Do you like to do it yourself? Electronics to the rescue!

Electronics, in particular, electronic household appliances, simply burst into a person’s life and became so strong in it that it is simply impossible to imagine your life without such a mass of devices. So, for example, the older generation cannot do without televisions; every night they spend on television screens, absorbing various shows and television series. And at this time, young people cannot be pulled over from laptops, tablets, smartphones, all their attention and life energy are absorbed by the world wide web called the Internet. But some 50-60 years ago, not every house had a radio, not to mention televisions. Progress does not stand still, it rushes forward no longer with leaps and bounds, but bursts into every house like a tornado, destroying the usual foundations of human life and introducing confusion into them in the form of electronic devices and devices.

DIY electronics

However, most people are only users of such a technique, they do not have the slightest idea about how a particular device is arranged, on what principle it works. The technical knowledge of such people is limited only by how to connect the device to the network or put on recharge. But this science is very interesting and entertaining, and it’s not at all difficult to learn how to make simple devices with your own hands. Electronics can open to you from a different perspective. Having mastered the basics, you will not want to stop in place, you will develop and enrich your stock of knowledge, increasing your practical skills.

Of course, you need to start with the simplest devices. So, having assembled an elementary diagram of an ordinary doorbell with your own hands, the electronics of which will provide a frequency of sound or a melody that is different from all others, you will feel confident, allowing you to switch to more complex devices.

DIY DIY electronics

Let's look at how this is done in practice. For assembly, we need two resistors (22 kOhm, and 180 Ohm), one field-effect transistor Ner310, a capacitor of 50-25 V, one button, a speaker and a 9-volt current source. In such a circuit, plus supply voltage is supplied through a resistor (22 kOhm) and a button to the control electrode of the transistor, the pass-through channel of which is carried out through a resistor (180 Ohms), and to a plus speaker. The minus speaker is connected to a voltage source. Connect a capacitor between the negative terminal and the transistor source. Such a scheme is assembled in five minutes, literally on the knee.

You can purchase a manual for beginner radio technicians and craft various DIY products with your own hands, electronics which will please you for a long time. Moreover, the quality of such products will be many times better than that of the Chinese counterparts that flooded our stores. Not the last place in your practice can be occupied by automotive electronics, made by yourself. The advantage of this direction is that any tuning is very simple, and experts tear a lot of money for such "chips".

For example, install yourself additional LED lighting in the car: under the hood, in the luggage compartment, in the passenger compartment ... Or put an LED strip on the bottom of the car. This does not require any specific knowledge. Pick up LEDs on the radio market with a supply voltage of 12 V. Today, such a product is presented in a wide assortment. You can take diodes in a case protected from dust, dirt, moisture, etc. And such a device is mounted elementarily - on double-sided tape.

In any car on the hood and in the luggage compartment, there are opening buttons, so you need to connect the positive LED wire to them, and the negative wire to the car body. With this connection scheme, the light will only light when the dimensions are turned on, that is, at night. If this method does not suit you, extend the power from the battery and install an additional button. But how convenient it will be at night to look for something in the trunk or delve under the hood. And most importantly - you were able to do it yourself. Electronics is just a klondike of all kinds of ideas for modeling and tuning.

do-it-yourself car electronics

You can even teach your child such tricks or learn with him. This will help you to establish close contact with your son, because boys like to poke around in pieces of iron, to assemble various devices with their own hands. Electronics, or rather, knowledge in this area, they are not what they need - desperately needed!


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