, because each person has their own ideas about repair. It is important that in this case you can independently manage your financial expenses.

Reviews about the complex

Many new buildings are provided by Voronezh. Shishkova, "Botanical Garden" - only one of these complexes. Most of the complex is already populated, the construction of a third house is nearing completion. Therefore, it is already possible to judge the opinions of people who bought apartments there.

Many residents of the city acquired real estate precisely in the residential complex "Botanical Garden" because of its very good location - within the city with excellent transport links, excellent infrastructure. They are also joined by enthusiastic responses about non-standard apartment layouts from people who were lucky enough to purchase them and enter them. They call their housing very convenient.

"Botanical Garden" Voronezh Shishkova 140b

Residents of the complex are waiting for the fulfillment of their final obligations by the developer for the construction of additional social infrastructure: a kindergarten, shops, pharmacies, a post office. All that was promised to them.

The benefits of living in a complex

If we talk about the advantages of acquiring apartments in the residential complex “Botanical Garden”, then first of all it is worth mentioning again its good location. The complex is surrounded by green areas: a botanical garden, a park of culture and recreation. This makes it possible for its residents to enjoy and breathe cleaner air than in complexes located in other places.

LCD "Botanical Garden" Voronezh reviews

Those residents of Voronezh who prefer a measured and comfortable life to the hustle and bustle of the city will be happy to feel all this if they move to their place of residence in this residential complex, selling their existing apartments in other houses. The developer did not spare money on the landscape design of the courtyard, so that his residents had a place to walk after a working day or relax with his family on the weekend. These are lawns, flowerbeds, and a fountain, and walking alleys.


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