Museum of Local Lore (Volgograd) - a place where history comes to life

The history of each city is amazing and interesting in its own way. The past of the city is closely connected with the years of the Great Patriotic War, and the main museums are devoted to it, and the local history museum of Volgograd has long been on the sidelines. But the history of the city and the region is much broader and more diverse.

Discovery story

The exhibition complex has been operating for over 100 years. On November 2, 1914, at the initiative of the local intelligentsia, a local history museum was opened, which was based on the exposition of the city school exhibition hall. The Society for the Promotion of Extracurricular Education took an active part in the creation. Among the organizers was a local merchant and philanthropist A. A. Repnikov, professor from Voronezh B. A. Keller, teachers A. S. Lebedev, P. P. Kurlin, K. Ya. Vinogradov.

Museum of Local Lore Volgograd

Initially, the House of Science and Art was allocated under the museum building, in 1925 it was transferred to the former Transfiguration Church. During the Battle of Stalingrad, the museum and the entire exhibition were almost completely destroyed. Only in 1954, the surviving exhibits returned to the city and the painstaking and complex work to recreate the exhibition began.

Currently, the Volgograd Museum of Local Lore occupies two historical buildings in the center - the former Zemstvo Council and a commercial bank.

Extensive exposure

The museum collection has over 145 thousand exhibits, more than 111 thousand of them are on display. Pupils, students, local residents and visitors do not wonder what to see in Volgograd. It is a city of military glory. Visitors rush to the Mamaev Kurgan, to the Pavlov House, to the majestic monument of the Motherland and, of course, to museums.

what to see in Volgograd

This territory was part of the Great Steppe, during the Mongol invasion there was one of the centers of the Golden Horde. Later convicts and all seekers of free life fled here, beyond the Volga. Gangs of dashing bandits robbed caravans and terrified merchants.

In the XVI century, the Tsaritsyn fortress was built to protect the borders of the state, which laid the foundation for the city.

Legends of antiquity

Exhibition halls appear in chronological order. The section "Archeology" presents fossil finds found by numerous scientific expeditions. Here are exhibits from the Paleolithic and medieval nomads. You can also see relics of the Golden Horde, the Pechenegs, the Khazars, the Huns. The paths of many nationalities crossed in these steppes. Many legends and traditions are passed down from generation to generation. The task of the guardians of history is to weed out fiction and tell people the truth.

Volgograd Regional Museum of Local Lore

The Pre-Revolutionary History section tells about the time when Tsaritsyn was a fortress. Here you can see the personal belongings of Peter I, who came here on the way from Azov. The museum staff recreated the life of peasants living in these lands. Other exhibits are also interesting.

The Great Patriotic War and the Battle of Stalingrad are an important milestone in the history of the city. When creating the exhibition, great attention was paid to this period. Visitors can see personal items, photographs, awards, uniforms and equipment of participants in this truly heroic battle, which has become an example of the courage of people who defend their homeland.

Museum of Local Lore Volgograd Address

New time

The creators of the exposition did not forget about the new time. Exhibits will tell about the formation of the city, about modern traditions and plans for the future.

Rich nature

The nature of this region is unique, and the Volgograd Regional Museum of Local Lore presents an extensive exposition telling about the numerous species of flora and fauna living and growing in this territory. This section is relatively young. It was opened in 2008, but visitors have something to see in Volgograd. There are stuffed birds of animals, and bone remains of relict animals and fish. Visitors can see picturesque dioramas depicting the Elton Nature Park, the semi-desert, the steppe and the mire forest. Films that are shown to visitors will tell about the biological diversity of the region.

Museum of Local Lore Volgograd

Modern trends

The local history museum does not stand still. Volgograd is a city with a rich history. The expositions are constantly being updated, new exhibitions are being opened so that visitors' interest in the history of the region does not wane. It employs more than 80 people who are passionate about their work. The museum hosts competitions, celebrations, and theatrical performances. Themed weeks and days, concerts and quizzes have already become traditional. Various clubs and clubs are constantly operating, helping to maintain the interest of the younger generation in the history of the region and the upbringing of patriotism.

Each year, over 130 thousand people come to the museum of local lore (Volgograd), whose address is Lenin Street, house number 7 and number 5a. The doors of the exhibition halls are open every day, except Tuesday, from 9 to 18 hours.


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