Soviet Russia: 1920s

In the years 1917-1918, many major changes occurred on the world political map. The abdication of the throne of Nicholas II and the ensuing October Revolution a few months later led to the collapse of the Russian Empire and the formation of nation states on its ruins. Also at this time, Austria-Hungary split. The First World War had such disastrous results that the collapse of large multinational states is the easiest of its consequences.

Soviet Russia: years of existence

The periodization of the historical stages of development of the territories that were formed after the collapse of the Russian Empire has always been controversial. For example, take the well-known term "Soviet Russia". The years of existence of such a state or territorial-geographical association are distinguished by separate groups of historians in different ways.

Soviet Russia years

Some believe that a state called Soviet Russia existed from October 1917 to December 1922. What is their argument? Until October 1917, the Provisional Government acted in the country, then a revolution took place and the Bolsheviks came to power. The five-year period until 1922 is the time of the formation of a new large state. December 30, 1922 the existence of the USSR was legally formalized through the adoption of the Constitution.

The second group of historians expresses the view that Russia during the years of Soviet power is a concept that covers the entire historical period from the time of the Revolution to the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Why? It is believed that Soviet Russia, whose years of existence still cause controversy among historians, is the same monarchy that gathered ethnically alien territories around itself.

The political situation in Russia from 1917 to 1922

This time can be called one of the most vague in the history of the East Slavic region. Politically, there is complete uncertainty, because all these years the civil war lasted. Supporters of various political ideas participated in the confrontation: the “Reds” (communists, the proletarian movement, the army unit of the Red Army), the “White Guards” (supporters of the monarchist reaction, the army of General Denikin and other military leaders), and the “anarchists” (movement of Nestor Makhno). Of course, the Makhnovists fought more on the territory of present-day Ukraine, but the influence of their ideas extended to Russia itself. The political confrontation was accompanied by serious military clashes that destroyed human resources and ruined the economy of the state.

Russia during the years of Soviet rule

Soviet Russia in 20 years: the economic situation

The development of the economy, or rather, its complete absence, was directly related to the war period. After the collapse of the monarchy and the ensuing war, many enterprises were destroyed. In addition, members of the CPSU since 1919 implemented the policy of war communism and the surplus appraisal. What did that mean? The complete liquidation of commodity-money relations, the nationalization of industrial facilities, and the expropriation of grain stocks from peasants were carried out. For failure to deliver grain to the village could enter the units of the regular army. It is clear how this threatened civilians ...

USSR as a state entity

Soviet Russia - what years? Historians did not come to a consensus on this issue, but it could only be called a developing state after the formation of the USSR. Then the first five-year periods passed , a new economic policy was introduced. Of course, one cannot say that the well-being of the population has noticeably increased, but the main thing is that the war has ended, and stability has finally reigned in the country.

Soviet Russia in 20 years

The USSR was formed as an allied power. An agreement was signed between the founding states of the Union, the parties to which were the RSFSR, Ukraine, Belarus and the Transcaucasian Socialist Republic. In public administration, the principle of combining power (the absence of dividing it into legislative and executive) was visually implemented.

Authorities of Soviet Russia

In the early years of Soviet power , an entirely new type of government was formed. The main ones were collegial institutions - the Soviets, which existed both in the center and in the localities. The structure of the Soviets included representatives of large public organizations - trade unions, factory committees. Central to the hierarchy of governing bodies was the All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Of course, he did not work constantly. At a time when there were no congresses, its functions were assigned to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. The Council of People's Commissars (government) became the personification of such a power with the right of legislative initiative.

Soviet Russia, what years

After 1922, gradual changes took place in the system of power, because party organs came first. Although officially Soviet Russia, the heyday of which was still to come, remained the country of the Soviets, but in reality at the head of all political and social life during this period became the CPSU (B.).

Soviet Russia years of existence

Foreign policy of Soviet Russia in the 1920s

The Bolsheviks considered their main task in the international arena to export the socialist revolution around the world. In this field, in 1918, certain successes were achieved (revolution in Germany).

In the first years of the existence of Soviet Russia, three areas of foreign policy can be distinguished:

  • signing of the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty;
  • the fight against armed intervention in the territory of the country of Germany and representatives of the Entente;
  • The Rappals Treaty of 1924.


The end of the 1910s – 1920s proved to be very difficult for the state. It was necessary to overcome the post-war devastation and begin the construction of a new society in social terms. But even this cannot justify the excesses that the government allowed in the period from 1918 to 1921 (military communism and the surplus-appraisal). With the finalization of the new union state in 1922, life began to slowly improve, which led to some relaxation of pressure on the population.


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