Poorly catches the radio in the car: what to do, causes, troubleshooting

Even such a trifle as a poorly functioning radio in the car can spoil the mood on a long trip with a family or a driver who is used to listening to information channels or a favorite wave with good music on the road. What can we say about every now and then annoying wheezing or whistling sounds. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very different, as well as ways to eliminate them. In the article, we will consider why the radio in the car does not catch well and what to do in this case.

Basic radio settings

The process of tuning the radio is not particularly difficult if you follow the general rules of installation.

After installing the radio, be sure to connect the antenna. It happens in several types: on an adhesive basis, telescopic, external, internal. The main condition for her is the ability to work in the AM and FM band mode. Is the antenna connected but no signal? If the radio is bad in the car, what should I do? An external antenna is usually mounted on the glass. At this point, it is most susceptible to interference and damage. If everything is done correctly and there are no obstacles to the operation of the equipment, then you need to configure the device.

Using the buttons on the panel or the radio control panel, you can configure the radio channels for reception. The corresponding buttons change the frequency of the range and search for radio stations, if this frequency is known, you can add it manually. More modern models allow you to search automatically, while the radio wave with a good signal will remain in the device’s memory.

To memorize your favorite channel, you can use the numbering. If you want to save a particular radio station, just hold the key with the selected number for a couple of seconds. Then, after pressing it, your favorite wave will turn on.

Radio Setup

Causes of Bad Signal

There can be several reasons for a bad signal:

  1. Poor reception of radio stations due to the distance from the transmitting signal or the presence of additional interference (railways, towers of power plants or mobile operators). Such interference resolves itself after crossing an unstable reception area. If a mobile phone or tablet is located near the radio, malfunction in reception is also possible at the time of active work. Often people ask why the radio in the VAZ-2114 car does not catch well, what to do in this case. Experts advise moving the antenna to the roof of the car, thereby isolating the interference with the housing.
  2. Antenna malfunction. You can fix the problem by replacing the antenna, as well as sealing bad contacts, cleaning the oxidation.
  3. Hissing or wheezing while listening to the radio may indicate a malfunction in the receiver. Most often, the reason lies in the cracked board. If the defect is confirmed after opening the device, the board is soldered. However, this work requires maximum accuracy, therefore it is better to entrust it to a professional.
  4. If the radio does not catch well in the car when the recorder is on, then experienced motorists advise choosing recorders with an autonomous battery. This is explained by the fact that interference is created when the DVR is connected to the cigarette lighter. Also, the interference problem can be solved by replacing the device’s power supply unit with a better one, by installing a stabilizer or ferrite rings on the power wire than shielding it is created.
    Frozen antenna

Checking the antenna

If a metal antenna is installed in the machine, then one of the reasons for a bad signal may be its damage.

This situation is possible for the following reasons:

  • after washing the vehicle, car wash workers sometimes damage the antenna or simply forget to push it back, which also prevents the reception of a radio signal;
  • often deform the bird antenna in the parking lot;
  • icing of the device is possible in winter;
  • hail can bend the antenna.

Drivers should remember that even minimal damage to the antenna leads to poor signal reception. Therefore, at the first signs, it is necessary to check the retractable element.

If the antenna has an electric mechanism and is pulled out by pressing a button, icing may interfere with the process and the radio signal will be received with interference.

If the antenna froze during icing, then you cannot use force to return it to its normal state, especially use pliers.

Check wire connections

One of the most common causes of interference is the poor connection of the car radio with the antenna connector. This is due to the fact that with poor contact of the antenna cable with the receiver, the transmission of the radio signal deteriorates. As a result, the speakers produce radio noise and interference. This mainly happens during vibration of the body or corrosion due to moisture.

Therefore, if the signal transmission quality has deteriorated, after inspecting the antenna, it is necessary to check the cable at the junction with the receiver. When the radio badly catches in the car, what to do in this case? They remove the radio installation from the car or push it out of the center console to inspect the device from behind, where the cable connector is located.

If after a visual inspection there were no problems with the connector, it is worthwhile to delay installing the receiver back, perhaps the antenna cable has hidden damage. It is necessary to turn on the radio on the wave that gives interference, and add sound to hear the noise. Then move the cable in place of the connector. If the sound does not change, then the problem is not where the cable is connected. Conversely, if there is a crack, whistle and other extraneous sounds, then the problem is in the antenna cable or connector.

Check the wires in the car

Checking the performance of the antenna

When badly catches the radio in the car, not all drivers know what to do. If the antenna is checked for external damage and there are no complaints about wire connections, then you should make sure that the signal receiving device itself is working.

If dents, rust or similar damage are found on the antenna, you must replace the device with a new one.

Modern cars are equipped with an antenna grid, which is glued to the rear or side windows. Such a device has an aesthetic advantage over an external antenna, but does not differ in the quality of radio signal reception. Also, the sticker can be damaged from the inside, for example, by children. In this case, you have to buy a new one.

Antenna Replacement

How to choose a new antenna?

Many are interested in, if the radio does not catch well in the car, which antenna to choose.

Devices are divided into two main types: active and passive. Let's consider in more detail:

  1. Active antennas have a radio signal amplifier that provides a high-quality signal in the city and beyond. Thanks to the internal installation of the antenna, it is protected from the effects of the external environment (precipitation, sun, temperature extremes), therefore, its performance is higher. It is best to mount the antenna so that it does not interfere with the driver's view and does not come into contact with a metal surface. Most often, it is mounted on the rear panel, windshield or in the window opening.
  2. A passive antenna is mounted outside the car; it is a pin attached to the car body. Fasten it with a magnet, by drilling holes in the body or fixing with the pin method. The efficiency of the antenna depends on its height relative to the conductive surface. Using an external antenna is recommended for people who overcome most of the traffic outside the community. Since the sensitivity of passive antennas is higher than that of active ones.
    Passive antenna

Signal amplifier

Usually, with poor reception of the radio signal, using an amplifier is ineffective. Especially if poor-quality sound is caused by damage to the antenna, deterioration of the cable or connector. However, as a rule, this leads to a deterioration of the radio signal of all channels.

Nevertheless, there are cases when new equipment is installed, and some channels continue to broadcast with interference. If the radio does not catch well in the car, what should I do with such a problem? Each radio channel has a different power of the transmitted signal, therefore it is received differently by the radio device. In this case, the use of a signal amplifier is justified. At the same time, it is important to clarify that the amplifier can not cope with the interference caused by high-rise buildings or due to the features of the terrain.

Signal amplifier

Replacing a radio or amplifier

Basically, the radio that comes with the car is pretty high quality for listening to music and receiving broadcasts. But not all devices have similar qualities. Often expensive equipment equipped with CD and DVD media with incredible sound quality has a poor radio tuner. And far from always the equipment installed in premium cars is of high quality radio.

For example, drivers often face the problem of poorly catching the radio in a Toyota car. What to do in this case? Experts explain that some receivers are not designed for the frequency range of our radio stations. To get rid of the problem, it is recommended to buy a new suitable radio or amplifier suitable for our country. In this case, it is necessary to remove the standard amplifier from a foreign car.

How to choose a radio receiver?

If a problem is found with the radio and catches the radio badly in a VAZ car, what do experts advise to do? Replace device.

When choosing a radio, you must first pay attention to:

  • on the dimensions of the case panel;
  • connection system;
  • sound carrier;
  • radio power
  • acoustic capabilities.

Most buyers believe that the larger the screen of the radio, the better the quality of the device, but this opinion is erroneous. The main part of the budget options has low-quality color reproduction and a complex menu. This does not affect the sound in any way. Still, the primary function of the radio is to listen to music, rather than watch a video, so it’s better to buy a high-quality device and not overpay for a dubious device.

By type of media, the radio is divided into cassette, CD-, mp3-, USB- and DVD-players. The most functional are considered models with a USB output. They allow you to play all kinds of music formats from a flash drive, memory card, hard drive, player and phone.

The connection system is not the last thing when choosing a device. The most common ISO connector. The connector looks like wires on one side and a plug for connecting on the other. If the car does not provide an outlet for the connector, it can be purchased separately.

Radio in the car

Probably everyone knows that the higher the power of the radio, the better the sound. It, in turn, is nominal and makes it possible to listen to music for a long time or maximum, which is important only when turning on a loud sound. For example, on the forums you can often find the question: it badly catches the radio on the Pioneer in the car, what should I do? Many answer that the radio from this manufacturer is not famous for its strong radio reception.

A multi-band equalizer is quite difficult to tune for an amateur, so it’s best to buy three- or five-band models. An additional advantage will be the ability to adjust the brightness of the backlight, a removable panel and standard-size buttons that facilitate radio control.

Modern manufacturers offer models designed for every taste and budget. Among them, you can choose a radio that meets personal preferences, with the necessary set of functions used.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39803/

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