How to make a Christmas tree from pasta with your own hands

Today, people increasingly think that natural resources, alas, are not unlimited. And such a wonderful holiday, like New Year, causes enormous damage to our planet. After all, hectares of coniferous trees annually mercilessly ruin . However, there are many ways to preserve nature and decorate the house with the main New Year's symbol. This article will tell you how to make a Christmas tree from pasta.

Materials for the manufacture of volumetric figures

Since you can make a Christmas tree from pasta in several ways, you first need to consider the option of a miniature tree on a stand. For crafts, you can use smooth “feathers” with an oblique cut, ribbed “feathers”, “bows”, “curls” and even “horns”.

how to make a pasta christmas tree

You will also need a dense sheet of cardboard, celluloid or plastic, glue and paint. To make the pasta tree steady on the plane, you will also need a stand for the figure. It should be heavy enough and with a good diameter, because light support cannot firmly hold a symbolic tree.

DIY color scheme

The New Year, so it has become customary, is considered a childhood holiday. Although adults are happy to celebrate it. The belief that miracles in the world have a place lives in every person, regardless of age. And therefore this holiday is so connected with a fairy tale that people themselves like to turn into wizards and wizards on this day.

Do not limit your imagination by making Christmas decorations, gifts for loved ones, congratulations. And let all this be creative, unlike everyday reality. And even a homemade Christmas tree made of pasta can be of various colors. Traditionally used green paint. But the tree looks very creative silver, golden, blue, pink and even striped. In the manufacture of the New Year’s symbol, the main condition is precisely its conical shape.

Christmas tree from pasta photo

As a detail emphasizing stylization, you can use a bright or carved “star” on top of a tree or “top”, which is also made from pasta. For example, a pasta tree, the photo of which is presented here, is not only made of "bows", painted with blue paint, it is also decorated with "toys".

Tightly spaced twigs

To make the tree beautiful, you should work extremely carefully. A fluffy beauty is made by gluing pasta “butt” one side by side with the other. A do-it-yourself Christmas tree made from pasta is best if you arrange them in a checkerboard pattern so that there are no gaps. After completing this type of work, the figure is painted using a spray can.

If a Christmas tree is made from pasta, the craft will be more creative when using two colors during painting. For example, taking “feathers” for work, you can “drop” paint of contrasting color inside each part. You can paint all the details in advance in different colors, then the craft will become even more fabulous and interesting.

pasta tree

Master class for making a Christmas tree with "end-to-end" branches

So, the decision to make a man-made masterpiece was made by the master. Prepared and all the components for the job. The point is only to learn how to make a Christmas tree from pasta.

Before starting work, the master should make a bag of cardboard, plastic or celluloid, fastening it with glue or a stapler. You can take any pasta of the shape that impresses you the most.

do it yourself pasta tree

Start pasting pasta from the bottom edge, gradually rising up. Difficulty in performing this type of work appears if the master uses not “feathers”, but other types of products that do not have an oblique cut. After all, here you need to make sure that the angle of inclination of all the "branches" is the same.

When the tree of pasta has acquired the desired shape, the workpiece is set on a stand. If it is difficult to find a suitable option, you can even use an ordinary faceted glass, putting it upside down. It is quite stable, its visible part can be decorated under a tree trunk with brown paper or acrylic paints, and lay a layer of cotton wool around, imitating a snowdrift. So that the cone with the tree itself does not swing and does not roll on its side, the corners of the bottom can be smeared with plasticine or glue, then the craft will firmly stand where it is placed.

After painting the figures, it is dried and, if desired, decorated with garlands of foil or luminous electric flashlights.

Original Christmas tree with balls

You can do the craftsmanship using not only imitation of “twigs” during gluing. If between the pasta to fix on the "trunk" small Christmas tree decorations or bright fruits, as well as solid berries, such as mountain ash, then the tree will initially look decorated.

Christmas tree from pasta

It should be borne in mind that when using fruit or berries, a Christmas tree made with pasta from one's own hands will last a short time. After all, "toys" can deteriorate or dry. But with glued toys, it will last more than one year.

Fancy Pasta

Since the article "Christmas tree made of pasta" does not have to be as naturalistic and close to the real look of a coniferous tree, a wide field of activity is open for the wizard’s imagination. Using a variety of colors when staining, you can make quite creative products.

DIY Christmas tree from pasta

There is even the option of using pasta of various shapes in combination to create a Christmas tree figurine. This craft looks creative and unusual, so even somehow fabulous. But everyone knows that the New Year is a celebration of magic.

Striped Christmas tree made of pasta. Master Class

A product that uses shiny tinsel looks very nice. To make such a Christmas tree is even easier than to make it with “branches” located close to each other. True, you will first need to outline the line for pasting.

Christmas tree from pasta master class

  1. This line is drawn in a spiral cone from top to bottom. Moreover, the distance between the turns should correspond to the sum of the length of the pasta and the width of the tinsel. Tinsel is best taken in green. Although there are no exact recommendations.
  2. Attach pasta, most often for this option choose "feathers", on a drawn spiral line, tightly to each other. Glue them, starting from the top and falling down.
  3. At the end of this type of work, the workpiece must be painted. Spray paint is applied on pasta and on the visible parts of the bag.
  4. Then, in the aisle, the pasta is glued spirally tinsel.
  5. By attaching the Christmas tree to the stand, you can decorate the crafts with toys, put a “star” or “top” on top of the head.

Herringbone pasta on a plane

Sometimes the square does not allow using even such a tiny symbol of the New Year as a twenty-centimeter figure to decorate a room. Then the experts suggest a tricky solution - to make the coniferous tree semi-volume.

pasta tree

To do this, you need to take a dense sheet of any material and draw an outline of the spruce on it. Using the algorithm for performing a three-dimensional figure, the master glues pasta not roundly in a cone, but in rows on a plane.

The use of small Christmas toys, coloring the tree in a variety of colors - all of these methods are also appropriate here. Even a “striped” tree with tinsel in the aisles may very well turn out to be very wonderful.

You can perform a Christmas tree not on a sheet, but by cutting a tree along the contour. If pasta is glued on both sides of the template, and a loop is sewn on top, then such a New Year symbol can be hung on a wall, chandelier or window. This option is great for decorating wall newspapers. You can also the technique of making a half-volume Christmas tree for the manufacture of decoration toys.

Christmas tree with decorations near the house - and all of the pasta!

Many people are fond of crafts from this accessible material. Whatever they make of pasta! Craftsmen make houses and towers from long spaghetti, wonderful fences are made from noodles. Wells such as "crane", benches and sheds - everything can be folded from this material, fastening the "logs" with glue or dough. For ease of manufacture, empty dairy bags and various boxes are successfully used as a frame for buildings. The master will only need to paste over the surfaces of the frames with "horns" and "feathers", decorate the "cornices" of houses and shops with carvings made again from pasta.

If you hide everything around and the stand itself, on which the layout of this creative courtyard is installed, you get a voluminous picture of "Winter Day in the Village". You can even make a slide for riding children, and put sledges nearby. And you can also build the fabulous sleigh of Santa Claus, who, I think, just came to visit the owners and present them with their gifts.

And in the courtyard near the house, of course, you need to put a beautiful fabulous Christmas tree decorated with the same unusual "pasta" toys. And it will turn out not just a symbol of the New Year, but a whole landscape in winter. And how to make a Christmas tree from pasta, which choice to make, depends on the skills of the wizard’s imagination.

If you want to make a layout for Christmas, then silver angels will be extremely appropriate here. It is unlikely that anyone will remain indifferent to a sort of beauty! And this craft can even be presented as a gift.


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