Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and its importance in the development of natural science

The discovery by Werner Heisenberg of the principles of uncertainty, which he made in 1927, was one of the most important achievements of science, which played a fundamental role in the development of quantum mechanics, and then influenced the development of modern science.

The traditional study of the universe proceeded from the premise that since all the material objects that we can observe behave in a certain way, then all the others that we cannot cognize with the help of sensations must also behave as well. If some disturbance occurs in this behavior, then it qualifies as a paradox and causes bewilderment. Such was the reaction of natural scientists when they penetrated the microworld and were faced with phenomena that did not fit into the traditional model of understanding of the world. This phenomenon manifested itself especially vividly in the field of quantum mechanics, where objects of disproportionate magnitude were considered with those with which scientists are accustomed to deal with before. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle, in fact, answered the question of how the microworld differs from the world familiar to us.

Newtonian physics almost ignored such a phenomenon as the influence of the tool of knowledge on the object of knowledge, by influencing its physical properties. In the early 1920s, Werner Heisenberg raised this problem and came to a formula that describes the degree of influence of the method of measuring the properties of an object on the object itself. As a result, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle was discovered. He received a mathematical reflection in the theory of the uncertainty relation. The category of “uncertainty” in this concept meant that the researcher does not exactly know the location of the particle being studied. In their practical significance, the Heisenberg uncertainty principles argued that the more accurate the characteristics, the device for measuring the physical properties of an object is used, the less uncertainty will be achieved in our ideas about these properties. For example, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle when using the microworld in research allowed us to draw conclusions about the “zero” uncertainty when the effect of the instrument on the object under study was negligible.

In further studies, it was found that the Heisenberg uncertainty principle connects not only spatial coordinates and speed with its content. Here it is just more clearly manifested. In fact, its influence is present in all parts of the system that we are studying. This conclusion allows us to make several comments regarding the operation of the Heisenberg principle. Firstly, this principle suggests that it is impossible to establish the spatial parameters of objects with the same exactness. Secondly, this property is objective and independent of the person who takes the measurements.

These conclusions became a powerful impetus for the development of control theories in various fields of human activity, where the notorious “human factor” , as a rule, is the main subject of research . This revealed the social significance of the Heisenberg discovery.

Modern scientific and pseudoscientific discussions regarding the principles of uncertainty suggest that if a person’s role in the knowledge of the microworld is limited and he cannot actively influence it, is this not evidence that the human consciousness is somehow connected with the “Higher Mind” "(Theory of the" New Era "). It is not possible to recognize these findings as serious because they initially incorrectly interpret the principle itself. According to Heisenberg, the main thing in his discovery is not the fact of the presence of a person, but the fact of the influence of the tool on the subject of research.

Heisenberg's principles are today one of the most used methodological tools used in various fields of knowledge.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39915/

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