Crochet edge for beginners

The last but very important step in creating a new thing is to process all the edges. Crocheting the edges of the product is the most common way. Sloppy, it will ruin even the most impeccable work. On the contrary, a neat and beautiful edge will decorate a new little thing or transform the old one. For beginner needlewomen, this article describes how to apply various popular tricks. This is a "step of the dog", "pique", openwork border, etc. Any edge processed in these ways will look great.

Types of strapping and why it is needed

If you know the secrets of experienced craftswomen, then a beautiful crochet of the edge will not be difficult. There are 2 main varieties of it: knitted on the finished thing - this method does not require separate sewing and knitting is on the canvas of the product, as well as knitting a separate part of the hem with further sewing on the right place.

Crochet the hem for various purposes:

  • Firstly, it will give a finished look to products created with a hook or knitting needles or sewn on a typewriter, decorate a thing, hide some of the errors made.
  • Secondly, the method of tying the edges of a row with a hook will not allow the material from knitwear to twist, provide rigidity and prevent deformation, help to preserve the product with a loose texture, preventing it from stretching.
  • And the third, important destination - will update obsolete or boring things.

Sewing the edge in the manner of "step"

This method is considered the most used in order to fix the form. The basis of knitting is a single crochet column going in the opposite direction - from left to right. When working, the thread is twisted and a three-dimensional, beautiful and hard pattern is obtained, which will not allow the panel to stretch. Tie the entire perimeter. This method of tying looks great, the edges are fixed, but the craftswomen do not really like to knit it because of the complicated design. With a “step in the wild” you have to knit the other way around, which is rather inconvenient and unusual.

edge banding

In order to make the "step of the dog", you need to hook into the loop at the back of it, grab the thread and pull it back through the loop, grab the thread again and knit a single crochet that goes in a different direction than usual. As a result, you get a magnificent "winding" of the edge.

"step" knitting process

In this way, it is possible to hide sloppy seams or add texture to some decorative element in the applique.

Winding single crochet

But this method is even simpler to execute. This crochet edge trim for beginners is ideal. Outwardly, it will turn out similar to the above method, but it is much easier to perform.

To knit twisted columns without crochets, you must hook into the loop in the previous row and stretch the loop. Next, turn the hook and loop a full circle in a circle - twist the loop. Now you need to grab the thread and knit 2 twisted loops located on the hook.

twisted posts

Repeat the procedures described between the sprockets without tightening the thread. Knitting should be free, for the convenience of knitting loops on the hook.

Simple strapping of the edge with a caterpillar

There is still a very interesting way to finish the product. They are used for working half columns and air loops. Crocheting the edge, description: such a hem is created very simply - half-columns are knitted into all the loops of the edge row, and 1 air loop is made between them. The result is a ribbed braid at the edges that looks like a caterpillar. After processing by this method, the edges are neat, practically not stretching. In this way, small details are processed - flowers, straps, belts, etc.

Pique Technique

Quite often, crocheting the edge with the help of a "peak" is used. This method looks very airy and gentle due to the fact that the size of the resulting loops is small. "Pique" is an air loop closed in a ringlet. There are 2 varieties of the figure:

  • Classic - 3 air loops are knitted from the loop at the beginning of the row.
appearance "pique"
  • A half-column fits into the same loop.
  • Three petals - when 3 of these rings are created from one loop.

Openwork crochet border

All of the above methods for crocheting the edges describe the simplest finish of the product. But you can absolutely change the style and image of old clothes when you tie it with an intricate complex border. Of course, such a scheme requires skill and knowledge, but usually only at first glance does it seem complicated. It is preferable for a beginner to start with the basics, gradually moving to more complex patterns. But an experienced needlewoman will easily conquer even the most complicated drawing, decorating a thing later.

wide lace border

Very often, a crocheted hem is created to finish a kitchen towel or napkin - tie it with a separate part, and then sew it around the edge. Kitchen utensils undergo frequent washing - the lace border can be easily torn off and then returned to its place.

Shell pattern

It is remarkable both in its simplest execution and in the more complicated version, when more than one “shell” row is knotted out, but is complemented by another technique. The principle of finishing the edge in this way is quite simple: a certain number of double crochet columns are knitted into the base loop, a certain number of loops are passed for flat fastening (for example, a “shell” includes 7 columns, which means we skip 3 loops on both sides of it, if 5, then 2). If you want to get tall “shells”, knit them with double crochet posts. It happens that the execution of subsequent rows requires the addition of an air loop in the middle.

Edge with Lush Bars

It looks very rich with a fairly easy creation. If you take thick yarn, the look will be much more beautiful, but this is not a prerequisite. A thin cotton or viscose thread also does not spoil the view. Yarn consumption is very large.

Crocheting the hem with “lush columns” is done as follows: 3 lifting air loops, weave the thread on the hook, pull a long loop from the loop of the bottom row, another crochet and a long loop, again crochet and knit everything together.

Patterns using such columns are completely different - with their different locations and in any combination with other methods of knitting.

Crochet the edge of the product: tips

Before starting work, be sure to tie a small sample and wash it to make sure that subsequently the thread does not “sit down” and does not spoil the entire product.

It is necessary to take into account the size of the product when crocheting the edges and choose a rapport, when using which the pattern will completely fit into the desired space.

For tying products, try to select threads that are thinner than the main fabric.

When crocheting, even a simple edge trim can allow you to choose from a huge number of variations! It would seem that such a simple element as a border cannot make significant changes to the appearance of a thing, but this is a mistake - it can decorate or ruin the appearance of a thing.

Plaids, tablecloths, scarves, napkins, curtains, the edges of the sleeves and the neck of your favorite things - everything will look completely different with the right selection of patterns for decoration.

kids plaid with piping

The same techniques are used if necessary to hide errors in knitting, uneven or inaccurate edges of products, often observed in the work of beginning needlewomen.

For example, crocheting the edge of a plaid edge with the help of various knitted patterns can transform your old favorite little thing that you don’t want to throw away!


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