How to refund purchase tax? Legal advice

All citizens have the opportunity to return the tax (for example, from a purchase). Only not everyone knows how to do this. There are a lot of options for the development of events. And in some cases, someone does not even realize the possibility of processing the so-called tax deduction. If Russia has such an operation, why not use it? But how to do that? Why can I return income tax? How to arrange this process? What can be useful for this? About all this further. Do not be afraid - the solution to the problem is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Rather, you will very quickly understand this business.

return tax

When and for what

So, for starters, let's try to understand who and when can return the income tax. This question is extremely easy to understand. Why can I return income tax? The list of options is not so small, to be honest.

For example, the most common option is a property deduction. It is obtained when you make real estate transactions, for example. Some of the money spent will be returned upon request.

You can also ask for a tuition deduction. Both for yourself and for your adult children who have not reached the age of 24, provided that the contract with the university is drawn up in your name.

Income tax refund for purchases also takes place. Although this is not such a common option. It is often equated with a property deduction. In practice, small purchases rarely issue returns.

You have the right to refund tax for the provision of medical services. This also includes a deduction for drugs. There is nothing supernatural in this. Also a very common option in Russia.

There is a return of overpayments and reimbursement of mortgages. The second option is found in practice more often than the first. Nevertheless, keep in mind - such measures also take place. But how to return the tax in one case or another? What does that require?

for which income tax can be refunded


For example, to collect a complete list of documents for processing a tax deduction. Honestly, there are several categories of securities - general and individual. The first are presented regardless of your situation, the second - according to the circumstances. Let's start with generally accepted documents.

The first on the list of all the necessities is the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Without it, no one will accept your income tax refund request . You will have to make a copy of this document and attach it to the rest of the package when contacting the tax authorities.

In principle, if you wish, you can try to provide some other identification card. You can return the tax without a passport. Only here few people agree in practice to carry out a refund on a different identity card. Do not risk it again - just attach a copy of your passport and save yourself from problems.


How to return the tax to an individual? Here you have to present another rather important document. Moreover, it is necessary for reporting to the tax authorities on their income-expenses, and for the return of funds. This is a so-called tax return.

refund purchase tax

It is also called the 3-NDFL form. Without it, you will not be able to return the tax on the purchase, as well as for any other operation. It is filled out by the taxpayer independently; it is submitted only in the form of the original. No copies will be accepted from you. Want to keep your declaration? Then fill out two copies of it. Only this is an extra waste of time.

It is best to fill out 3-NDFL using computer programs. There, all items important to you are signed. And if there are errors, the programs will point to them, applying detailed comments with explanations. After you generate reports and print it. Now you can collect all the necessary documents further.


Move on. Every citizen can return the tax on salary or for any of the above reasons. Only without fail when applying to the tax authorities should he submit a statement of the established form. Remember that a refund will be made only if there is a paper. Why? Such rules are established in the Russian Federation.

So the tax deduction is provided only at the request of the taxpayer. It is expressed as a written statement. In it you must indicate the details by which the money will be transferred to your account. Otherwise, you will have to report bank details later. Or you will be refused a request at all.

return payroll tax

Citizens have no problems writing a statement. Be sure to also indicate why you are applying for a deduction. For example, you need to refund tuition fees. This must be indicated on the application. Otherwise, it will not be considered at all.

About income

Is it possible to return the tax in one case or another? As you can see, yes. There are a lot of situations in which deduction is possible. But you will not be able to issue it without another very important paper. Undoubtedly, in this matter in general all documents are important. Only the generally accepted, permanent list is still in the first place.

So then you will have to somehow report on your income. Help this 2-PIT. If you work for yourself, you will have to fill it out yourself in the same program as the 3-NDFL declaration was drawn up.

But more often than not, citizens work for someone. So, you have the right to get a certificate from your employer. Served 2-PIT only in the original. It is made quickly, it is enough to contact the accounting department of your company to get it. About the next day you will have the necessary information. That’s all it takes to get the tax back in general. But now it’s worth considering the reason for filling out the refund. Depending on it, as already mentioned, you will have to report certain documents to the above list. This is not so difficult.


Can I refund my tuition tax? Yes, such an option is possible. True, you must be a full-time student. The same goes for your adult children. In addition to everything, as already mentioned, an agreement with the university is mandatory for you.

Is it possible to refund the tuition tax

What documents will need to be attached to receive a tuition deduction? Firstly, a university license. Need a certified copy thereof. Secondly, the accreditation of your specialty. You will also have to take a special student certificate. All of these documents are ordered at the dean’s office, and then taken to the accounting department.

Do not forget to attach also payments in your name. Also a must-have moment, which in no case should not be missed. In the end, you will be required to contract with the university. It is also applied to all other papers.

The medicine

How to return the tax on teeth, or on any other medical service? There are several options. After all, much depends on what part of the medicine in question. It has already been said - you can return money for services, but you can for medicines.

In any case, you should (with the first option) bring to the tax authorities the license of your medical organization, as well as an agreement on the provision of this or that assistance to you. Mandatory also attached all checks and payments indicating your costs. Now it’s clear how to return the tax on teeth or any other medical care. This is not so hard to do.

If we are talking about medical preparations, it is enough to attach a prescription, doctor's recommendations (it is only necessary in extreme cases, but it is better to be safe), as well as checks and receipts for payment. Nothing difficult, right?

how to refund teeth tax

The property

Most often, they try to return income tax for real estate transactions. Usually it is a sale. For example, apartments or houses. Here it’s impossible to instantly turn things around. Indeed, under such circumstances, you must first become the owner of the premises.

You can return the tax on the apartment (or on the house / land). To do this, you will need to report all the required documents to your contract of sale, as well as a certificate of ownership (a copy is possible), checks and receipts of payment. In addition, if you are involved in shared construction, you need an agreement. No problems usually arise with this question.


Another option is when you can return the mortgage tax. In Russia, this alignment is more and more common. In order to implement the idea, you will have to attach some more papers to the real estate documents.

We are talking about a mortgage agreement, as well as interest payments. Without them, no one will consider your tax deduction request. It is enough to attach copies of these documents, no one will demand originals.

can I refund the apartment tax


You can also return the overpaid tax. Here the list of documents is limited. And no special papers will be asked of you. It is enough for all obligatory to attach also a receipt on payment of this or that tax. And that’s all.

Your application will be considered without fail within a month, a maximum of two. After that, you will receive a response from the tax authorities. If you are denied, be sure to indicate the reason. Welcome to the deduction given? Then wait. About a month later, the funds will go to the indicated bank account. That's all. Now it’s clear how you can return the purchase tax and more.


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