Venture company: definition, features, registration rules in Russia

Nowadays, almost any business is associated with certain risks. It's no secret that the probability of burnout these days is greater than ever before. Nevertheless, there are daredevils who create structures, firms that invest in the development of various new trends. It is about such an organization, whose name is "venture company", that will be discussed in this article.


First of all, let's deal with the very concept, which, in principle, has recently entered our colloquial speech. So, a venture company is a specially created enterprise, the final product of which is various innovations (i.e. innovations) associated with risk. These innovations can be in a variety of industries: in the organization of production, research, technology, marketing, etc.

venture company

Such a company is, in fact, the initial stage of development of the required product, which deals with:

  • selection and development of a technical, scientific idea, its implementation;
  • the creation of the required models or samples for transferring them subsequently to the stage of industrial production.

As a rule, in the vast majority of cases, after the venture project is completed, the company itself also ceases to exist.


The venture business in its modern form was formed in the well-known Silicon Valley, located in the United States of America, and from there this activity began to spread to all dynamically developing powers, but with its own national differences. Venture activity is developed in China, India, Brazil and other large states of the world.

The technologies developed on the basis of venture enable the state with a developing economy to catch up with developed countries in a certain period of time in terms of per capita income. For example: New Zealand is the power with the most developed agriculture on the planet, however, it is located at the bottom of the list of developed countries in terms of GDP. At the same time, Singapore brought its GDP indicator to the level of the leading countries of the planet due to the fact that it has a very developed venture market.

Development conditions

It is important to note that in those states in which venture activity was widespread, the following were used:

  • state investments in companies;
  • country investments in a variety of private venture funds ;
  • mixed investment option.

Russian venture company

A venture company will develop successfully only in those cases when:

  • there is a long-term innovative state policy and an updated program for the co-financing of such activities;
  • there is significant investment in the dynamic development of the professional qualities of people, which, as a matter of fact, are the basis of effective venture work;
  • there are venture entrepreneurs and venture managers;
  • developed applied and fundamental sciences, thanks to which they produce new discoveries, innovations and inventions;
  • there is a developed, modern educational system;
  • there is a competitive environment.

Favorable industries

The best directions for the activities of any venture company are those where the life cycle of the formed products, goods or services is small. For example, in US microelectronics, this period is on average four to five years. Back in the 1980s, the total capital attributable to all US venture capital organizations was almost $ 15 billion.

venture capital market

Registration in Russia

Any Russian venture company should be organized on the basis of the following requirements put forward by Russian law:

  • Must have a founder. It can be both an individual and a legal entity, who is a citizen of Russia or another state. An exception can only be military personnel, employees of the state apparatus.
  • The number of shareholders should not exceed 50 people. Between them is distributed the authorized capital of the organization.
  • The venture company must have an account opened with the bank. Moreover, it is allowed to open an account both within the Russian Federation and beyond its borders.
  • The minimum authorized capital must be at least ten thousand Russian rubles.
  • The company's charter, which is the constituent document, must be formed.
  • The organization must have a round seal with its full name in Russian and an indication of its location.

venture project

State and office

The Russian venture company, like many other companies, necessarily has a staff and an office. Given the specifics of venture capital organizations, their office belongs to the executive class. Since there is also a board of directors and investors, a place for a conference room is mandatory.

The staff of such a company is often very small - about 20 people. It goes without saying that it will necessarily include an accountant, lawyer, secretaries, consultants, general partner.

venture company what is it

Some subtleties

It is imperative to indicate: a venture company (what it is, we have discussed above) gives investments only to those individuals who submit for consideration a really worthwhile and promising project. In addition, such a company invests its money in the development of exclusively advanced technologies in various scientific fields.

As a rule, a venture project begins to make a profit after about six years from the moment of its launch.


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