Tourism of Vietnam: development history, features, pros and cons, traveler reviews

Vietnam is an exotic country where the tourism industry is only gaining popularity. People are attracted by interesting sights, affordable prices, picturesque views, comfortable hotels with quality service and amazing beaches in every way. However, travelers who decide to go there should carefully study all the pros and cons of the country. Tourism in Vietnam is not yet fully developed and has its own characteristics. Not everyone is happy with the rest, as there are pitfalls that are sometimes not mentioned in the agencies.

Vietnam: reviews

Tourism as the main industry

The history of tourism development in Vietnam is quite short. The industry has been actively developing over the past 15 years. However, it has already achieved certain successes. The potential of the country in this regard is simply huge to achieve maximum benefits from attracting tourists. At the beginning of 2017, the Vietnamese authorities adopted a resolution which, in particular, states that, by 2020, tourism should become the main financial sector of the economy.

To achieve socio-economic development, it is necessary to attract the country to 20 million tourists annually. At the same time, 82 million is allocated to the share of domestic travelers.

Industry development measures taken

Vietnam's tourism, according to the country's authorities, should account for more than 10% of total GDP. But in order to achieve such indicators, measures are necessary for its development. At the same time, participation of not only specialized organizations, but also all local residents is expected.

Thus, the head of the main tourism department of Vietnam states that tourism is the starting point of the economy, where various sectors of the economy are involved. Therefore, the initial task of the entire political system was the development of tourism.

Big potential

Experts consider attracting a large number of travelers to their country as a key moment in building up the economy. As a result of a large influx of visitors, local industry can be stimulated. It is believed that Vietnam has great potential in this industry.

Tourism in Vietnam: Pros and Cons

The country attracts many travelers because of its unique climate, picturesque places and low prices. The pricing policy of the region allows you to enjoy your vacation with a completely different budget. However, not all so simple. You can find quite a lot of negative reviews about vacationing in Vietnam. Consider first the main advantages.

Price policy

The country has such a pricing policy that allows any traveler to relax in comfort, even without significant amounts in his wallet. Reviews of tourists confirm that everything from comfortable rooms in hotels to entertainment, food and sightseeing tours is literally penniless.

Unique climate

Vietnam tourism develops mainly due to the warm and mild climate. The eastern country is suitable for getting rid of constant stress, and contributes to the health of people who come from cities filled with harmful fumes.

Even the most lazy tourists are inspired by feats thanks to the magnificence of natural wealth. But lovers of extreme types of relaxation will also not remain indifferent.

Vietnam: subtleties of tourism

Paradise for shopaholics

More and more people are traveling to meet the purchasing needs of Vietnam. Tourism, reviews confirm this, associated not only with the perishable spending time on the beach, but also with shopaholism. Literally for mere pennies, you can buy many interesting and useful things for yourself in local boutiques, in supermarkets and small shops. Also, travelers are happy to buy interesting souvenirs for friends and relatives.

Amazing excursions

A lot of amazing, and most importantly inexpensive, excursions can offer Vietnam. Tourism vacation involves a variety. After splashing in the sea, you need to visit interesting places. And in this country there is plenty to choose from. A huge number of cultural, natural and religious attractions are offered.

In addition, local cafes and restaurants attract gourmets from all over the world to taste unusual delicacies. Vietnamese cuisine abounds with seafood and exotic fruits.

Sights of Vietnam

Universal holiday

The vagaries of the most discerning travelers can satisfy Vietnam. The country's tourism features are such that they are based on the universality of the proposed types of recreation and entertainment. Everyone here will find something to their taste and budget.

While young people have fun in nightclubs, learn active or extreme sports, families with children can visit a variety of water parks, stroll around the zoo with exotic animals and admire the marine life in the aquariums. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle are advised to pay attention to mud baths and sources of thermal waters, which are present in large quantities here.

Cons of travel

Not all travelers are happy with their vacation in Vietnam. The subtleties of the country's tourism are such that they do not take into account the peculiarities of the mentality of other people and the language barrier. The first thing that simply amazes and annoys people of civilized megacities is the chaotic movement of cars on the roads. To say that it does not obey any rules means not to say anything. Entering the country and looking at local drivers, one would think that hundreds of crazy blondes from popular jokes took to the road. Here, no rules of the road are respected at all, and in Vietnam they are not accepted at all.

Despite the fact that tourism is rapidly developing in Vietnam, recreation (reviews confirm this) can be significantly spoiled by local drivers. They simply do not pay any attention to others and, going about their business, constantly honking.

In addition to the confusion with the rules of the road, visiting tourists are amazed by a large number of traffic jams. Their mass cannot be compared even with what is happening in megacities. Well, even after the resorption of cars, the speed usually does not exceed 40 km / h.

Roads in Vietnam

The mentality of local people

Despite the fact that tourism is actively developing in Vietnam, reviews about local residents are quite contradictory. At first glance, they seem friendly and polite, but in fact, the natives consider any traveler to be rich and literally dream to โ€œcheatโ€ him for a few extra dollars.

So, for example, taxi drivers often drive travelers who have just arrived to the wrong hotel, and then require surcharges from customers due to excess miles wound. There are cases that even a few meters above the established surcharge is required.

Tourism in Vietnam involves a profitable shopping experience, however, in all stores and small stalls, sellers, only seeing a customer who looks prestigious, are in a hurry to change price tags that contain a much higher price than originally. Reviews often mention that store employees are not shy about doing this in front of the buyer.

In addition, you must be extremely attentive in the centers for the rental and rental of vehicles. Employees can intentionally slip a broken car into a traveler and then demand money for expensive repairs.

"Vietnam": tourism, recreation

Many go to the country because of the amazingly beautiful beaches located within the city. However, their specificity is that, despite the azure expanse of sea water, it is incredibly contaminated. The reviews of tourists and their numerous photographs clearly show that the local coast is literally strewn with small rubbish. During swimming, you can find the most unexpected, sometimes completely far unpleasant things. Of course, on the plots of land that belong to the famous hotels, employees are constantly cleaning. Perhaps this information will comfort their potential customers. Here you can not find heaps of garbage and unpleasant insects that feed on them, but thanks to the underwater currents, unpleasant finds in the sea can still be sometimes found.

Cons Tourism in Vietnam

Local fauna

Everyone who is going to come to Vietnam should study the intricacies of tourism in advance. There are quite a few representatives of the local fauna who are trying to bite an inattentive traveler. A large number of jellyfish live in the sea, which fall into the coastal zone due to fishing nets. Also, various insects often bite on the beach, it is very rarely possible to determine who exactly is the culprit of the rash on the skin.

Quite diverse reviews are found. Vietnam, of course, has comfortable hotels and in the rooms, employees spend every morning spraying with special poison against insects. However, these measures do not save much from their bites. But if you walk around the local shops, you will notice a large number of protective equipment against a wide variety of โ€œnippersโ€.

The language barrier

Of course, the authorities are striving to develop tourism in Vietnam. Not briefly tell about all its disadvantages, but many note a significant language barrier. So, the lack of inscriptions in English makes it difficult to navigate the terrain. Travelers note that when you come to the country for the first time, you have to wander at random all day in search of the necessary place. Of course, you can try to ask the locals for directions, but most Aboriginal people do not understand English, and even more so, in Russian.

Vietnam: features of tourism

A place for kitesurfers

Many come to Vietnam for kitesurfing. Of course, for the adherents of this sport, the local water surface is just perfect - the waves run one after another. However, for standard travelers this fact is a minus. In this case, this means that the water is constantly muddy and stormy, waves are coming in that do not allow you to calmly swim. In addition, due to the excitement, beautiful marine inhabitants are absent.

Where to go?

Of course, it is always useful to know the intricacies of tourism. Nha Trang (Vietnam) is its beach capital, which for some travel is a discovery. Therefore, if you need a fun, noisy and not boring vacation, then you should go there.

Travelers highlight the many benefits of this place. Some people appreciate it for its amazing beauty, azure water and white sand beaches, others admire the green hills shimmering in all shades and the many islands scattered across the water. Moreover, brochures do not deceive the tourist. Everything is here, as in the photos from the agency.

If you need a relaxing holiday, not burdened with loud music at night, Nha Trang is also ready to provide it. The main thing is to choose a hotel away from the coast and entertainment venues.

More and more travelers are attracted by tourism in Vietnam. Nha Trang has multiple establishments where everyone will find something to their liking. These are first-class spa centers, diving, and mud baths, and, of course, the unique architecture of centuries ago. It is the sights that bring a distinctive touch to the rampant and fun town.

When to go to rest?

For quite some time, Vietnam did not arouse interest among Russian travelers. They believed that the country was poor, and there was nothing to do there. However, the beach industry has been actively developing recently. It turned out that here you can splash around in the gentle sea and relax on the white sand at any time of the year. Yes, the tourism season in Vietnam, of course, has its duration, but due to the huge coastal line you can swim for a whole year. But experienced tourists recommend choosing the right resort so that the vacation is not overshadowed by frequent storms and constant tropical rainfall.

Summer or winter

It is known that there are two main seasons in Vietnam - wet and dry. But before planning a vacation, it is worth considering that the territory of the state is conditionally divided into the Central, Southern and Northern zones. At the same time, every corner has its own season, which is ideal for hanging out on the beach.

Autumn period

In November, after tropical rains, the weather heading for the winter. The temperature in the northern regions can drop to 17 degrees and does not rise above 25 degrees. Of course, it rains only at night and quite rarely, but fog often spreads. November is not suitable for a beach holiday. Even in Nha Trang, where the air temperature warms up to 29 degrees, typhoons and frequent rains will still not fully swim.

It is recommended in autumn to pay attention to the island of Fukuok, where the heat up to 30 degrees makes it possible to swim in the sea.

Tourism Season in Vietnam

We have winter, real summer in Vietnam

The official beach tourist season opens in Vietnam in December. The main flow of tourists rushes into the country at this time. The coast is filled with sunlight, and the weather provides all the conditions for a beach holiday. The sky is clear, there is practically no rain, and the temperature of water and air is about the same and is 26 degrees.

The hottest in Mui Ne, where the temperature rises to 30 degrees, but according to tourists, due to the light breeze of stuffiness is easily tolerated.

Coldest period

Despite the fact that a large number of tourists accumulate in Vietnam due to the optimal weather in December, a real tropical winter is already beginning in January. In mountainous areas, even snow falls. In the afternoon, the temperature warms up to 15 degrees, at night it drops even lower.

But if you go to the southern regions of Vietnam, then dry weather will please travelers here. In Ho Chi Minh City, the air warms up to 29 degrees. Light breeze, low humidity add comfort and freshness.

Spring period

By mid-spring, it is worth visiting Vietnam, and at any point in it. The weather is fine, the sun is shining bright and there is virtually no rainfall. Many travelers choose April for trips to the capital of the country, as the air warms up to 30 degrees, and rare rains are quite warm.

Nha Trang is also dry and warm. Comfortable humidity, calm weather allow you to go on excursions with pleasure and explore the sights of the selected area.

Hot summer - and summer in Vietnam

July is the hottest month not only in Russia, but also in Vietnam. The temperature can reach 34 degrees, and in the sea the same warm water. But according to tourists, it breathes freely and easily due to high humidity. However, in places remote from the sea, unbearable stuffiness. It should be noted that the most comfortable conditions for a beach holiday are observed only in the central regions of Vietnam. In July, the Southern and Northern regions are flooded with showers.

How to avoid problems?

Of all Asian countries, it is Vietnam that is the safest in terms of traveling alone. However, experienced tourists and managers from agencies are strongly advised to beware of scammers and, in particular, pickpockets. And not only a simple thief on the street or a supposedly unfortunate pedestrian who finds himself under the wheels of a rented car can deceive. Even border officers may require a certain amount of money for issuing a free visa.

It is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the country and not allow the following mistakes:

  • Photographing employees in the performance of their professional duties and military facilities is strictly punishable.
  • Do not risk your health and drink tap water. At the same time, tourists often forget about this rule when ordering drinks with the addition of ice in small restaurants. Pieces are made from ordinary tap water.
  • Do not abuse exotic foods, especially at the very beginning of the trip. It is worth giving the digestive tract time to adapt.
  • It is recommended to refrain from alcoholic beverages or at least know the measure.

In addition, it must be remembered that the sun in Vietnam is very insidious, and tourists, especially those coming from the northern regions, often get burns.

Need for vaccination

Mandatory vaccinations for entry into this country are not provided. However, many doctors strongly recommend an injection against hepatitis A and typhoid. Here the situation is favorable in terms of health care, but basic sanitary standards should still be observed. . , .


Extremely promising for the development of tourism is Vietnam. However, it is not clear when the country's authorities will achieve their goals, and will make a unique corner of nature attractive in all respects. Experienced travelers recommend a trip to Vietnam for lovers of extreme types of relaxation, exotics, as well as for those people for whom comfort is not the main point during the holidays. Nevertheless, numerous reviews confirm that Vietnam is delightful, despite the strange customs of the locals, a large number of different and biting insects and stifling heat. Vietnam offers the most diverse types of tourism, as can be seen from this article. It is worth considering the country as a place for the next trip.


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