Modification is what? Types of modifications

With the word "modification" we come across quite often and approximately understand what it is about. But there are a huge number of meanings of this term, united by a universal definition. In this article, the phenomenon of modification will be considered from the point of view of different spheres of human life and activity, and examples of the manifestation of this concept in science and everyday life will also be given. So, modification is a change in some object with the parallel acquisition of new functions or properties by it.

modification is

Reasons for modifications

The reasons for the modifications may be as follows:

  1. Human intervention. An example of a modification in this case is, for example, lubrication of a door, because of which it stops creaking when opened. This is a household example. If we take more scientific types of modification, then this may be a change in the genetic code of the embryo, as a result of which the organism grown from it acquires new characteristics.
  2. Natural processes. Modification can occur naturally. For example, water has the property of freezing, as a result of which it acquires new properties - it becomes hard, cold and, falling in the form of hail, can spoil a crop grown by a farmer with incredible efforts.
  3. Pathological processes that are not dependent on the person. Modification of the genetic code by a virus or cancer may lead to disease. Even one small cell, if it is not controlled by the body, begins to perform another function, working on the virus, multiplying it. The same applies, for example, to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on living organisms.

Modification in the technique

body modification

In technology, modification is the creation of an improved version of it on the basis of the old version of the device. It can be a mobile phone, computer or any other device. For example, all versions of the iPhone are in fact modifications of the very first version of this smartphone. But most often this concept is understood not so much as an updated version of the device, released a year later, as a model with slightly different characteristics. In this case, an example of a modification is the Gsmart Roma R2 + phone, which has improved characteristics on the background of the model without a plus sign.

Polymer Modification

Polymer Modification

This process occurs due to the influence of human factors on the object. Modification of polymers is a complex of actions aimed at changing certain properties of these materials, due to which they are given special physical and mechanical characteristics. One of the most popular ways to make such a change is to chlorinate, as a result of which polymers can become resistant to light, heat, or chemical attack.

Modification in biology and selection

In these areas, modification is a deliberate or spontaneous change in the characteristics of a living creature that is not associated with a genetic mutation of the DNA code. It can be triggered both by natural mechanisms, and under the direct influence of human factors. Simply put, modification is a change in the characteristics of an organism that improves its ability to adapt to the conditions of the surrounding world.

These characteristics depend on the whole on the conditions, and each trait associated with the genotype due to modification variability can at different temperatures and air composition manifest itself differently in the phenotype (appearance, in other words). It turns out some kind of modification of the body in the form that the scientist wants to get, or the body modifies itself for faster adaptation to the environment.


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