Thailand or Vietnam: comparison, where to go, reviews

Southeast Asian countries are becoming increasingly popular with Russian tourists. This is due to the relatively mild climate and numerous attractions. Among the countries of this region, Thailand and Vietnam stand out. They are located close to each other, have similar cultural traditions and the same climate. All this creates difficulties for tourists when choosing a vacation spot. Thailand or Vietnam - which country should I prefer? This is described in this article.

An important factor when choosing a place to visit as part of a tourist trip is the possibility and duration of stay without a visa. In Thailand, this period is thirty days. There are only fifteen in Vietnam. The flight time to both countries is up to nine hours.

Thailand has a more developed tourism infrastructure than Vietnam. By the number of attractions, Thailand and Vietnam are not inferior to each other.

As in any country, Vietnam and Thailand have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider some of them.


thailand or vietnam

Climatic conditions in both countries are similar. The best time to relax is from June to September. Thailand or Vietnam in October also successfully accepts tourists. However, the region is warm all year round. Certain inconvenience will create a rainy season for tourists. Both countries are attractive for beach holidays. The average temperatures at the peak of the tourist season reach + 32 Β° C. Hot weather in Thailand is more difficult to tolerate due to high humidity.

In Vietnam, during the winter season, the influence of monsoons is felt. Therefore, the temperature in this period can reach + 5 Β° C. According to this indicator, it is difficult to determine where it is better to go, Vietnam or Thailand to choose. Since countries are located almost at the same latitude and have a similar climate. There are other, more important selection criteria.


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For lovers of a comfortable beach holiday, Thailand is most suitable with its unforgettable beaches and numerous resorts equipped with everything necessary. The beaches in this country are characterized by a sandy bottom and a clean sea. The only drawback is overcrowding by tourists during peak season. The number of places for swimming in Thailand reaches more than a hundred. The greatest cleanliness are those that are on the islands. The beaches in Vietnam are somewhat smaller, however, they are in no way inferior to Thai. Sandy coasts in both countries have a gentle entrance. The beaches on the islands are surrounded by cliffs and located in bays. Due to this, they are protected from waves and wind and represent calm and quiet corners for relaxation.

Vietnamese beaches are perfectly white sand and clear blue water. They are a great place to relax with children. Local beaches have less opportunities for outdoor activities, but water sports enthusiasts can still find some decent options.

Where is cheaper? Vietnam or Thailand

An important, but for someone, the determining factor in choosing a country for vacation is the cost of staying at the resort. In Thailand and Vietnam, tourists have the opportunity to choose the most suitable vacation options for themselves, based on their financial capabilities. You can use the services of travel agencies and go on a vacation package trip. An independent trip is also possible. One of the options for staying at the resort can be accommodation in a rented bungalow. Consider the various options for pricing in the resorts of Vietnam and Thailand.

The cost of any tourist trip consists of the price of air tickets, the cost of leisure, the purchase of souvenirs and excursion services.

The purchase of airline tickets is an obligatory cost item, since it is simply impossible to get to these countries in another way. Book tickets better in advance. Their cost varies in accordance with the class and level of comfort during the flight. The higher it is, the more expensive the airfare. Since the distance and time of flight to Vietnam and Thailand is approximately the same, the cost of air tickets will be the same.

The second significant cost item is the cost of living. Depending on financial capabilities, accommodation can be both very expensive and relatively budget. For example, living in a room of a hotel of the category β€œLux” or in a separate bungalow will cost much more than a vacation in an economy-class hotel.

The cost of food, attendance at recreational activities in Vietnam is lower compared to Thailand. Sometimes tours to Vietnam are much cheaper than to Thailand. Of great importance is the choice of places of food and rest. Private excursions to local attractions will cost more than similar group events. In terms of cost savings, independent travel around the country is promising.

Roads and leisure

vietnam or thailand where is better

For such trips on a rented car, Thailand is best suited. The quality of roads in this country is slightly better than in Vietnam. Therefore, it is better not to book tours to Thailand at travel agencies. It will be much cheaper to travel around the country on your own. There is also a more developed network of shops, cafes and restaurants and all kinds of entertainment centers. The possibilities for having fun at night in Vietnam are more limited for tourists. After midnight, life here freezes. Due to the population’s habit of going to bed early, it is very difficult to find a working grocery store.

Thailand is preferable in this regard as a place of leisure. Nightlife here does not stop until the morning. The list of entertainment for tourists is also more extensive. In Thailand, you can not only relax, but also improve your health.

The medicine

Where to go for health, which country to choose - Thailand or Vietnam? Medical care in these two countries has significant differences in terms of treatment prices. In Thailand, the cost of visiting a doctor in a public or private clinic is up to forty dollars. Similar services in Vietnam will cost a little cheaper. However, it all depends on the severity of the disease or injury. A prerequisite for obtaining quality medical services is the availability of medical insurance for the tourist. In Vietnam, some difficulties may arise in obtaining medical care due to the lack of knowledge of English by local doctors. However, despite some inconveniences, the quality of medical care in both countries is approximately the same.


The cost of living and its comfort in hotels in Thailand and Vietnam are approximately the same. Vietnam, however, has a slight advantage in terms of low cost hotel accommodation. A stay in one of the hotels in the capital of Vietnam - the city of Hanoi - will cost about five dollars cheaper than the cost of a stay in a similar establishment in Thai cities popular with tourists. Therefore, travel agencies sometimes offer incomparably cheap tours to Vietnam. This is due to the fact that in this country you can save on housing.

Underwater world

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Of great importance for travelers is the availability of leisure opportunities. Staying in Vietnam and Thailand is the most promising for diving. Thailand benefits slightly in terms of the diversity of marine species and the number of places recommended for diving. The marine fauna of Vietnamese waters is less diverse, but here divers can find a lot of interesting things for themselves.

Local population

For tourists, when choosing a place of rest, the friendliness of the local population in relation to visitors is of no small importance. If we compare Vietnam / Thailand on this basis, we can say that the residents of both countries are equally friendly to the guests. The hospitality of the locals is based on the profitability of the tourism industry for the economy. Thais are more restrained and do not reveal their feelings and emotions to tourists. Vietnamese are more emotional. In addition, the joint historical past of the countries affects the attitude towards the Russians, namely, the assistance provided by the USSR to Vietnam in repelling American aggression is not forgotten.


In Thailand and Vietnam, transport links between cities are quite developed. You can get to any corner by bus or plane. The most common vehicle in both countries is the bike available for rental by tourists.

But which country should gastronomic gourmets choose, Vietnam or Thailand? Where is the best food?


where is cheaper Vietnam or Thailand

National cuisines in both countries are distinguished by the originality and abundance of exotic and incomprehensible dishes for the Russian-speaking tourist. Frogs, crocodile meat, and all kinds of insects are widely used as products. Local dishes of national cuisine are usually nutritious and spicy. In this regard, masterpieces of Thai cuisine are more famous. Food in Vietnam is sweet due to the use of a variety of sauces and seasonings. Therefore, for lovers of sweet tastes by this criterion, the choice is obvious. Thailand or Vietnam? For them, this issue is losing relevance.

Living creature

Travel to Vietnam or Thailand may be overshadowed by local fauna. One specific feature of both countries is the abundance of tropical insects (e.g. lizards). In Vietnam, in addition, they do not particularly care about cleanliness. Thanks to street garbage dumps in cities, tourists can meet with numerous rats and cockroaches. A great danger in Vietnam is mosquitoes that carry dangerous diseases. Therefore, before traveling to this country, you must do all the necessary vaccinations. Agencies offering tours to Thailand and Vietnam highly recommend this. After arrival you must carefully observe the basic rules of personal hygiene. Do not eat local food if its appearance and taste are incomprehensible or cause unpleasant associations with a tourist. It should be remembered that not everything that is familiar to the local population is suitable for a tourist who is accustomed to a completely different lifestyle. The compliance with the rules of hygiene determines the comfort of the stay and the impressions received during the rest.


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The cultural heritage of a country can also affect the choice of a tourist. Thailand or Vietnam? What is the culture of these countries? Both states have an ancient history and are distinguished by an interesting distinctive culture. For vacationers it will be very informative to get acquainted with local attractions. In addition, a stay in Vietnam is distinguished by a special flavor in the sense that the dominance of communist ideology remains in this country. Lovers of modern military history will also find many interesting things for themselves in Vietnam. Here, the memory of American aggression, which brought many troubles to the local people, is carefully preserved. In the capital of Vietnam, you can see the numerous exhibited samples of military equipment of that era. It is possible to take part in excursions to places related to the local partisan movement (in particular, to see the underground passages used by the rebels). Also, in Thailand and Vietnam, tourists will be curious to get acquainted with the local architecture, which is distinguished by its originality and unique national color.

At the end of XX century. Thailand has become a popular destination for fans of the so-called sex tourism. However, it should be borne in mind that recently the authorities are doing everything in order to get rid of such a peculiar image of the country. Therefore, lovers of all kinds of pleasures, often forbidden, risk getting into an unpleasant situation. The basic rule for a tourist should be compliance with the laws of the country of visit. Vietnam or Thailand? Where it is better to spend leisure time, to decide for the tourist. The choice of places to visit is varied both in that and in another country.

So, both states are attractive places to visit. The mild climate, the beauty of the local seascapes, the availability of developed tourist infrastructure and the friendly local population are, of course, attractive parties. Added to this is the relatively low price level. But what do vacationers themselves say about these countries, which resort to choose, Thailand or Vietnam?


where is better to go to vietnam or thailand

Tourists who are fortunate enough to visit both countries can objectively compare them. Those who prioritize the opportunity to enjoy visiting all kinds of recreational activities and outdoor activities, they are advised to go to Thailand, where the possibilities for all of the above are much wider. For whom the question of price is above all else, you can choose cheap tours to Vietnam. Accommodation at this resort costs less.

In general, the whole thing is in local color. For his sake, tourists are ready to return to this or that country again and again. Both Thailand and Vietnam are incredibly attractive in this regard. Therefore, it is better to visit both countries and compare yourself.

In any case, when planning a vacation in Southeast Asia, you must carefully evaluate all the advantages and potential inconveniences that a tourist may encounter. Holidays in this region are good for lovers of all kinds of exotic and mild climate. However, one should take into account the duration of the flight (more than eight hours), which can create significant inconvenience for people with poor health, as well as for children. You should also take into account the peculiarity of local culture and especially national cuisine, unusual for Russians.


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