Historical quiz: topics, questions

Unfortunately, very often in school there is such a situation that students do not like a particular subject. Sometimes the reason is that the material is not presented interestingly enough. This can be easily fixed. Indeed, many children and adolescents are very fond of participating in various quizzes. In addition, they help to consolidate the material covered. We offer you historical quizzes for schoolchildren. For ease of use, the correct answers will also be indicated. We think that these quizzes will be interesting not only for schoolchildren, but also for older people.

Alexander Nevskiy

To help learn the curriculum

History is a very fascinating subject. But remembering a huge number of different dates and facts is sometimes very difficult. In this case, historical quizzes with answers for various periods will come to the rescue. It is easier to memorize and assimilate learned material, as well as check the level of knowledge. In this article you can find some interesting quizzes. We hope that they will certainly help you in mastering a difficult, but unusually interesting subject - history. After all, as you know, without knowledge of the past there is no present.

historical quiz for children

Historical quiz

For the convenience of mastering the school curriculum and testing our knowledge, we suggest dividing it into several periods, which we all recall easily:

  • Primitive communal.
  • Ancient world.
  • Middle Ages.
  • New time.
  • The latest story.

Next, we suggest that you test your knowledge for each period by answering the questions of several historical quizzes. Let's start.

military historical quiz

Primitive society

So we called the primitive communal period. Let us recall it with you a little. The historical quiz will be interesting not only for schoolchildren, but also for adults:

  1. According to some historical documents and archaeological finds, the first most ancient people appeared in these countries. Where did it happen? (Africa and Southeast Asia.)
  2. What items were the first to use a person as tools? (Stone and stick.)
  3. The animal that humans first tamed. Today, his distant descendants faithfully and faithfully serve people, protecting not only their lives, but also property and housing. Call him. (Wolf.)
  4. The first mechanical tool that increased the productivity of hunting of primitive man was called ... Finish the sentence. (Spear thrower.)
  5. What was one of the first occupations of people called by which they obtained their food? (Gathering.)
quiz questions

Glade, Krivichi, Drevlyane

The difficult period of the formation of the ancient state. With the advent of Rurik, the rise and birth of a great empire begins. Let's recall some points that were relevant to this period:

  1. What is the name of the document, which contains various data on the East Slavic tribes. (The Tale of Bygone Years.)
  2. In ancient times, this was the name of the meeting, which addressed important issues. What is the word. (Veche.)
  3. A special place in which sacrifices were made to pagan gods in Russia. (The temple.)
  4. Famous monk who kept a chronicle of East Slavic tribes. (Nestor.)
  5. What was the name of the pagan priests in Russia, who fought with all their might with the birth of Christianity? (Magi.)
  6. What was the main occupation of the Eastern Slavs called? (Agriculture.)
historical quiz with answers

Old Russian state

In the history of Russia, the Middle Ages covers a fairly large time frame, from the V century to the end of VII. A historical quiz for children and adults will help you remember it:

  1. One of the Russian princes captured Kiev and made it the capital. What was his name? (Oleg.)
  2. What was the name of the Russian prince, who contributed to the emergence of Christianity in Russia? (Vladimir the Red Sun.)
  3. The name of the very first code of laws of the Old Russian state. ("Russian truth.")
  4. What was the name of the prince, who eased the burdens of the Tatar-Mongol yoke and proved himself as a wise ruler and commander? (Alexander Nevskiy.)
  5. The name of the army in Ancient Russia, commanded by the prince. (Squad.)

The era of palace coups

A historical period spanning the reign of six different emperors. Palace secrets, intrigues, coups, a whirlpool of various events from the death of Peter I to the accession to the throne of Empress Catherine II.

  1. What is the name of the famous noble family to which the wife of Peter the Great belonged. (Dolgorukovs.)
  2. Baroque master, whose designs the famous Winter Palace was erected. (Rastrelli.)
  3. In what country was the great empress Catherine II born? (Germany.)
  4. What was the name of the empress, who practically did not deal with state affairs, and her favorite was Biron? (Anna Ioannovna.)
  5. What was the name of the empress, who contributed to the opening of Moscow University and the Academy of Arts? (Elizabeth.)
Leonid Brezhnev

Life in the USSR

The simple and happy life of millions of people who aspired to a brighter future and immensely proud of their homeland. We cannot forget this great era, which has also become history.

  1. What were the names of the large meetings at which all state issues were resolved? (Congresses.)
  2. What is the name of the Soviet political leader, who had a great addiction to corn, ordering it to be grown everywhere. (Nikita Khrushchev.)
  3. What leader’s rule went down in history as a period of “stagnation”? What is his last name? (Leonid Brezhnev.)
  4. What was the name of the process of restriction in the field of political and humanitarian contacts with Western countries? ("Iron curtain".)
  5. The initiator of the policy of perestroika, the last president of the USSR. (Mikhail Gorbachev.)

Quiz "Historical Persons"

At all times in Russia there were a huge number of people whom I wanted to follow. They performed various deeds and revealed unknown secrets. Among them are scientists, poets, and writers, as well as military leaders and commanders. Let's recall some names, as well as what they are associated with:

  1. One of the fairest rulers in Russia. He successfully opposed the Golden Horde and is the founder of the Moscow Kremlin. His name? (Dmitry Donskoy.)
  2. His name is remembered not only in connection with the barbaric methods of government, but also because he almost doubled the territory of Russia. The name of this king. (Ivan groznyj.)
  3. What great Russian commander treated soldiers as equals? (Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov.)
  4. They are the liberators of Russian lands from the Polish invaders. A monument to these two heroic people stands on Red Square. What are their last names? (Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin.)
  5. He won many victories over the enemies of the Russian land. But he received his nickname only in honor of one. Who is this man? (Alexander Nevskiy.)
  6. This outstanding man who ruled Russia for several decades, has a huge amount of merit. One of them is the foundation of a great city, which rightfully takes the place of one of the most beautiful in the world. What is his name? (Peter I.)
  7. The army under the leadership of this great commander managed to win victories even in those cases when the enemy forces were much greater. What is his last name? (Suvorov.)
  8. This outstanding commander can be found in the novel of the great Russian writer. What is the literary work, author and commander. ("War and Peace", L. Tolstoy, Mikhail Kutuzov.)
  9. He was born into a peasant family and graduated from only three classes of a parish school. Nevertheless, in the future this did not prevent him from becoming Marshal of the Soviet Union. And about his great merits, many historical books have been written and films made. Who is it? (Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.)
  10. His government activities are perceived very ambiguously. On the one hand, he was able to make the USSR a strong and powerful power, but on the other, his rule was marked by a huge number of deaths of innocent people. What is the name of the dictator. (Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.)

About wars and more

As you know, boys love to play various battles. What about recalling the most famous wars in Russian history? Proceed:

  1. A variety of peoples tried to capture Russia, but only one managed to do it. Name them. (Tatar-Mongols.)
  2. Under the leadership of this prince, the first victory over the Tatar-Mongol forces was won. What is his name? (Dmitry Donskoy.)
  3. What is one of the greatest battles in the history of Kievan Rus under the leadership of Alexander Nevsky. (Battle on the Ice.)
  4. Who organized and led one of the largest peasant uprisings in Russian history? (Emelyan Pugachev.)
  5. He was one of the most famous leaders of the partisan movement during the Patriotic War of 1812. What is his name and surname? (Denis Davydov.)
historical quiz questions

Catapult, helmet, chain mail

We offer you another interesting topic - about different types of weapons. We think that this quiz of historical quiz will be interesting even to those who are not yet in school:

  1. What was the name of ancient military clothing that was made of metal? (Chain mail.)
  2. This garment protected the warrior's head in battle. The very first were made of wood, and subsequently of metal. What it is? (Helmet.)
  3. With this weapon it was possible to break through military defense at a distance. What was it called? (Catapult.)
  4. The name of the gun that was used in ancient times. In appearance, this object resembled a club. His name? (Mace.)
  5. Edged weapons, which is mentioned even in Russian epics and folk tales. (Sword.)


We hope that the proposed questions of historical quizzes will be up to you. Well, if you have forgotten something, then you should not be upset either. After all, you can always see the correct answer and remember. A historical quiz is not only an opportunity to learn something new, but also an exciting way to spend your free time. And it is possible to understand that our country has a rich historical past, which we must not only know, but also be proud of it!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G39938/

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