Sharovsky castle: description, history. Sights of Kharkov region

Offering tours of the Kharkov region, travel agencies of Ukraine often mention a castle in the village of Sharovka, which is located in the Bogodukhov district. Its construction is inextricably linked with the history of the formation of the urban environment in general. Sharovsky castle was founded at the beginning of the XIX century and was named in honor of Matvey Shariy - Yesaul of the Akhtyrsky regiment.

History of the foundation of the village

PGT is located on the banks of the Merchik River. Sharovka (Kharkov region, Ukraine) is surrounded by forests. In 1670, Matvey Iosifovich Shariy for four rubles acquired arable field and meadow, located on one side of the river. In 1700, he founded a farm in Merchik, on whose territory at that time there were 112 church courtyards and a brick workshop. In the 30s of the last century, the status of Sharovka was changed to "urban-type settlement".

Sharovka Kharkiv region

The history of the estate

The construction of the palace was started by the Olkhovskys family, who had big plans for the palace and the adjacent territories. The excitement of one of the family members played a cruel joke with them. Ultimately, the estate passed into the hands of the Goebenstein family. This time the castle was lucky with the owner. Christian Goebenstein was an unprofessional botanist who was engaged in the acclimatization of plants that were not characteristic of the country's temperate climate. Thus, the parks adjacent to the building were enriched with exotic plants. Throughout the history of its existence, the White Castle was rebuilt three times in various architectural directions. The palace gained its final appearance by the beginning of the 20th century.

Excursions in the Kharkov region

In 1917, the estate was nationalized. The authorities of the USSR organized a sanatorium for tuberculosis on the territory of the complex. Unfortunately, in the last century no one cared about the appearance of the architectural heritage, which is why by the end of the 20th century the state of the castle was described as deplorable. Currently, the estate is still under restoration. In order to begin rehabilitation work, in 2008 the tuberculosis sanatorium was transferred to the village of Zanki, Zmievsky district.

The most influential landlord

The German baron Leopold Koenig found the love of his life in a Ukrainian girl whose name has not survived to our times. Legend has it that her name was Young Lady. Leopold was a very rich man: he owned a horse, brick and sugar factory, but it did not bring full human happiness. He took care of the Young Lady for a long time, she married him, but not at the call of her heart, but at the request of her parents.

The guests of the wedding celebration called the Sharovsky Castle “White Swan”, as it rises above the lake and as if draws white wings to the water. After some time, the young wife got used to her husband and began to help him in all his affairs. Thanks to the Young Lady, 90 students of the Sharovsky school every morning feasted on hot breakfasts. Koenig worked no less, trying to bring the work of his factories to the European level. But the most important thing for Leopold was to indulge the whims of his beloved wife, especially since she was terminally ill. Knowing that the Young Lady loves flowers, he built greenhouses so that the maids could arrange bouquets throughout the palace every morning.

Sharovsky castle how to get from Kharkov

One of the most charming ideas of the baron in love was the sugar hill. One hot summer, the girl wanted to ride a sled. Over the next night, workers from the Koenig factory covered a small hill with several tons of sugar. In the morning, a young lady with local kids rolled down this hill, as if it was a deep winter in the yard.

In 1903, at the age of 82, Koenig died, first his eldest son became the owner of the estate, and after him - the youngest. A little later, the Soviet government nationalized the castle and the surrounding land.

Palace legends of the times of Leopold Koenig

Shortly after the wedding, the countess fell ill with consumption (pulmonary tuberculosis). In order to alleviate the suffering of the Young Lady a little, Koenig divided the estate into parks. A large number of conifers and lindens were planted there, which the girl loved very much.

Once the count sent his beloved to the sea to rest and improve his health, which had been damaged by consumption. There, the Young Lady met an officer who could not pass by her unearthly beauty, and began an affair with him. The girl cheated on her loving husband near a large stone, which weighed six tons! Koenig observers immediately reported the sad news to him. Jealousy and treason of his wife did not give offended Koenig peace, because he did not deserve such an attitude towards himself.

After some time, the young lady stumbled upon a stone known to her, walking around the Sharovsky park. It turned out that Koenig ordered to bring it and install it in the alley, where the wife most of all liked to spend leisure time. Leopold wanted her beloved not to forget about her low deed towards him. The unfortunate block was called the "Stone of love." Local residents believe that if you make a love desire and immediately touch the stone, it will certainly come true.

Sharovsky castle today

The palace was built in neo-Gothic style. Two towers in front give the building greatness and remind of its magnificent past. A wide staircase leads from the main entrance to the garden, where the fountain and pool are located. In the central part there is a large hall in which various celebrations and receptions were held. In total, the white stone manor house has three rooms and 26 rooms.

White castle

The estate was arranged by specialists invited from Germany - engineer Stolz and architect Jacobi. They designed a porch, which was made of glass and placed on the east side. At the end of construction, Koenig ordered the construction of a building with a gabled roof, in which there was a guard. And also on the estate there is a gardener’s house, greenhouses and a forester’s hut.

If you decide to go on excursions in the Kharkov region, be sure to visit this mysterious architectural monument and the adjacent park ensembles.

Sharovsky palace and park complex

The idea of ​​composition of the estate as a whole belongs to landscape architect Georg Kufoldt. Under his strict guidance 150 species of exotic plants were planted. The decor of the parks is fountains, alleys and stairs. The area of ​​the estate is not less than 39.3 hectares. Most of it is forest (15 ha). 3 hectares were allocated for landscape groups, 3 hectares for lawns and lawns, 1.65 hectares of ponds, and 7 hectares of structures.

Sharovsky castle

The highlight of the palace complex can be called a linden alley. The branches of all trees grow up vertically. Not far from the alley is the famous "Stone of Love". 150 species of plants from two hundred are rare for the climate of Ukraine.

Traveling alone

The majestic White Castle is located sixty kilometers from the first Ukrainian capital, so it is more comfortable to start the trip from Kharkov. If you plan to travel by car, then you need to go along the highway Kharkov-Kiev and turn to the Old Merchik. Thus, you, driving the next 40 kilometers in the direction of Krasnokutsk, will be on a bend to the town of Sharovka. The Kharkov region, by the way, has several settlements with the same name. Therefore, be extremely careful when traveling.

White Stone Manor House

Further, without entering the village, follow the same road. After another kilometer, turn towards the sign "Sanatorium" Sharovka "" - and you will be in place. Before entering the palace complex, you can park the car and enter the estate through the central gate.

Sharovsky castle: how to get from Kharkov by public transport

Regular buses run from the Central Market to Krasnokutsk, on one of which you will begin your journey. You will need to exit at the turn to the Sharovsky sanatorium. Walking along a straight road takes no more than five minutes. Locals will be happy to show you the way, following which you will see Sharovsky Castle. Also, a shuttle bus goes straight to the village from the Central Market.


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