Belize (country): how to get, reviews of tourists, photos

Belize is a small state that is located in Central America. It borders with Mexico and Guatemala. From the east it is washed by the Caribbean Sea.

belize country

The country is located in the east of the Yucatan Peninsula and is a coastal strip with a large number of lagoons. The peninsula is surrounded by reef islands. In the north and in the center of the country is a low-lying swampy plain, as well as low mountains in the south.


Belize is a country with a tropical trade wind climate. In July, the average temperature is + 24–26 ° , in January - + 20-24 ° . The average annual rainfall is from 1340 mm in the north to 4520 mm in the south.

The North Passat weakens the heat on the coast, and away from the coast the temperature often exceeds +38 ° . It should be noted high humidity, which is especially high in the coastal part. The drought season lasts from February to May, and the maximum rainfall occurs in June-October.

Belize is a country located in an area prone to tropical cyclones in the Caribbean and periodically suffers from devastating hurricanes and storms.

Government structure

Belize, the photo of which you see in our article, is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the monarch of Great Britain (Governor General). The executive branch is run by the government, which is led by the prime minister. Legislative power is represented by the bicameral National Assembly.

Capital Belmopan

Belize is a country whose capital is one of the youngest on the planet. The construction of the city of Belmopan began in 1970. This happened after the terrible hurricane, which was called "Hatti." He practically destroyed the former capital of the country - Belize City. They began to build a new city southeast of the ruined capital (80 km), almost in the very center of the country. The place was not chosen by chance - this area is less affected by the elements.

belize visa

Belmopan literally grew before our eyes. This took only 12 years. Today, the capital of the state is a modern city. It houses government agencies, banks, restaurants and gambling establishments. Most of the townspeople (7000 people) are civil servants who belong to all ethnic groups living in the country. Many cultural traditions are concentrated here, so the city is often called the Belizean Babylon.

Belize City

The second most important country in the country is Belize. The country was able to restore the ruined capital. This city is located in the east of the state on the Caribbean coast. Its name, as, indeed, of the whole country, comes from the Indian word "balix". So the ancient Mayans called the muddy waters of the river flowing in this place.

Today Belize City is a commercial, historical and cultural center of the country. Curiously, the city is still considered the unofficial capital of the state. There are many buildings that are architectural monuments.

The main attraction of the former capital is its unique nature, which attracts tourists from all over the world. Families with children relax in the city with pleasure.

belize photo


Tourists begin to explore the sights of the country from its capital. In Belmopan is the monumental building of the National Assembly, located on Independence Hill, as well as a whole range of government and administrative buildings.

The University of Belize, the original building of the banks, the noteworthy monument "Belize - Go" deserves attention of tourists. Here is the picture gallery of Caroline Carr - a famous artist of Belize, an art exhibition "Art Boxing", the Central City Museum, located at the West End market.

But the extensive parks make Belmopan often called the "garden city" give special charm. Nearby, 3.5 km from the capital, is Guanacaste National Park, which is famous for its diverse wildlife and lush vegetation, 14 km south - St. Blue Hole Park, which contains a karst well with a diameter of about 300 m and a depth of 120 m .

Nearby is another protected nature monument - Half Moon Kay. This is one of two places on Earth where a huge colony of extremely rare red-footed boobies has been discovered.


The official language of Belize is English. All official correspondence is conducted on it, it is taught in schools. Along with him in the country they speak other languages ​​- Garifuna, Spanish, Creole.

Belize City


Belize is a country in which there are several faiths. Most believers (49.6%) are Catholics. 27% are Protestants and Christians. Adherents of local beliefs account for approximately 10%.


The country's national currency is the Belizean dollar (BZD). Hotels, restaurants and shops accept credit cards and US dollars.


Belize is a country where tours are now sold by almost all major agencies. Travelers are attracted here by the magnificent nature, rich animal and plant world.

It is best to come to this country during the dry season, which lasts from November to May. In autumn and summer, the trip will cost you much less, but there will be a risk of falling into one of the terrible hurricanes.


Belize, which is located two hours of summer from the United States, amazes with its sights - the Belize Zoo and butterfly farm, coral landscapes, the mysteries of the ancient Mayan people, gorgeous views of Belize City and Belmopan ...

A magnificent vacation on the sandy beaches attracts admirers of various types of water sports and successful fishing, lovers of lying on the white sand and those who are interested in the beauty of the underwater world.

belize country capital

Belize (country): how to get there

This small hospitable country can be reached by air. But in this case, you will have to make several transfers. It is most convenient to fly from Moscow through Spain, making a transfer in Madrid and flying to the city of Cancun. Regular flights to Belize are made from it.

In addition, from Cancun get to Belize by bus. You can fly through the American cities of Houston or Miami, but in this case you will need a US visa (transit).


Belize is a country in which it is not necessary to book a hotel room in advance. However, on national holidays, which happen quite often, it is better to take care of the room one to two weeks before the date of travel.

Five-star hotels of the country are located on the Caribbean Sea. Some of them have an unusual specialization - they hold romantic and very touching wedding ceremonies.

More economical (but also more interesting, according to tourists' reviews) option is eco-hotels. These are complexes consisting of several dozen small-sized villas built in the colonial style. They are made exclusively from local natural building materials.

In the jungle and reserves of Belize, lodges are created - houses, standing separately and built from natural wood. They are equipped with air conditioning, a balcony and a bathroom. In such hotels, as a rule, excursions are included in the price.


It is quite traditional for the Caribbean. Coconut milk and bananas are used everywhere - from desserts and drinks to main dishes and soups.

belize country tours

No less than the local population appreciates meat dishes. In addition to chicken, pork and beef, they also use the meat of rodents, armadillos, iguanas and sharks. In addition to traditional chicken eggs, exotic eggs of iguanas, wild birds and crocodiles are eaten here.

Belize cooks seafood well. Especially popular are lobsters, which are caught from June to February. Garnish for meat dishes will be corn, rice or legumes.

Belize: visa

To travel to this country, citizens of the Russian Federation need a visa. The term of its registration and cost are specified when booking a tour.

Visas are issued at the British Embassy in Moscow. You must provide a passport, 2 photos, a questionnaire, round-trip tickets and documents that confirm the ability to pay costs at the rate of $ 50 per day.


As souvenirs, tourists bring furniture and various crafts made from mahogany, musical instruments made from precious wood, ritual masks, Mayan calendars, baskets, ceramics, rum from Belize.


Belize has a rather high crime rate. In the former capital, cases of theft, violent crime and fraud are recorded.

The local population is quite calm and weakly expresses their emotions. Moreover, their ability to listen to the interlocutor without objection does not mean consent.


Belize is a country whose reviews of tourists are rather contradictory. Most vacationers enthusiastically recall the magnificent nature, a fabulous beach holiday. Guests are especially impressed by sightseeing. Many note excellent living conditions, original national cuisine.

However, there are reviews of travelers who are dissatisfied with the work of hotel staff and the inconvenience associated with a long flight.

belize country reviews

To summarize

Belize is a true paradise for scientists and researchers - ornithologists, botanists, etc. The main wealth of this small state is its nature. This is a great place for fishing lovers and divers. In addition, there are comfortable conditions for families with children.


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