Lakes of the Kemerovo region: we spend holidays in picturesque places

Our planet has a good water system. Only fresh and salt lakes of the Kemerovo region exceed the number of 800 pieces. In this area you can have a great time enjoying the picturesque scenery. There are many attractions and ancient monuments. Foothill and mountainous areas deserve special attention. They are environmentally friendly, and the air is truly healing. By the way, many lakes of the Kemerovo region are of mainland origin. There are also those that arose in the river valleys. They are called floodplain. Let's look at some of them.

Big Berchikul Lake

The pond is located near the village of Tiskul. This lake is the largest in Kuzbass. It has no surface tributaries. The reservoir is practically drainage, not counting a small river.

Tourists come to these parts to look at the beautiful lakes in the Kemerovo region and the surrounding landscapes of the coast. Big Berchikul will not disappoint tourists. True, most of them do it for fishing. The reservoir is replete with a variety of fish: tench, bream, pike, perch, carp, ide and many other species.

The lake is attractive for those who want to improve their health, because the territory has healing sapropelic mud. It is possible to establish a campground or stay in a small hotel.

lakes of the Kemerovo region

Lake Tanaevo

This is a picturesque pond located near the village of Zhuravlevo. It is small: the depth does not exceed 2-3 meters. The bottom is silty, and along the coast there are peat bogs.

Once upon a time there was a large lake in the territory, and the current body of water is just the rest. Unfortunately, some lakes of the Kemerovo region are drying up. Recently, environmentalists have recorded the complete disappearance of water bodies in the area. That is why there is a high probability that Tanaevo will eventually evaporate completely.

In the pond, you can fish, catch carp or crucian carp. Fascinating views and clean beaches will appeal to all vacationers. On the lake you can relax not only with your family, but with the whole work team, having arranged a corporate party. From neighboring villages people come here just to spend a weekend, go fishing or have a picnic. It is possible to establish a campground, as well as rent or rent housing in the nearest village.

Lake Kemerovo region for recreation

Lakes Big and Small Bazaars

There are lakes near the village of Shestakovo. These reservoirs are very small, shallow. These lakes of the Kemerovo region (there is everything necessary for recreation) are fascinating with their beauty. They are unusually clean, and their water surface sparkles in the sun.

This is a paradise for anglers who love to fish for crucian carp, because only they are found here. The reed banks and wetlands create the ideal habitat for this fish species. On the ponds there are good clean beaches, on which there is the opportunity to set up a camp.

The territory of Bazary lakes is full of different animals: birds of prey such as eagle owls, buzzards, golden eagles, steppe eagles; roe deer and elk often come to the coast; in the meadows you can watch the hunt for foxes and wolves, it is even possible to see a bear.

Empty Lake

This unique lake is located in the Kuznetsk Altai Nature Reserve, near the village of Tisul. This name was obtained due to the absolute absence of fish. Moreover, there are no toxic substances in it - it is completely clean. The nearby lakes of the Kemerovo region are no different in water composition. The mystery of the reservoir attracts not only scientists, but also many tourists who come here in an attempt to find the answers.

Tanay Lake

Tanay is an ancient shallow and picturesque lake located near the village of Zhuravlevo. Many legends and mystical stories are composed about him, therefore, inexplicable events occurring in the reservoir attract many tourists.

The lake attracts fishermen who come here for crucian carp and perch, which are abundant here. Company vacationers are slowly floating ducks and beautiful herons. There is a clean silty beach, and not far from the lake, in the village of Vaganovo, there is a small hotel.

salt lakes of the Kemerovo region

Lake Srednetersinskoe

The pond is located in the upper Ters River and is one of the deepest in the Kemerovo region, because its depth reaches 80 meters. The lake is somewhat reminiscent of a mirror framed by taiga thickets and mountain slopes. The water here is quite dark in color.

In summer, the lake attracts many tourists from all neighboring areas. In winter, you can see a lot of frightened animals. Sturgeon, sterlet, and nelma are found in the lake. However, it is strictly forbidden to fish in the reserve.

beautiful lakes in the Kemerovo region

April Lake

Not far from the village of Aprelka is a surprisingly beautiful lake of turquoise color. Nobody still knows its depth, because it arose on the site of a flooded quarry. The picturesque landscapes of coniferous forests attract tourists from all over the region.

Here you can relax in the summer by setting up a campground. There are healing mud in the open spaces, so many people come here to improve their health. It is worth noting that many lakes of the Kemerovo region have healing properties. For lovers of real fishing, this will not be the best choice, however, good sandy beaches are perfect for a family vacation, which can be spent with a fishing rod and catch a small carp or perch.


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