Chiang Mai, Thailand: description, attractions and interesting facts

The city and province of Chiang Mai, located in northern Thailand, attract many tourists. Very often, the city itself is called the cultural capital of the country. And the interest of vacationers is due to the fact that in Chiang Mai (Thailand), there is an incredible number of various attractions.

Climate and weather

As in the whole kingdom, in Chiang Mai (Thailand) three seasons can be distinguished:

  1. Moderate lasts from November to the end of February. The heat gradually decreases at this time, but the nights are still warm. It is during this period that it is recommended to relax here.
  2. The hot period lasts from March to the end of June. A stable heat is established, the thermometer reaches a point of forty degrees. Such weather conditions contribute to the emergence of fires in the jungle, which is why the city is periodically surrounded by smoke. During this period, you should not come to Chiang Mai.
  3. From the beginning of July to the end of October, the rainy season lasts. Cold monsoons bring frequent showers and coolness from India. It is at this time that it is good to visit the sights of the cultural capital.

chiang mai thailand

Despite the rather hot climate, nature in Chiang Mai (Thailand) throughout the year pleases with beauty and greenery. The city is located between mountain ranges and green hills, and the Ping River flows nearby.

A bit about the city ...

Chiang Mai is the capital of northern Thailand. The population of the city ​​is about 170 thousand people. At the same time, Chiang Mai ranks fifth in the ranking of the largest cities in the country. The city is three times older than Bangkok. It is not without reason that he is also called the cultural capital of the country.

It is worth noting that Chiang Mai (Thailand), on the one hand, is of great interest to vacationers, and on the other, many tourists bypass it, since there are absolutely no beaches in the city. But here there is a jungle, which organize exciting trips.

Chiang Mai (Thailand): how to get from Moscow?

Every tourist planning his vacation is worried about the kind of transport that should be used to make the trip comfortable and the least tiring. Since flights with Thailand are well established, it will not be difficult to get to Chiang Mai (Thailand). How to get to the resort? Of course, the easiest way is by plane. And upon arrival at the airport you will need a taxi. You can use the services of cars belonging to the airport. The cost of their services is approximately 120 baht (1 baht = 1.8 rubles). Local taxi drivers have slightly higher rates.

chiang mai thailand attractions

If you decide to relax in another city, then you can get to the city of Chiang Mai (Thailand) by bus. This type of transport is considered the cheapest in the country. Experienced tourists recommend that tourist buses rather than regular buses be preferred. It is worth noting that all transport in Thailand is divided into three classes: 1, 2 and Vip. The level of travel comfort depends on the class of transport you choose.

Speaking about how to get to Chiang Mai (Thailand), it is worth mentioning about the railway. In fairness, it is worth mentioning that the railway transport in the country is very well developed. A direct train to the city runs only through Bangkok. If you go from any other city, you will have to do a transplant. As for the fare, it directly depends on the class of the car. The average fare can be in the range of 270-1450 baht.

Local Attractions

For those who come to Chiang Mai (Thailand), attractions are the main purpose of visiting the city. It will be interesting for both beginners and experienced travelers. Here you can see natural attractions, ancient temples, wild tribes living in the jungle, and architectural structures. You can see all this by hiring a guide, but an independent trip will allow you to learn a lot.

chiang mai thailand reviews

Tourists are always eager to visit the ancient Doi Sutep Temple, built in 1383, in an era when the province was still part of the kingdom of Lanna. The temple is located at some distance from the city, but it is not difficult to get to it. Doi Sutep is worthy of the attention of tourists, it is considered the hallmark of Chiang Mai.

An obligatory place for visiting travelers is the National Museum, which is rightfully the main museum of the northern region. It contains all the cultural heritage of the country. After a major reconstruction of the institution in 1996, the museum’s exposition was enriched by the achievements of modern technology.

Not only tourists, but also Thais themselves come to Chiang Mai to visit the zoo. Giant pandas live here, which delight kids with offspring. The zoo is very young, it was founded only in 1995. In addition to animals, here you can see a large aquarium, built in the form of a tunnel, in which eight thousand freshwater and marine inhabitants live.

chiang mai thailand city

It is worth visiting tourists and the Chiang Man Temple, founded back in 1296. The complex is considered the oldest in the whole city. Relics are stored here: a Buddha figurine, which supposedly causes rains and ancient images of the Enlightened One.

With children, you must go to a stunning museum of natural wonders and insects. A private museum was founded by an entomologist; its exposition included unusual natural objects, a collection of insects and minerals.

Vacationers who appreciate handicrafts should definitely visit Sankampeng, a suburb of Chiang Mai. Here you can not only purchase any craft products, but also personally observe the work of the masters.

Night market

Holidays in Chiang Mai (Thailand) simply can not do without visiting the night market, which is classified as local attractions. It would be more correct to say that the city has more than one such night market. But genuine interest is only that which is located by the river. Any goods are sold on it, but vacationers are attracted by all kinds of products of local artisans. According to tourists, the night market is the best place in Thailand to purchase souvenirs.

Where to live in the city?

If you decide to travel to Thailand, Chiang Mai is a reasonably priced place to stay. It is quite possible to stay in the city for several days in order to get the opportunity to calmly see all the sights. The province offers very cheap accommodation. Moreover, it is worth noting that the choice of accommodation options is simply amazing. In the suburbs and in the city itself a large number of townhouses, houses, rooms and apartments are for rent. And, of course, do not forget about city hotels, the stay in which depends on their stardom.

chiang mai thailand how to get from Moscow

So, for example, a budget room in a guesthouse can be rented for 250-500 baht per day. A meal for a month on average will cost about 5000-7000 baht. You can rent an apartment for 4000-7000 baht, but at the same time you will pay separately for water and light. Hotel rooms cost between 5,000 and 25,000 baht per week, depending on the level of the hotel.

Interesting facts about the province

Here are some interesting facts about Chiang Mai:

  1. Airplanes often fly over the city, this is due to the fact that the airport is located directly in the city.
  2. A lot of international couples walk here, especially young people.
  3. Almost all the churches of the city allow foreigners for free. And only for entering the Wat Phra Singh you need to pay only 20 baht, this amount is purely symbolic. From 50 to 500 baht is taken for entrance to the temples of Bangkok, which is much more expensive.
  4. The streets of the city are much cleaner than in the same Bangkok.
  5. In Chiang Mai, you will not find products with the symbols of other cities on sale. Here they sell goods only with the logos of their hometown.
  6. In Chiang Mai, there is a massage parlor at almost every turn. The cost of one session is 150 baht.
  7. The city has bike paths, unlike other places in Thailand. For an Asian country, the presence of such tracks is very rare.
  8. There are an incredible number of bike rental facilities. The rental price is about 50 baht per day.
  9. The weather in the province is cooler than in Phuket or Bangkok. In winter, in the mornings and evenings, the temperature can drop to +15 degrees.
  10. There are far fewer dogs on the streets in Chiang Mai than in other Thai cities.
  11. There are very few Russian tourists in the city, so native speech can be heard extremely rarely.
  12. There is absolutely no motorcycle taxi.
  13. In the city there are sidewalks for pedestrians, which is rare for Thailand.

Tips from experienced travelers

For those planning a trip to Chiang Mai, experienced tourists give some recommendations:

chiang mai thailand how to get

  1. If the trip falls for the winter, then you should take a thin sweater and a light jacket with you, because at that time it is quite cool in the province.
  2. When going to the zoo, take nuts and fruits with you, there you will definitely need them.
  3. When renting a taxi, be sure to pay attention to whether there is a counter in it. If this did not happen, then look for another car, otherwise they will take money from you, not for travel, but for the time, even if you always stand in traffic jam.
  4. When going somewhere, always get out ahead of time, as local traffic jams can interfere with getting to the right place on time.
  5. When visiting temples, it is worth remembering that you can not enter them with bare shoulders and legs.
  6. Precious jewelry can be purchased only in large stores.
  7. When shopping, be sure to bargain.
  8. Selling spirits in Thailand is limited in time.


Local cuisine differs from other regions of the country because it is very diverse. Affects the proximity of Laos and China. Chiang Mai has less seafood, but at the same time they have more reasonable prices. The province is known for large plantations of small pineapples and strawberries, which are completely not in the south. Local wounds sell a lot of strawberry-based sweets and jams.

chiang mai thailand vacation

A traditional dish of the north is pork noodles, seasoned with curry and fried in coconut milk. In Chiang Mai, vegetarian cuisine is highly developed, so in the city there are many establishments with a large assortment of such dishes. The area of ​​budget food is well established here. At local buffets you can eat tightly with minimal financial costs.

Reviews about Chiang Mai (Thailand)

According to tourists, Chiang Mai is a budgetary place in all respects compared to other cities in Thailand. The city is worth a visit if you are interested in the local culture and heritage of the country. Chiang Mai makes the most pleasant impression, there are many interesting places worthy of the attention of tourists. According to vacationers, it is necessary to visit several local temples, which embrace a sense of deep peace and tranquility.

Tourists also recommend visiting the local botanical garden, which occupies nearly ten acres. It was founded with the aim of growing exotic plants. On its territory you can see the rarest varieties of orchids.

Being in Thailand, it is simply impossible not to get acquainted with the symbol of the country. Elephants can be admired at Patara Farm. Here you can ride an elephant through the jungle. Such a walk is a real holiday. But in the park "Elifant Nate" you can spend the whole day with a family of elephants, watching their feeding and games.

Instead of an afterword

The city of Chiang Mai (Thailand) is an incredibly interesting and colorful place that is worth visiting, even after spending a few days in the city, you can see and learn a lot. Despite the complete absence of beaches, the city is incredibly interesting and attractive for visitors to the country.


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