Creating bouquets of gerberas, roses and chrysanthemums, general information about the flower

In anticipation of the holidays and significant dates, a question arises regarding gifts and customs. The most common presentations include a bouquet of flowers. If you don’t know the tastes of a person, it’s quite difficult to pick up something, but beautiful bouquets of gerberas can serve as a universal option.

Bright bouquet

About colors

Probably, each flower has its own history and significance, gerbera is no exception. By themselves, these flowers are noble, the plant has earned this title due to large inflorescences and a wide range of warm shades of various colors. Among other things, bouquets of gerbera flowers are suitable as a gift to both a man and a woman. This flower came to us from South America. These flowers are considered the patrons of people who were born in April, giving them a certain carefree and light spring mood.

Blue gerbera


To know these plants at the time of flowering is quite simple - they remind everyone of the familiar camomile, differing in a large number of rows of petals. The advantage of a bouquet of gerberas is a fairly robust inflorescence, a thick stem and the ability to stand in a vase for about a month without losing the original smell, freshness and brightness of the color, of course, if there is enough clean water. Despite its strength, the plant looks tender and fragile, which makes it loyal to the neighborhood in the bouquet. Bright and star-shaped inflorescences are a sign of this flower, precisely because of this it looks good in a bouquet of chrysanthemums and gerberas, they are very similar in appearance.

White with Pink Gerbera

General principles of compilation

In order for the bouquet of gerberas to stand for a long time without losing its appearance, you need to follow certain rules at the stage of preparation:

  • Careful selection of flowers by life in a vase. Due to the fact that gerberas are hardy, it is necessary to carefully select their "neighbors". They cannot be those flowers that will not last a day in bouquets; you need to achieve a long-playing combination that can please the owner for a long time. Chrysanthemums, asters, roses and many other noble autumn flowers are suitable for a bouquet with this type of plant.
  • The color scheme, especially in relation to bouquets with gerberas, is not such a difficult choice, but everything needs to be solved before the flowers are cut. Even with the help of color, you can create a different atmosphere of the bouquet, for example, for a beloved girl, a bouquet in gentle colors, pink, white or other light shades is suitable. For an anniversary or wedding, you can easily take bright and independent colors, such as red and orange, diluting their flashy appearance with lighter, then suitable gamma plants.
  • The ability to place accents is important not only in life, but also in the preparation of bouquets. Properly attracted attention to one element can be decisive. In floristry, combinations of colors and composition of them are very important. The principle of a point accent is especially popular when the role of the middle of the bouquet is played by light flowers, and the edge is made of darker shades. Also, when composing a bouquet of roses and gerberas, the best option would initially be to choose which flower will be the main one, if roses, then their shade should be darker. Of course, do not forget about the design with artificial greens, so the result will look noble and complete, even if it does not have a special wrapper.

Language of flowers

In most works and just in the popular understanding, a bouquet of gerberas will be a kind of promise of happiness and joy. This is a very bright flower, it is presented not only to loved ones, but also to friends, and simply to dear and close people. Gerberas can also be a wish for success and health, which is very convenient when choosing a gift for older people.

Sometimes these flowers acquire the meaning of secrecy, this understanding and decoding are associated with a rather ancient legend about a fairy nymph. According to legend, the beautiful nymph, in order not to become the cause of many life troubles and to avoid the increased male attention to herself, acquired the appearance of this particular wild flower.

Bright pink

Additional Information

Although the plant resembles a chamomile, more and more people are happy with its appearance in the house, because it blows with warmth, happiness and tranquility. Despite the fact that the flower looks simple, there is something in it that attracts the eye, giving a feeling of modesty and tenderness.

Flowers of a bright yellow color, according to the beliefs of some peoples, when appearing in the house bring good luck and happiness to all residents. It is customary to give red inflorescences specifically to men, and to women, as more tender creatures, pink. A bouquet of gerberas is a great way to express your respect and admiration to a person, and also wish him all the best that can be in this life. Combining various shades and colors of gerbera with other plants, you can give not only happiness, but also give the bouquet other, more sacred meanings.

As for the smell, gerberas do not conflict with other plants, it is much more tender than that of chrysanthemums, and at the same time, it is bright enough to bring its notes to the composition and make it unique.


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