Beautiful places in the Samara region: Tsarev Kurgan, Blue Lake, Samara Luka

The Volga region is very rich in natural beauties, and Samara region was lucky in this sense. On its territory there are from 300 to 700 impressive natural monuments. Traveling through them can be exciting and informative. What can not be missed? We will list the most beautiful places in the Samara region and tell you how to get to them.

beautiful places in the Samara region

Geography of the Samara region

On the territory of the Middle Volga region there is a rather large region - the Samara region. Its area is 53.6 thousand square kilometers. The landscape of the territory is very diverse. Most of the region is occupied by steppes, but there are also more picturesque places. So, along the border with the Ulyanovsk region there is a relict taiga with unique stone objects. The region is rich in water resources, except for the Volga, which divides the region into two parts, there are many lakes and small rivers flowing through beautiful landscapes. All this makes the area very attractive for travelers.

Rating of the most beautiful places

To the question of what beautiful places in the Samara region are worth visiting, there is no definite answer. It all depends on the time that a tourist is willing to spend on exploring the natural attractions of the region. But there is a list of must see objects, which include the Zhiguli mountains, the most beautiful lakes, springs, caves, Soksky Yars, the Samara onion conservation area. For travelers who are willing to spend a lot of time on a trip to the Samara region, it will also be interesting to see historical sites, for example, the place where the battle of Tamerlane and Tokhtamysh took place, ancient sites, unique lakes - Sernoye, Goluboye, Neftyanoye. Let us dwell on those natural objects that make up the pride of the region.

Tsarev Kurgan

All-round visibility

40 kilometers from Samara, in the village of Volzhsky there is a unique attraction - Tsarev Kurgan. From the point of view of geology, the mound is part of the Zhiguli mountain range, separated from the main part of the mountains by water bodies. The local population has created many myths and legends about this unusual place. A beautiful panorama opens from the top of the mound, for the sake of which it is worth to climb. At the foot of the hill stands a beautiful church of the Nativity of Christ. On the slopes of the mound, two springs, recognized as saints and good for health, are beaten, many travelers specially come here for healing fluid. As you ascend to Tsarev Kurgan along the trail, more and more new paintings open up: the villages of Volzhskoye, Shiryaevo, the Sok River and its confluence with the Volga, Soksky Bridge, Samara is visible on the horizon.

It is easy to get to Tsarev Kurgan - shuttle buses go from Samara, and a good asphalt road is laid there.

seven keys [

Water beauty

Many beautiful places in the Samara region are associated with water. First of all, this, of course, is the Volga. But also in the region there are several unique and very beautiful reservoirs. The first place among them is rightfully occupied by Blue Lake. In the Samara region and neighboring regions there is no longer such an unusual reservoir. Small in size (the surface is about 300 square meters), a rather deep lake (the deepest point is 23 meters) is filled with emerald-blue water. The reservoir has karst origin, hence its special form, it is filled from deep hydrogen sulfide sources - hence its unique color. There is no life in the lake, but algae grow on the edges, which only enhance the spectacular effect of the lake.

The lake is located 115 km from Samara, it is most convenient to get by car to the village of Old Yakushkino, then follow the dirt road according to the signs.

blue lake in the samara region

In the depths of the earth

On the territory of the Samara region there are several interesting caves. The most famous of them is the cave of Stepan Razin. This natural site has karst origin. Under the influence of water and soil precipitation, the cave gradually becomes lower and lower. Today it has a rather narrow entrance, and in the old days the height of the passage was such that it could be entered on a horse. After a narrow corridor, a rather large hall opens. Today, the ceiling can be reached by hand, and in the past, the height was up to 5 meters. Several narrow corridors depart from the hall, which can also be inspected. There are legends about the cave that at one time Stepan Razin was hiding here several times. A detachment could quietly hide into the passage covered by the forest, and the presence of a second exit allowed them to escape from the persecution or suddenly appear, "as if from the ground." Today there is no second exit, but tourists still go to see this historic place.

You can get to the cave from the city of Zhigulevsk, along the highway to the village of Malaya Ryazan, then follow the signs.

Other underground objects of the Samara region are no less interesting: the Greve brothers cave, Sernovodskaya cave, Shiryaevsky adits in Popova Gora.

cave of stepan razin

Health Spring

A rare natural monument "Seven Keys" is located near the village of Smolkino. An area of ​​2.6 hectares is protected by the Cossacks. The Seven Keys spring zone is unique in that several underground springs form the Kargalka and Usu rivers. Rare species of flora grow on the territory of the monument. Sources are recognized as curative and people come here to get healthy water. The place is also excellent for walking, trails are laid to the bottom of the ravine, along the way you can admire the typical untouched nature of central Russia.

To get to the sources, you need to go from Syzran in the direction of s. Smolkino and follow the signs.

Samara onion

National Park "Samara Luka"

One of the main attractions of the region is the Samara Luka Natural Park. The territory bounded by the bend of the Volga and the Usinsky reservoir belongs to the national reserve. The beauty of the Zhiguli Mountains, a special microclimate, unique flora and fauna, many amazingly beautiful corners - all this makes Samara Luka an excellent tourist attraction. Since the park covers more than 100 hectares, you need to immediately determine what you need to see.

Famous natural attractions nearby are Molodetsky Kurgan and Devy Gora. On the way to them, you should stop on the shore of the Zhiguli Bay, which offers a magnificent view of the mound and Devyoga Mountain, as well as Mount Lepeshka, in the summer you can swim here. To climb the Molodetsky Kurgan you need to buy a ticket (ticket), this allows you to be in the conservation area. For walks, two routes are laid: long and short. From the information stands along the way you can find out about the legends surrounding this place. From the top of the barrow a marvelous view of the Zhiguli Sea opens . From the mound, you can go along the path to the Nine Mountain - a rocky cliff above the water.

In the center of the natural park, a hollow is formed, which is called the Stone Bowl or the source of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Mountain water of crystalline purity flows into the deepening, people believe that it has healing power.

When visiting the Samara bows, one cannot ignore the village of Zhiguli, which is known as the center of anomalous phenomena. Not far from the village is Samara Stonehenge - these are stone circles of unknown origin. People are drawn here to make a wish and touch the secret.

Getting to Samara Luka is quite simple, it is 120 km from Samara, on the M-5 highway you need to go to the village of Vali, then turn to Zhiguli, then follow the signs.

well done barrow and devy mountain

Ancient world

Beautiful places in the Samara region are not limited to natural objects. Unusual park - the center of historical modeling "Ancient World" will allow you to learn a lot of new and interesting. Here on an area of ​​8 hectares housed models of dwellings of the Bronze and Stone Age, workshops for the manufacture of metal, pottery, stone and bone. Visitors can immerse themselves in the life of distant ancestors: mark a spear and arrows from a bow, get acquainted with wedding and funeral rites, make a stone amulet with their own hands, sit in a nomad’s yurt. All this happens against the backdrop of magnificent natural landscapes.

You can get to the park on foot from the village of Kamenny Brod of the Krasnoarmeysky district.

beautiful places in the Samara region

Racia Alps

In the west of the Samara region, near the village of Smolkino, a unique place, called the Racheyskie Alps, was located. This place reminds the nature of Karelia. Here lies the unique Racheisky pine forest of ancient pines growing on a stone ridge. A place was formed many thousands of years ago by a glacier that had descended. Rocky cliffs, swamps, dark forest thickets - all this helps to feel the power of pristine nature. The beauty of the mountains, the river Usa, grottoes and caves create an absolutely fabulous atmosphere. Famous Devil's finger, Glade of sorcerers, stream Girl's tears are shrouded in mystery and myths. Walking in these places leave a lasting impression.

You can get to the place from the villages of Smolkino, Peredovaya or Gremyachiy on foot or by bicycle.


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