Alpha radiation

One of the types of nuclear radiation, which applies to almost all types and types of waves and particles now known to science, is alpha radiation. The source of this phenomenon is natural or artificially created (induced) radioactivity. The type of radioactivity that initializes and proceeds spontaneously is called natural radioactivity and its “participants” are nuclei with an unstable internal connection between elementary particles of the nucleus. For example, the nuclei of such radioactive elements as radium or uranium-235 are able to spontaneously release alpha, beta and gamma particles. Accordingly, the types of nuclear radiation are distinguished: alpha radiation, beta radiation and gamma radiation.

Studies have shown that alpha particles are relatively harmless to the human body, because, having a fairly high speed, they nevertheless have a relatively low penetrating ability. This cannot be said about other types of particles - positrons, electrons, beta particles, which have a significantly higher energy potential, and therefore, greater penetrating power. Being high-frequency rays, gamma particles have very high penetrating power and are life-threatening.

In a word, alpha radiation is a type of ionizing radiation, which is a spontaneous or directed flow of positively charged particles with high speed and significant energy potential.

Based on the current knowledge in this field of nuclear energy, the main sources of alpha radiation are radioactive isotopes of substances that have the property of decay due to weak atomic bonds and emit alpha particles during this decay.

As already noted, the main property of alpha radiation, which distinguishes them from other types of nuclear radiation, is their rather low penetrating power. This effect is explained by the fact that the particles have a high speed, and therefore they overcome the ionization path very quickly. Along the path of "following" alpha particles are able to create a significant amount of ions, which, in turn, form a high ionization density.

The presence of significant ionization density determines the biological effectiveness of alpha radiation, which is about ten times higher than that observed with x-ray radiation. Such an effect on the human body is manifested in the fact that due to the high speed of run on its surface, burns can occur. If alpha particles enter the body, for example, through the mouth or open wounds, then they are then carried throughout the human body using a blood stream. In this case, internal irradiation occurs.

This effect allows the use of alpha radiation in the treatment of various diseases during the procedures of the so-called alpha therapy.

The physico-chemical nature of the phenomenon of alpha radiation is that the ions formed during the passage of alpha particles very quickly use their energy potential, after which these ions turn into the most ordinary helium atoms. Thus, we can talk about the occurrence of radiochemical reactions in biological tissues of the human body. These reactions allow the use of alpha radiation for medical purposes, because the isotopes formed in its course - radon, thoron, have a short lifespan and cannot cause great harm to the body, subject to the established safe doses and other precautions.

The main procedures for conducting alpha therapy are the appointment of radon baths, the application of alpha-radioactive compresses on the affected areas of the body, the use of radon water, inhalation of radon-enriched air.

These procedures positively affect the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Well-known centers where alpha-therapy is actively used for medicinal purposes are the resorts of Pyatigorsk, Tskhaltubo, Brambakh and other places that have natural radon sources.


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