Do-it-yourself flowers from tree leaves: a master class with a photo step by step

So the long-awaited autumn time has come. A time of dreams and new achievements. Right now, nature more than ever pleases us with its beauty, a riot of colors, a refreshing, but still warm breeze, rustling foliage under our feet. And so I want to keep a sense of complete harmony and warmth as long as possible, not only in my memories, but also at home! Fall foliage will come in handy, and made flowers from the leaves of trees with your own hands will be a wonderful decoration of the interior or an unusual gift for a loved one.

This work will not require you a large expenditure of both materials and time, but in no way will it be inferior in its originality and beauty to other crafts from improvised materials.

Flowers from tree leaves: a master class

The most spectacular and natural look in compositions and simple bouquets made of rose leaves. The process is quite fascinating and very simple, so that the whole family, including children, can take part in it.

do-it-yourself flowers from tree leaves

When you start making such a craft, you will understand that the stage of collecting leaves is much longer and tedious than the creative process itself. The following trees are best suited, the foliage of which is preferable to use for making an autumn rose: maple, ash and wild grapes. Try to choose bright leaves of colorful shades (yellow, red, maroon, green). If possible, then use leaves from trees, and not picked up from the ground. They will be not only cleaner and less damaged, but also, more importantly, still quite elastic due to the remaining moisture, it will be much easier to work with them, and the composition with their use will turn out to be more realistic. Collect leaves of different sizes. The splendor of a rose will depend on the number of leaf petals used.

So, the basic material is already in your hands, are you full of desire and enthusiasm? Then let's quickly consider how to make flowers from the leaves of trees with your own hands.

Essential Tools

To make this craft, you will need:

  • leaves;
  • scissors;
  • thread or thin rope;
  • sunflower oil or hair spray;
  • iron.

Use flowers from the leaves of trees of different colors in your work or alternate colorful leaves in one rose - it all depends on your taste.

To create not just a bouquet, but a separate composition, you can use other natural materials (mountain ash, cones, spruce branches, chestnuts, acorns, etc.).

Step-by-step execution

First, take the sheet with the back to you so that its front side is pointing to your palms, and fold in half.

do-it-yourself flowers from tree leaves

So let's get started. We make flowers from the leaves of the trees step by step:

1. Roll the formed half of the leaf into a tight tube - this will be the core of our future flower.

2. Take the second sheet. It must be placed face inward.

3. Bend this sheet outward so that its top protrudes 1-2 mm above the previous one. Wrap the base with the resulting half.

flowers from tree leaves photo

4. Repeat this procedure several more times. Depending on how many leaves you make, the size of the rose will depend.

5. Each subsequent row of leaves must be shifted slightly lower. So the finished rose will be more fluffy, voluminous and beautiful.

6. Firmly tighten the base of the resulting flower with a thread.

flowers from tree leaves master class

7. Top soak the flowers from the leaves of the trees with sunflower oil. This will give the finished product shine and help to keep it longer.

8. Instead of oil, you can use hair spray. Slightly sprinkling the flowers, you will also betray them shine, also this manipulation will save them from fragility.

9. If desired, separate strokes of golden paint or sparkles can be made on top of the roses.

flowers from tree leaves step by step

10. In conclusion, it remains to arrange the resulting autumn flowers in a bouquet and decorate them with the most colorful and neat leaves. Be sure to iron these sheets first through a cloth or double sheet of paper.

Flowers made from tree leaves, made with your own hands, ready. You and your loved ones will certainly like them. In addition, such a bouquet can be a wonderful gift, preserving the love and warmth of your hands.

Flowers from tree leaves: photo

A completed composition may look like this.

flowers from tree leaves photo

Although as in nature there are no identical colors, yours will be completely unique and unique.

Chrysanthemum flower

In addition to roses, you can also make, for example, a chrysanthemum flower. This will require, of course, more time and leaves to complete, but still worth a try.

It is necessary to wind a sufficiently large number of tubes (about 50 pieces for one lush flower). If you combine them in one bunch, you get a chrysanthemum.

Features blanks

You can form tubes by wrapping them on long skewers, pencils, knitting needles or other elongated devices. The size and density of the finished petals will depend on the diameter of the rod used. Give them the desired shape according to your desire and artistic taste.

The resulting flowers from the leaves of the trees must be securely fixed with glue and thread. You can first coat each leaf with glue and fold it into a tube or, conversely, glue the finished workpiece and fix it with a thread for the drying period, not forgetting to remove it at the end of the cooking process.

After all the blanks are ready and the tubes are wound in sufficient quantities, proceed directly to the formation of the flower.

Beat the resulting workpiece and give it the look of a real plant. It is best to fix the flower on a long skewer or thick wire. At the base (for sepals) it is recommended to use small green leaves or to independently make them from corrugated or colored paper. Be sure to wrap the stalk itself with the same green corrugated paper or special tape.

As you can see, just a little effort, and the finished chrysanthemum flower from unusual natural material is already ready. Now they can complement any autumn composition or, after making several more such flowers, create a separate magnificent bouquet of chrysanthemums. Put such a bouquet in a vase, decorate it and enjoy the beauty of this wonderful autumn flower for a long time.


For any creative process, the most important thing is desire and inspiration. And even at first glance, such a simple process of creating flowers will become a find for you and will certainly please you with its result. Create, please yourself and others, and the presented master class on how to make flowers from the leaves of trees, we hope you helped in this.

Any process of creation carries only positive emotions. Having created such beauty on your own, and even from natural materials, you will feel a surge of creative strength and new ideas. In addition, this kind of activity can be carried out by the whole family, from collecting leaves during a walk in the park to creating flowers and their design. Give it a try!


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