The objects of nature are everything around us.

Objects of nature are all that surrounds us, educators say to kids in the garden. But is it really so? After all, there are objects of animate and inanimate nature. There is what nature itself created, and what man created. Then what is their difference? Let's sort things out together.

General definition

Schoolchildren from the first grade study the world. They encounter objects of nature from the first lesson. In the first quarter, children learn to distinguish between living and nonliving. For this, the teacher calls them the main criteria by which they distinguish.

They say that first-graders should be able to say that the objects of nature are all that she created. For example: stone, flower, rain, rainbow, northern lights, cat, wind, river, bird, fish and the like. They study nature, as you know, in the natural sciences: biology, geography, chemistry and physics, the world around us, natural sciences, and so on.

objects of nature it

Life cycle of a living object of nature

Scientists have distributed the objects of nature on living and nonliving. They say that those who grow are living. Animals and plants grow, but mountains grow very slowly. How to be?

Living objects of nature - this is all that grows, develops, gives offspring. For example: humans, flowers, animals, birds, insects. The main sign of wildlife is the ability to complete and complete the cycle.

surrounding world objects of nature

Characteristic features of wildlife

What actions does wildlife do? There are several of them:

  • Wildlife is born and develops.
  • She has the ability to reproduce.
  • All living things need food.
  • Even microscopic creatures can breathe.
  • And, of course, the end of the life cycle is the death of the body.

Features of inanimate objects

The objects of inanimate nature are all the bodies around us that are created by nature. For example: the sun, stars, rain, thunderstorm, rainbow, mountains, stones, seas and so on. Scientists believe that inanimate nature is primary. Since she gave life to wildlife. Wildlife “consumes, eats” inanimate nature. And at the end of its life cycle, living nature becomes an object of inanimate nature! Here is such an amazing world of nature in which we live.

inanimate objects are

Characteristic features of inanimate nature

Objects of this nature have their own characteristics. Let's pay attention to their characteristic features:

  • Sustainability.
  • Constancy or weak variability.
  • Lack of need for breathing and nutrition.
  • Lack of offspring.
  • The property.
  • Lack of growth.

World Heritage: Nature

There are natural objects on our planet that are attributed to the world heritage. Let's talk more about one of them. Now we will talk about Lake Baikal.

In December 1996, UNESCO included it in its list. This is the only entity on the organization’s list that meets all four selection criteria. The length of the lake is more than 600 kilometers, and the width in the central part is a little more than 80 kilometers. It expands two centimeters per year. The coastline is about 2000 kilometers long! In depth reaches a maximum of more than 1600 meters.

A real freshwater giant reserve. The peculiarity of Baikal water is that it is incredibly clean, transparent and rich in oxygen. In spring, transparency is more than 40 meters. Around Baikal an amazing flora and fauna has formed. There are three nature reserves, six nature reserves and two national parks.

world objects of nature

However, things around Baikal are by no means as transparent as their waters in spring. The question arose about the exclusion of the lake from the list of “World Natural Objects”, because Russia does not fulfill the requirements for the protection, protection and maintenance of the flora and fauna of Lake Baikal.

The development of tourism is causing another blow to the ecology in these parts. Travelers should consciously with understanding and respect for the preservation of our glorious object!

Fortunately, the pulp and paper mill was closed and disbanded, causing great damage to the ecology of both the lake and the surrounding lands. This will enable Baikal to maintain its uniqueness for decades.


The objects of nature are the seas and mountains, birds and animals, minerals and treasures of the bowels of the Earth. Our scientists go deep into its secrets, more and more comprehend the laws of the Universe, go down deeper into the Earth in order to understand and know the structure of our planet, living beings and man himself.

Discoverers have always experienced indescribable enthusiasm for nature and the qualities that it possesses. A man has something to learn from her.

To say that man has restrained nature will be fundamentally wrong. It only allows great minds to experiment with it. But time passes, and she shows her ardent disposition, sweeping and crushing everything in its path. She is omnipotent, and a person needs to honor her strength, power and wealth.

Our word "nature" was formed from the word "race". This suggests that we ourselves are part of nature and born of it, we are related to it. In Romance (European) languages, the same concept originates in the Latin language - "nature", that is, birth, origin. Therefore, even in distant and ancient times, man saw the main truth that nature itself gave birth to it!

world heritage natural objects

In the ancient and wise science of philosophy, there were thinkers who studied the world around us, objects of nature, both living and nonliving. In their treatises, they wrote: man is an object of living nature, a work of her "art", he can exist only in nature, he must obey its laws and in his thoughts should not allow himself to go beyond it!

There were other philosophers who believed that consciousness and reason are the only human attribute. Everything else is the same as that of other representatives of the wild world, from which people came out and which for many centuries have been trying to subjugate to themselves.


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