What is the time difference with Turkey: is adaptation necessary?

Going on a trip to other countries, you need to find out not only about local features, traditions, living conditions, but also find out a number of other nuances. For example, it is important to find out what the time difference is with Turkey. This will help you to tune in to time differences and take a new rhythm of life in another country.

What is the time difference with Turkey

So, some people react rather painfully to any changes in time. Even the usual seasonal translation of arrows for them is a tragedy. What can we say about a sharp change in the current time by several hours, which you need to get used to immediately after the flight. For some people, such an adaptation is difficult: it is difficult for them to reorganize in a new way. Even if you consider that the time difference between Moscow and Turkey is not large and is only 2 hours, not everyone likes it.

Fortunately, many calmly endure such changes. Such people, as a rule, can safely fall asleep at any time convenient for them. They are interested in the difference in time with Turkey, only in order to correctly set the indicators on their mobile devices and watches immediately at the airport. True, some prefer to do this before departure.

How much time difference is with Turkey
Anyone who reacts painfully to changing time zones should plan their holidays more carefully. If the 120-minute time difference should not spoil the general mood, and most people can adapt to it in a short time, then a more significant gap in time zones can cause a spoiled vacation. If you cannot be reconstructed and confuse day and night, feel exhausted because of this, then such a rest will not bring joy.

But with a strong desire, you can prepare for the trip. Knowing in advance how much the time difference with Turkey is, you can still switch to the desired mode of the day at home. Of course, this is unlikely to be useful to residents of the western part of Russia, but if you decide to go to Antalya from Magadan, the adaptation may be delayed. After all, the time difference between these cities is 10 hours. When evening is already approaching the Sea of ​​Okhotsk , everyone in Antalya is just beginning to wake up.

Time difference between Moscow and Turkey
For cities so far apart, you need to know what the time difference is with Turkey. This is the only chance to properly prepare for rest, so that you can easily accept the new regime of the day. Otherwise, it will be difficult to avoid excessive nervousness, feelings of constant fatigue, irritability. These trips are complicated by the fact that, as a rule, the duration of the tours does not exceed 7-10 days. During this time, the body is just beginning to adapt, and a person already needs to fly back home.

If you know what the time difference is with Turkey, and are afraid that it will be difficult for you to tune in to the new regime due to the strong time gap, then it is better to choose a place to relax closer. Focus primarily on your feelings. If you have never felt the negative impact of moving the watch, you can easily lie down and get up at the right time, then perhaps your adaptation will be quick and painless.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39926/

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