Sights of Vilnius. City features, history and interesting facts

Vilnius is one of the most popular cities in the Baltic states. Every year, millions of tourists from around the world visit the capital of beautiful Lithuania. Many European cities are very vibrant and noisy in spirit, but Vilnius is not one of them at all. It may seem inconspicuous, quiet, but very romantic and atmospheric.

By tradition, most of the Baltic capitals are limited to sights in the Old Town, but this is definitely not about Vilnius. Many architectural monuments and structures are located outside this territory.

Vilnius is a city that has survived a galaxy of events. Life was in full swing in it already in the fifteenth century. On the central streets, various missionaries belonging to the Catholic Order were trading in various handicraft products, gastronomic products, and also in the noisiest areas.

Most of the history falls on the Middle Ages, so the construction of Vilnius sights for the most part belongs to this period in the history of Lithuania.

The main attractions of the city

In this article we will tell you about the best sights of Vilnius. It seems to many that in the capital cities of the Baltic states there are no architectural structures at all. This is actually a big mistake. In the following sections of the article, you will find out why.

Old city

Of course, it is worth starting with the Old Town. Indeed, in this place the history of the State of Lithuania began to emerge. All the streets of quiet and calm Vilnius remind of medieval times. Here are hidden the most beautiful temples, souvenir markets, as well as restaurants with delicious traditional cuisine.

Of course, the central part of the city in most capitals is very similar, but each of them has something special. Walking in this area, without any doubt, will bring you endless pleasure and inspiration.

The Old Town is one of the most interesting sights of Vilnius.

Sharp Brahma

Spicy brama

Definitely one of the main architectural structures of the city. The monument has a second name - the gate of Aushros. Previously, this place served as a shrine for pilgrims from all Baltic countries.

In the photo above, we can see the modern view of the monument. The gate with the chapel, as well as the image of Our Lady, which is one of the main shrines of Christians, has been preserved.

It should be noted that the structure was built in the second half of the seventeenth century. Then the chapel was made of wood, later it was rebuilt into a stone.

Town Hall

Town Hall in Vilnius

Town Hall is the most popular attraction of Vilnius city. Today, the administration began to be located inside the building. As you can see, the appearance of the architectural structure is very modest and inconspicuous, but this did not stop the town hall from attracting the attention of millions of travelers from different parts of the world.

It is known that in the fourteenth century various concerts, balls, and also performances by street musicians were held in this place. The first mention of the building itself appeared in the sixteenth century, but in those years the structure was more like Gothic in appearance, which you can’t say for sure now. By the way, the town hall is located on one of the oldest squares in the city, and the most beautiful streets lie around it. By right, it can be called the most popular attraction of Vilnius in the Old Town.

Piles Street

Piles Street

It is one of the oldest streets in the city. It is interesting that it runs along the entire city towards Moscow. It was on it that kings rode in their carriages, foreign figures entered the city, and street performers and musicians also moved around. There are many sights of old Vilnius on the territory of Piles. Among them are some galleries, famous souvenir shops, several museums and historical buildings.

Presidential palace

Presidential palace

This landmark of Vilnius can be seen on all magnets and postcards. Here is the residence of the president of the country. Earlier, the higher clergy were based.

The building is quite young compared to others, since it was built in the eighteenth century. The author of the project is Laurinas Gutsevicius. At that time he was a popular architect, a prominent representative of classicism. This building was built in the style of late classics.

As you know, for several years the Lithuanian state was under the protectorate of Russia, and at that time the office of the Russian governor settled inside the presidential palace.

In addition, at different times in this significant historical building ruled the Prussian and Polish monarchs.

Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania

Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania

Here is the royal residence of the Government of Lithuania. Initially, it was built near Castle Hill in the fifteenth century, but was later destroyed due to merciless wars.

The palace was brought back to life only at the beginning of the twenty-first century, but it retained its historical appearance. A museum has opened on the territory of the architectural structure.

An interesting fact is that the palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania is the largest restoration project among the sights of Vilnius, as it is associated with the revival of the State of Lithuania.

Cathedral of St. Stanislav


The most important Catholic cathedral of the State of Lithuania, it was granted by the Vatican, therefore it received the status of a small basilica. This status is conferred by the pope. Externally, the monument is very reminiscent of the Greek pantheon.

The cathedral is located in the heart of beautiful Vilnius, on Castle Hill. The temple was built in the Middle Ages and managed to see the coronation of many princes starting with Prince Vitovt.

Against the background of the cathedral stands an octagonal tower. According to the assumptions of historians, earlier it housed the altar of the god Perkunas. He belonged to the pagan gods.

Church of St. Anne and Bernardine Church

Church of St. Anne

This building is a striking example of medieval architecture. It stands out among the elegant snow-white historical monuments of Vilnius, since it was built in the style of Lithuanian Gothic.

Initially, the building was built of wood (in the fourteenth century), but such an unprotected structure was destroyed and rebuilt more than once.

In the nineteenth century, the church of St. Anne became one of the historical monuments of the State of Lithuania.

Next to the famous architectural monument is the Bernardine Church, built in the fifteenth century. The construction was carried out by the Franciscans. The Franciscans belonged to the Catholic beggarly order belonging to Francis of Assisi.

Church of St. John

Church of St. John

This temple is located on the territory of the main university. Almost like all religious buildings, the church is one of the sights of Vilnius. What is better to visit is up to you to decide, there is plenty to choose from. For a long time, the architectural structure belonged to the Jesuit Order.

In the fifteenth century, the church was built, but the work continued for more than forty years. Most tourists are attracted by the bell tower, whose height is almost seventy meters.

Previously, services were held on the territory of the temple, as well as improvised theatrical productions and coronations of kings. In addition, student protests took place there several times.

Gediminas Tower

Gediminas Tower

Like many attractions in the vicinity of Vilnius, the Gediminas Tower , fifty meters high, is located on Castle Hill and can be seen from almost anywhere in the city.

Of course, every citizen knows about this place, as well as every tourist who has visited Lithuania at least once. After all, the Gediminas Tower is one of the symbols of the capital.

It may seem to many that it looks unfinished. This is because it is the remnant of the Upper Castle, built in the fifteenth century.

Inside the architectural monument is the national museum. By visiting it, you can find out a lot of cognitive facts about the capital of Lithuania.

Gediminas Avenue

Gediminas Avenue

The most central street of the city. This winter attraction of Vilnius is especially beautiful, since closer to Christmas and New Year the authorities decorate it. Therefore, it is during this period that the majority of travelers come, because the climate in Vilnius is very favorable.

This street connects several of the main squares of the capital. Among them: Lukishskaya, Independence Square, Self-Government Square and Cathedral.

The avenue received its name recently, earlier it was called Stalin Avenue, as well as Lenin Avenue. It was later renamed. There are practically no residential buildings on the street, mainly administrative buildings, as well as government ones. This is what usually happens in most European cities.

Radziwill Palace

Radziwill Palace

The palace is located in the old part of the city, on a small Vilnius street. Travelers nicknamed this building "Lithuanian Louvre" due to the fact that European paintings are exhibited inside the building.

As you can see, the palace was built in the style of the late Renaissance. Many attractions in Europe are made in this manner. After all, it was this style that was the key turning point in the history of architecture. It was preceded by medieval Gothic.

The building was originally owned by the most famous family in Lithuania - the Radziwills. By the way, this surname was one of the first to receive a title in the country.

National Museum of Lithuania

National Museum of Lithuania

The exhibits first appeared in the museum in the nineteenth century, and the author of the first exhibition was a famous cultural figure - Tyszkiewicz. Already in those years, more than fifteen thousand samples of fine art were collected. But because of the wars, most were moved to Moscow.


Vilnius is a romantic city with many interesting architectural structures that you want to see again. We strongly recommend that you visit the capital of Lithuania during the frosty snow season, as it is in the winter that the sights of Vilnius look the most atmospheric.


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