British Columbia Where is British Columbia located?

A fantastic combination of a rocky ocean coast, flowering grape valleys, centuries-old forests, transparent lakes, rivers, mighty mountains and rumbling waterfalls ... Such is the western outskirts of Canada, a reserved corner of the untouched, pristine world - the province of British Columbia.

british columbia photo


The indigenous population in the county lived long before the colonization of North America, more than 11,500 years ago.

Exploration of these lands by Europeans began with the expedition of James Cook in 1778, and in 1792 was continued by his successor George Vancouver, after whom the largest island of the district and the largest megalopolis of dominion were named. From this period, a British protectorate was established in these territories, called New Caledonia, which did not have any formal organization. Administrative functions were performed by units of the Hudson's Bay Company, which exclusively traded fur in the region.

Over time, the division of lands occurred: several states joined the USA on the southern edge of the Columbia River basin , while the British part of the territory under this name, assigned to the district by Queen Victoria herself, became a part of the Canadian Confederation in 1871. Dominion experienced a real boom during the period of the “gold rush”, the construction of a transnational railway and the subsequent mass migration to these lands during the years of revolutions and wars of the Asian and European populations. Since then, the region has been steadily growing and developing. In terms of population, it ranks third in the country.

Cities of British Columbia
colombia british

The largest city in the province and the second on the west coast is Vancouver. It is a conglomerate with 20 suburbs and a total of 2.3 million people. Rapid growth began with the construction of a transnational railway from the center of the country to Vancouver and the development of the port. Repeatedly, the metropolis became the "Best City of the Earth." Built at the mouth of the river. Fraser on opposite shores of Barrard Bay. Therefore, many bridges connect the city into a single whole. Mountain ranges surround it from all sides. In 2010, the Winter Olympics were held in Vancouver, so you can be sure of the city’s ski resorts. The difference from the colonial capital of British Columbia - Victoria, in the multinationality and multiculturalism of Vancouver, where, in addition to immigrants from England, there are large Chinese and Japanese diasporas. In addition, it is a major center for scientific and research work. Here is Simon Fraser University, which is considered the leading university in Canada, and the University of British Columbia - one of the thirty best in the world.

The county’s capital, Victoria, is located in the southern part of Vancouver Island and is the province’s second largest metropolis. The city itself is small - 80,000 people, but includes 12 more municipalities in the neighborhood, and its total population is 345 thousand inhabitants. It is considered in spirit to be “the most British” in Canada, since most of its inhabitants are British pensioners. The traditions of Great Britain are everywhere: in double-decker buses, typical London shops, pubs and cafes with an obligatory five-hour tea party.

About 60% of the district’s population lives in these two cities; more than one hundred thousand people live in the cities of Kelon and Abbotsford.

University of British Columbia Vancouver

About 57,000 students from both Canada and 149 countries study in it. It has one of the best scientific, laboratory and research facilities. In addition, the university has its own anthropological museum, training clinics, an art center and a concert hall. A special pride is the library, whose fund is considered the second in Canada. The university has more than 9,000 teachers, there are even Nobel laureates. It is considered one of the fastest growing universities in the world with excellent indicators of the effectiveness of scientific work.

University of British Columbia

The edge of many peaks

The largest mountain system (Rocky Mountains) of British Columbia County is located in the center of the entire region and stretches along from north to south. Most of the mountains are occupied by national forests and parks. Hiking, snowboarding, skiing, fishing and hunting and, of course, mountaineering - thanks to all this, lovers of fresh air and extreme sports Rockies seem like a real paradise.

The highest peak (4671 m above sea level) in the province is located in the northwestern part of the region - the mountains of St. Elijah, and it is called Fairueter. This coastal peak rises 20 km from the Pacific Ocean and is perfectly visible from the sea on a clear day. For which it was called by James Cook himself in 1778 Fairweather Mountain - a mountain of good weather.

cities of british columbia

Coastal and Pacific ridges separate the coast from the mainland. They also radically share the nature of these areas. Many smaller mountain systems, highlands and plateaus cover the entire territory of British Columbia, creating in their gorges and valleys a whole network of full-flowing mountain rivers and lakes.

Life-giving sources

31 lakes and 32 rivers are accommodated on its territory by British Columbia - a fabulous land of water elements. In almost all rivers and lakes, salmon and trout are found. The provincial main artery is Fraser. This full-flowing river begins in the Rocky Mountains and, flowing along the plateau and canyon of the same name, incorporates many tributaries, while simultaneously increasing the coastal slopes to a height of 100 m and greatly accelerating. It flows into the Pacific Ocean, where the largest city in the county and the largest port on the west coast of North America, Vancouver, are built in the delta.

british columbia canada

In the Rocky Mountains in the Valley of a Thousand Peaks, lies the source of a mountain river called Columbia. 40% of it flows through Canada. The most powerful current and large river slope have their own specifics:

  • The Colombian basin was constantly flooded and flooded.
  • To protect against these natural disasters, several dams and dams were erected on the river.
  • The "sharp temper" of the river is used in hydropower.
  • This is a major shipping channel.

Near the pacific

In the west, the province ends on the coast and closer to the north it borders with the US state of Alaska. The entire coastal area is indented with comfortable bays and fjords, tens of kilometers deep into the land. Thousands of islands are scattered here. The largest of these are Vancouver and Graham from the ridge of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Many tourists gather to admire one of the most amazing places in the world - the coastal ridges of the coast of the District of British Columbia. Photos of the most picturesque corners of the riviera are amazing.

The weather in the coastal areas is affected by the warm course of Kuroshio, making it soft and rainy. In a favorable climate, lush taiga forests span the coast.


In the north and east, the province is adjacent to Canadian districts (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Alberta), and in the southern part it borders on the United States.

Mountain range Coastal ridges block the entry of moist air masses from the Pacific into the mainland from the coast. Therefore, further from the sea in the central part of the okrug there are arid plateaus and deserts.

A pleasant, mild and warm climate has formed in the valleys of the Fraser and Okanagan rivers , where they produce fine Canadian wine and cider.

In the northern part of British Columbia, cold and sparsely populated mountainous areas prevail. And only in the northeastern part, descending lower into the valley, are the eyes of the prairie pleasing.

The Miraculous Pearl of Canada

An invaluable feature of the province is that 95% of its land is natural landscapes, and only 5% is arable land. Three quarters of the region is occupied by mountains and elevations of more than 1000 meters, and 60% - forests. It has preserved pristine and unique nature with natural habitats of rare animals, birds and fish. That is why the eighth of the entire territory occupied by British Columbia is nature reserves and protected natural territories. Among them are 14 national parks (including Yoho, Mount Revelstock, Glacier, Kutenay and others) and about 430 provincial and regional.

british columbia is located in

Here you will find unique places and landscapes:

  • Sand deserts.
  • Steep canyons.
  • Misty waterfalls.
  • Severe volcanoes.
  • Hot healing springs.
  • Fairy caves.
  • Sparkling glaciers.
  • Stunning rivers and lakes.
  • Incredible northern and vibrant southern islands.
  • Picturesque bays and bays.

Special places

Fans of unusual relaxation and vivid impressions in the British Columbia province can visit:

british columbia province

  • Bear Ranch.
  • Museum of Salmon.
  • Reservation of indigenous peoples.
  • Botanical Garden, Glendale, Garden of Butterflies and Exotic Animals in Victoria.
  • Bird of prey park.
  • Cathedral grove of ancient pseudo-suds (up to 800 years old, up to 75 m high with a trunk in diameter up to 9 m).
  • Diving, ski resorts, kayaking and canoeing, fishing, etc.
  • In March, flocks of whales can be seen off the coast of Vancouver Island.
  • You can visit the farm breeding caribou (reindeer).
  • Helicopter and ferry walks.
  • Ancient railways.
  • Gold Rush Travels.
  • The ghost town of Three Valley Gap.
  • Powerful dams and lighthouses.
  • Historical reserves.

So if you ever want to see almost everything that nature is rich in and feel the flavor of North America, visit such a wonderful place as British Columbia (Canada).


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