Industrial air dryer: selection tips and reviews

In households, air dehumidifiers are usually used to regulate microclimate parameters. The opposite of this technique is a humidifier, which increases the moisture content in the air. In the manufacturing and construction industries, this equipment has slightly different tasks. Most often, an industrial air dryer is used as part of a pneumatic infrastructure. The unit also removes excess moisture, but only in compressed air, which is thus prepared for supply to the compressor.

How does an industrial dehumidifier work?

In industry, the most common are plants that use refrigerant as an active medium. The basis of the functional system is a heat exchanger. The air flows entering the device are first cooled, after which droplet condensation occurs. Otherwise, the principle of operation of the air dryer is similar to refrigeration equipment. The generated moisture is discharged through a drainage pipe into a special tank. In this case, there may be different structural designs of the storage part from the point of view of the collection capacity device. It is most rational to organize a discharge directly to the sewer, but not every enterprise has such an opportunity.

industrial dehumidifier

In turn, the cooled air is also separated from the moisture and sent to a second, warm heat exchanger, where heating occurs. As a result, the dehumidifier for the compressor generates an optimum environment for the characteristics, ready for further use in the pneumatic system.

Main criteria for choosing a dehumidifier

Fundamentally important are two characteristics of such units - power and performance. The power potential of the equipment varies between 330-2000 watts. The selection of an aggregate for this indicator entirely depends on the capacities of a particular enterprise. But it should be borne in mind that most modern industrial-type dehumidifiers operate on a 380 V mains.

air dryer for compressor

No less significant are the performance indicators. This parameter determines how much fluid will be provided by the dehumidifier for the compressor per minute. On average, productivity is from 1,000 to 20,000 l / min. In the choice of equipment for this value, it is worth relying on the area of ​​the room. The larger it is, the more efficient the dehumidifier should be in terms of air production.

Types of Air Dryers

As a rule, two varieties of such aggregates are distinguished. The first and most popular type of industrial dehumidifiers are the mentioned models with refrigerated operation. Absorption units are less common, but they can also be effective in some operating conditions. Their main feature is the absence of a moisture-removing channel. If in a traditional design an industrial dehumidifier collects condensate in a special container or takes it directly to the sewer, then absorption modifications literally absorb moisture.

dehumidifier repair

For this function, a filler is provided in the equipment device, to which concentrated moisture is directed. Salt-absorbing agents and self-healing elements like zeolite or silicogel are used as this substance.

Manufacturer's Reviews

The segment is quite narrow, so the choice of manufacturers is modest. The greatest interest from professionals is caused by Ekomak and Fiac equipment. Models of the first brand show themselves well in work with compressor stations. Ekomak for the most part offers refrigeration-type designs, so experienced users recommend that you think through moisture removal systems from the beginning. In general, the industrial dehumidifier of this brand performs well at medium power, ensuring the stability of the main function.

air dryer operating principle

The Fiac models are positive due to the combination of high performance and ergonomics. In particular, the installations of this brand are notable for their easy operation and low maintenance requirements. What is especially important, some modifications are equipped with an effective noise isolation system, so they can be used in laboratories, office buildings, etc.

What else to consider when choosing?

Through special calculations, you can make the optimal choice of a dehumidifier that is suitable for specific application requirements. But, as practice shows, during operation, new requests for equipment characteristics may arise. In particular, work in high humidity conditions negatively affects the surface condition of many units. As a result, after months of use, maintenance personnel repair air dryers that were susceptible to corrosion. Therefore, you should initially refer to those models that have a moisture-proof coating on the case.

types of dehumidifiers

Also, experienced users recommend not to save on automation and control systems. Modern models of dehumidifiers are increasingly receiving the option of visual control of air pressure, and are also provided with automatic fluid removal systems. Such an option allows you to rationally use the resource of equipment, reducing energy costs.


The need to equip production facilities with air dryers cannot be underestimated. The reliability of pneumatic networks, which often fail precisely because of the consumption of air with unsatisfactory characteristics, depends on the quality of the work of such systems. In addition, an industrial air dryer is also required for other purposes. Its function is also used for its intended purpose - for example, to create the optimal microclimate in a large room or to get rid of excess moisture of the building material. At the same time, for each task, a desiccant that is suitable for technical and structural parameters should be selected.


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