Emperor Nero: short biography, photo, mother, wife. The reign of Emperor Nero

On December 15, 37, Lucius Domitius Agenobarb was born. So the future emperor Nero was called when he was born. He was of noble origin and belonged to the Domitian family. Many representatives of this family name in previous times held significant positions, in particular, they were consuls. Two of them were even censors.

A family

Neroโ€™s great-grandfather was a contemporary of Julius Caesar and even tried to bring him to trial for abuse of power. True, nothing came of this. Grandfather served the emperor Augustus, was a famous military leader and won triumph.

Nero's father, Gnei Domitius, was also a consul in 32. The then emperor Tiberius initiated his wedding with Julia Agrippina. It was this couple that Lucius Domitius was born.

emperor nero


Nero was born six months after the death of the emperor Tiberius. After him, the throne took Caligula. He was the brother of Agrippina, and therefore, the uncle of Nero. The child lived with his father next to Antsius in the suburbs of Rome, while his mother remained in the capital and was at her brother's court. Caligula was notorious and indulged in adultery with his sisters (the eldest was Julia Livilla). In the year 39 they were accused of conspiring against the emperor. Allegedly, they wanted to overthrow Caligula, after which the minor Nero would take the throne.

After a short trial, the sisters were deported to the Pontine Islands. All of their property was confiscated, and communication with relatives was prohibited. However, Nero and his father did not fall under repression and continued to live in their own villa in Italy. Gnei Domitius died in 40 due to a drop of water.

When Caligula

Despite his paranoia and desire to see the Caligula conspiracy in everything, he could not save himself. In 41, he became a victim of a conspiracy staged by the Praetorians - the court guard. Caligula was killed, and the throne was given to his uncle Claudius. He was known for his dementia and tyrannical nature. The new emperor declared himself a god, carried out repression in the Senate.

However, he returned his nieces (including the mother of Nero) from exile back to Rome, having removed the charges of treason. In addition, Claudius decided to organize a second marriage for Agrippina, as her husband died shortly before. Guy Sallusty became the spouse - the famous nobleman, who had previously twice become consul. He moved the mother of Emperor Nero and the child himself to his house in Rome, where they lived in the highest society.

From this moment, the child forgot about a quiet life. The capital was full of conspiracies and conflicts of interests of the nobility. The main threat to the Agrippina family was Messalina - the wife of Emperor Claudius. She believed that her husband's niece constituted a threat to her own power. Nero in her eyes was a contender for the throne, which could overthrow in the future her son Britannica.

Messalina tried to get rid of the child by sending killers to the house of Sallust. However, they were not able to fulfill a delicate order. Most likely, they were simply scared, although, as is usually the case, rumors gave rise to the legend that the messengers were frightened of the snake that guarded the dream of Nero. The tense situation continued.

In 47, Guy Sallustius died, and many gossipers said that Agrippina poisoned her husband in order to inherit his wealth. And a few months later Messalina tried to plot against her husband, but was exposed and executed. As a result, both Claudius and Agrippina were left without a couple. Close emperor advised him to marry an influential and beautiful woman. He agreed, and the wedding was played in '49. After this, Nero became the heir to the throne.

Emperor Nero's wife


Claudius arranged an engagement for his new adopted son and real daughter Claudius Octavia. The future emperor Nero received a famous mentor - the philosopher Seneca, whom Agrippina returned from exile. Faithful people of mother and son surrounded the emperor in order to strengthen their position. For example, the former mentor of Nero Gall Sextus Burr became a prefect.

However, the extravagant emperor constantly changed his plans. Soon, he became cooler about his wife and Nero. In addition, Claudius again brought closer his own son Britannica. It seemed that he was about to appoint him heir again. But Agrippina decided to be proactive. It is believed that in 54, she brought her husband a plate of poisoned mushrooms, because of which he died. Emperor Nero became the owner of the throne. A photo of his bust can give an idea of โ€‹โ€‹what the ruler looked like then. He was a handsome young man, not yet spoiled by tyranny and bad habits, including taverns and brothels.

emperor nero photo

Conflict with mother

The reign of Emperor Nero began. At first, he was under the complete control of his mother, who even participated in official ceremonies with her son. However, every day the young man became more and more accustomed to power and became uncontrollable. The apple of contention was his preference for women. He became close to a former slave, which his mother could not bear. She even began to establish contact with Britannic, who could also be an emperor. But Nero was not going to give up power. The Briton was poisoned in 55.

Agrippina was soon removed from the yard. The son began to attempt to commit an attempt on her, but each time he failed. In the end, he openly ordered to get rid of Agrippina, which was stabbed to death. After that, Nero began to have mental health problems. He began to wonder about the ghost of his mother. In attempts to find relief, he resorted to the futile help of magicians and magicians.

Emperor Nero Biography

Foreign and domestic policy

In the early years of the reign, when the ruler showed interest in public affairs, he showed himself to be a good administrator. For example, the Senate passed laws against corruption, authored by Emperor Nero. In short, he also initiated tax cuts for ordinary people. Under him, the custom of regular colossal festivities and festivities appeared. Arena battles, which turned out to be a favorite sight of the crowd, became constant.

By the time of the accession of Nero, the Roman Empire had almost reached its historical limits. It surrounded the Mediterranean Sea, was a center of culture and trade. External enemies did not threaten her. Therefore, there were no wars initiated by the emperor Nero. A brief biography of his commanders said that this estate needed the conflicts as air. As a result, when a dispute broke out between Rome and Persia, in the center of which was Armenia, the advisers persuaded the ruler to start a war. It lasted from 58 to 63 years. As a result, the ruler of this buffer state agreed to become a vassal of the emperor.

Great fire

In 64, there was a terrible fire in Rome, which was immediately called the Great. It is believed that its initiator was Emperor Nero. Some chroniclers and historians tell of an episode when the ruler, learning about the disaster, went to the suburbs, from where he watched what was happening. At the same time, he dressed in a theatrical costume, recited poems about the destruction of Troy and played musical instruments.

The fire destroyed most of the city. At that time, Rome was divided into 14 districts, of which only 3 survived. To restore the city, huge resources were required. Therefore, the emperor imposed huge taxes on the province so that the capital would be in order. A new palace was laid, which became one of the largest residences of monarchs in world history. Emperor Nero did not forget to find those responsible for the disaster that happened. They were recognized by Christians. This gave rise to mass executions of heretics, which were carried out in the form of folk shows. The accused were fed with lions, hung on crosses, etc.

mother of emperor nero

Personal life

The marriage of Nero with Octavia, arranged by Claudius, did not last long. She could not get pregnant, which is why her husband accused her of infertility. After that, he married twice more: on Poppea Sabina and Statilia Messalin. The first wife of Emperor Nero even gave birth to a daughter, but she died in the fourth month of life. Poppeaโ€™s second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage because her husband kicked her in the stomach during one of the quarrels.

Like other Roman emperors of that era, Nero was known for intimate relationships with men. Homosexuality was considered the norm, and the emperor openly conducted numerous orgies.

Emperor Nero Short Biography

Rebellion and death

Over the years, Nero has lost popularity, both among ordinary citizens of the state, and in higher Roman circles. This was due to his terrible character, turning into insanity, huge taxes for the provinces, a depraved lifestyle, etc.

Against such a background, a rebellion broke out in Gaul in 68. Local governor Guy Julius Vindex raised his own legions against the central government. He was supported by Galba, who ruled Tarracan Spain. There was an agreement between them that the latter would proclaim himself emperor in case of victory over Nero. The rebel legions did not even have to break into Rome with battle. The people, troops, and even Praetorians also opposed Nero, even though the Senate initially declared the rebels criminals. The news of the betrayal of the guard led the ruler into confusion. It became clear that his days were numbered.

The country villa was the last place where Emperor Nero stopped on his flight. The biography did not give him any chance at the mercy of the winners. The Senate has already declared him an enemy of the people. At first he did not dare to commit suicide, but when he heard the clatter of horse hooves on the street, he finally took up the knife. With the help of a faithful servant, Nero cut his throat. According to legend, at that moment he said: "What an artist dies!" This phrase has become winged.

His body was burned by several last associates, and the urn was buried in a family estate. With the death of Nero, the first Roman imperial dynasty, Julius Claudius, was suppressed. After that, the country was shaken for a long time by a civil war.

Emperor Nero briefly


The personality of Nero has remained extremely controversial for many generations of historians. Under him, the empire was flourishing, but it was hardly the merit of the emperor. He himself was distinguished by an insane character (for which he became best known) and indulged in all kinds of pleasures, while the state apparatus by inertia was doing its job. It was the golden age of ancient society.

In Christianity, Nero was captured as a tormentor, by whose order many believers recognized outside the law were tortured and executed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39739/

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