Bridge over Kama in Kambarka (Udmurtia)

The Kama bridge over Kambarka, which many residents of Udmurtia have been dreaming of for so long, is finally built. Transport through it is running, it would seem, everything is in order. But is it so simple in this story. When will the official opening of the bridge take place, which has already been postponed several times? The bridge across the Kama began to operate, but what do people think about this. Many call this object scandalous. Let's try to figure out the details.

bridge over kama

Bridge over Kama in Kambarka

The need to build a bridge across the Kama became apparent back in the 70s of the last century. The republic’s authorities knocked on all the doors for a long time, knocking out finances, but the costs were too high, and the construction was put on hold. Only a few years ago there was a real opportunity to link the Kama shores. What will it give? The route from Moscow through Perm to Yekaterinburg will be reduced by 164 km, if you go through Ufa, then by 270 km. Motor transport flows on the M-5 and M-7 routes will be unloaded. Kambarka will become a developed transport center.

The project allowed the implementation of a new law on public-private partnership. In this case, VTB decided to become a partner. Signatures were put under agreements in May 2012. The project cost was estimated at 14 billion rubles. 73% was provided by the investor, the remaining 27% was allocated from the federal and regional budgets. What are the results of the construction:

  • It provides transport and economic communication between three large districts: Central, Volga, Ural.
  • Uninterrupted year-round transport communication between Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, the regions of the Urals and the Urals.
  • Unloading of the M-5, M-7 motorways.
  • Development of transit potential in the region.
  • The development of Kambarka, where there is already a railway and a port.

bridge over the Kama in Kambarka

Bridge characteristics

The bridge over Kama has the following specifications:

  • The carriageway has a two-layer asphalt-concrete coating, its thickness is 100 mm.
  • Sidewalks with a single layer of asphalt concrete 50 mm thick.
  • The second category of road.
  • The speed of transport is 120 km / h.
  • Two lanes.
  • The carriageway has a width of 7.5 m.
  • Lane - 3.75 m.
  • Curb width 3.75 m.
  • The height of the bridge above the water is 27m.

The concession agreement was concluded in 2013. Construction is ongoing. Temporary traffic is open for free. The official opening of the bridge is expected in the summer of 2017.

bridge over Kama when they open

Delay in construction

At first, the bridge over Kama was actively built, bridge crossings grew according to plan, but in 2015, the world crisis prevented the construction. VTB could not lend to the concessionaire for the percentage prescribed in the contract. There wasn’t enough money while the problem was being solved, because of non-payment of wages, workers began to strike. The Ministry of Transport decided that a delay of one and a half months is not so important. The construction contractor was the ArcticStroyMost company, in 2016 it owed its employees 46.7 million rubles. It remains a mystery how finance might have been insufficient for the construction of bridge crossings and for the payment of salaries, if the investor's funds amounted to more than 10 billion rubles, the investment fund of the Russian Federation and Udmurtia invested 2.5 billion - 1.3 billion.

bridge over Kama in kambarka udmurtiya

Scandalous bridge

In 2016, serious organizational problems began in construction. The bridge across the Kama became a "headache" for the republic. Debts to contractors, wage arrears, delayed delivery of construction materials, flight of workers from the facility (in November 2016, 100 workers remained in the shift camp). Employees of LLC Rosresurs complain of a general contractor who does not fulfill his basic obligations.

Complete anarchy in power led to a situation when workers began to pass cars across the bridge for a hundred rubles without permission. This "Business" was quickly covered up, the driveway was blocked by piles, and then a passenger car crashed into them.

The republic had to solve the problems of building a bridge on its own. Before the construction was completed, another 3 billion rubles were required. Economic problems in construction arose due to the insolvency of the general contractor Mostostroy-12, they owed employees 54 million rubles. The post of director for the year was replaced by four managers, many company accounts were seized.

In September 2016, Alexander Zabarsky, its actual owner, came to the management of Mostostroy. The concession was concluded with him. On November 1, 2016, a meeting was held between the head of the republic Udmurtia Soloviev and Zabarsky. After tough discussions of the state of affairs, the concessionaire promised to pay all debts, open a bridge for the labor movement, and build payment points. For passing cars, tariffs will range from 330 to 1,500 rubles. Residents of Kambarka staged a rally over the fare, but none of the administration considered it necessary to attend.

bridge over kama photo

Why didn’t they open the bridge in September 2016?

The bridge across the Kama River in Kambarka was originally planned to open in September 2016, and even waited for the President of the Russian Federation to attend this event. The opening had to be postponed. Contractors and authorities of the republic faced a number of problems. There was no permits to enter the object. The Prime Minister Viktor Saveliev addressed the Mindortrans of UR, who demanded that the issues with the regulatory authorities be resolved as soon as possible.

A month before the opening expected in September, it was also discovered that the construction of the bridge used land from the nearest cattle burial ground. In August, prosecutors and specialists of Rospotrebnadzor conducted an unscheduled inspection. As a result, it was established that, indeed, near the construction site, excavation was carried out by workers near the cattle cemetery. It was formed in this area in 1949. The veterinary and sanitary rules approved in 1995 indicate that the sanitary protection zone from the road to the cattle cemetery should be at least 50 m. The road to the bridge runs exactly along the border of the sanitary zone. Rospotrebnadzor specialists took water and soil samples, but no harmful pathogens were found in them. This, however, did not save the construction managers from responsibility. An act of administrative offense was drawn up.

Paid bridge

In early November, the bridge across the Kama River in Kambarka (Udmurtia) was open to the labor movement. The fare will be free until March 2017, after this period the fare will be charged at the established rates. Officially, the bridge is planned to open in the summer. In January, a meeting was held at the residence of the head of the republic. Viktor Saveliev, Prime Minister, commented on the topic of tariffs. He stated that the concessionaire is certainly interested in the age of funds. Actual value will be commensurate in accordance with market laws, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the necessary traffic traffic. Crossing to the opposite shore makes it possible for the bridge across the Kama. How to get in other ways? By ferry or bypass. The representative of the concessionaire, Anton Manuilov, said that the first two months the fee will be the same as at the crossing, in the future it will increase, given consumer demand and alternative routes.

bridge over Kama how to get


A bridge across the Kama River, a photo of which shows its power and beauty, is already passing vehicles in the working order. Tariffs have already been set for the future, divided into four types. Zones will be allocated by fare:

  • Traveling by motorcycle or car - 340 rubles.
  • On a medium-sized vehicle - 679 rubles.
  • Cars carrying heavy loads, as well as double-axle buses - 1189 rubles.
  • Cars carrying heavy loads, buses with a certain height in size, 3 axles and more - 1528 rubles.

Victor Vakhromeev, the head of the road department, explained that tariffs will be constantly reviewed and raised due to inflation.

When will the bridge be officially opened?

Is the bridge over the Kama ready for operation? When will the object be officially opened? The opening date for many reasons, which we described above, was postponed. In September, even the president was expected, but the visit to Udmurtia was not listed in his plans. Since November, the bridge across the Kama has been open for traffic. To set up traffic until March, no fare will be charged. The official opening of the facility is scheduled for July 17, 2017.


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