Federated States of Micronesia: History and Population

In the world there are many amazing countries. Some of them can be heard often, and some of them rarely fall into the field of view of most people. Of course, it is necessary to constantly improve your level of knowledge, get acquainted with other states and cultures. This article will focus on such a wonderful country as the Federated States of Micronesia. Indeed, this state is not so often heard, which is why it is worth telling about it in detail. This country is unique in many respects, when tourists come there, tourists are often amazed how much it does not look like other parts of the world. Now it’s worth moving on to a detailed story about this state, its history, population, culture and many other interesting things.

federated states of micronesia

A little about the country itself

So, first you need to consider the basic information about this country. The Federated States of Micronesia is a state located on the Caroline Islands, which, in turn, are located near New Guinea. You can also say that it is located in Oceania. Of course, it is believed that this is an independent state. It has had such a status for quite some time, since 1986. However, despite this, in fact, the country is heavily dependent on US economic assistance. A special treaty has been concluded between the two states, according to which America is committed to supporting the financial system of the Federated States of Micronesia, as well as providing for their defense if necessary.

A few words are worth saying about the part of the world where Micronesia is located, that is, about Oceania. One can often hear this word, but it is not always clear what it means. Oceania is a very unusual region, which consists of a large number of different islands. It is located in the Pacific Ocean. This territory plays an important geopolitical role, and it is often distinguished as a separate geographical object.

federal states micronesia capital

How and at what time was born

Now it’s worth moving on to a story about the history of the country. It is incredibly interesting because it is rich in various events. According to many data, it is believed that the first inhabitants appeared here in the 2nd millennium BC. e. On this basis, it can be said that the Federated States of Micronesia is indeed an ancient country. Even some monuments of that time have survived, for example, the ruins of ancient Nan Madol, which appeared in time immemorial.

federal states of micronesia detailed

Federated States of Micronesia: Country History

After a long time, colonization occurred. In those days, it was completely unsurprising. At that moment, when the process of colonization began, the local society was still only at the stage of the primitive system, where there were communities.

The islands on which the state is located were opened in 1527. They were discovered by Spanish sailors. After some time, the Spaniards announced that the Caroline Islands are in their possession, although in fact at that time control over the territory was not established. After quite some time, Germany became interested in them. In 1885, she claimed her rights to this state. However, Spain opposed such actions and declared this to arbitration, as a result of which the islands were left for Spain. It would seem that the situation was resolved. But this is not entirely true, since Germany has expressed a desire to acquire islands from Spain. In 1899, such a deal was completed.

federated states of micronesia

During World War I, the islands changed hands, as they were captured by Japan. At that time, they were used to create sugar plantations. In World War II, these territories passed to the United States. And already in 1986, as mentioned above, the country received free status, but is in fact dependent on the United States.

Federated States of Micronesia: detailed population information

Now it’s worth talking about the population of this state. Of course, as a result of colonization and the constant transfer of ownership to various countries, FSM have a very unusual population composition. So, if we talk about the entire population, it is more than 102 thousand people. Such statistics exist for 2010, when a census was conducted in the country. Due to the low standard of living, there is a rather large outflow of people, therefore the level of emigration is also quite high. However, despite this, the indicators of the average life expectancy of the population are quite high - 73 years for women and 69 years for men. The ethnic composition here is very diverse and represented by various nationalities. The largest share is the indigenous population of the island, which is called the Chuuk. It accounts for slightly less than 50% of the total population. The rest of the population is represented by other peoples, for example, ponape.

Interestingly, the official language of this country is English. It is also used for communication between different nationalities. In addition, there are several more languages ​​for communication between local residents. Basically, the population of this country is competent (about 90%).

federated states of micronesia details

What peoples live in the state

Speaking about the country's population, it is necessary to say a few words about its ethnic composition. So, as already mentioned, a nation called the Chuuk prevails in the country. Sometimes you can also hear another name for this people - Truk. This is the indigenous population of the islands, which appeared here in ancient times. Representatives of this people are now no more than 50 thousand people. They have their own language, which has the same name as “Truk”. Their main religion is Christianity, however, some traditional lines of faith are still preserved.

Another nation that makes up a significant proportion of the country's population (about 25%) is ponape. This is the ancient people of Micronesia, which has long been living on the island of the same name. Its number is only 28 thousand people. Religious views, mainly Catholicism and Protestantism, however, as with the Truk people, traditional cults are preserved. Other nationalities live here, but they are represented by a much smaller number of people.

So, a short overview was given of the peoples that inhabit the Federated States of Micronesia. A detailed description of these nationalities is necessary in order to better understand the history and culture of this country.

Economics of a country

Now that a lot of information about this wonderful country has already been considered, it is worth moving on to considering the economy. Many are interested in what kind of production activities they are engaged in and what the Federated States of Micronesia is producing. One can hear about the country that it is mainly a producer of agricultural products.

federated states of micronesia history

This is true, the economic activity of Micronesia is represented mainly by agricultural production and fisheries. Due to the climate, many different plants can be grown here, such as coconut palms, vegetables and fruits of various types and varieties and much more. Livestock is also popular, most often bred pigs, goats and chickens.

The Federated States of Micronesia also has its own industry. There are mainly agricultural processing plants, soap factories and woodworking industries here.

What is the climate in the Federated States of Micronesia

It is also worth paying a little attention to local climatic conditions. In these places, nature and weather can greatly please. The country lies in the zones of equatorial and subequatorial climate. The temperature here is mainly kept at 26 ° C to 33 ° C. The Federated States of Micronesia boasts good weather for most of the year. Photos of the wonderful nature of this country can be found in guides and other materials, in particular in this article. It is especially interesting that this part of the ocean is considered the place where the emergence of large typhoons. Mostly their season lasts from August to December.

federated states of micronesia about the country

The plant world is quite diverse, most often you can see coconut palms. Mostly tropical forests and savannahs prevail here.

Landmarks of the country

One of the main attractions of this country is Nan Madol. These are really interesting ruins of an ancient city that existed in time immemorial. It was located on a large area, which included more than 90 islands. They were interconnected by a whole system of different channels.

federated states of micronesia pics

In addition to the ancient city, the Federated States of Micronesia boasts many cultural monuments. The capital, Palikir, is also very interesting in terms of history. Here you can get acquainted with the culture and attractions of this ancient country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39897/

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