International money transfers from Russia to Belarus: features, conditions and reviews

Many citizens of Belarus work in Russia. Usually the shift method is used for this. In order not to transport the money immediately, many send it to their relatives and friends. Money transfers from Russia to Belarus are carried out in different ways. About banks and systems described in the article.


It is most convenient to send a money transfer from Russia to Belarus using an electronic wallet. User reviews confirm the convenience of this method. Now there are many systems used in other countries. The most famous is WebMoney.

money transfers from Russia to Belarus

Transfer of funds is quick and takes about 3 hours. Each transaction costs 0.8% of the amount. This percentage is quite low, but the system has a drawback. In Belarus, it is difficult to cash out funds received through WebMoney.

Usually, Technobank services are used for this, since this bank transfers electronic funds in cash with a 3% deduction. With the help of this institution, funds are transferred to cards of other banks with a commission of 3-3.5%, as well as to a bank account.

Cashing is carried out thanks to:

  • box office Belgazprombank;
  • to various exchangers.

But these options are rarely chosen, since the commission is about 5%. Moreover, there are much more profitable and comfortable systems for sending transfers to different countries.

Banking systems

This is another option for making money transfers from Russia to Belarus. To do this, find a banking organization whose branches are in both countries. These include:

  • "Bank of Moscow".
  • VTB.
  • Sberbank
  • Gazprombank.
  • "Alfa Bank".

Russian post money transfers to Belarus

Transactions are carried out in cash and by card. Each institution has its own characteristics of the provision of services. You can find many reviews about the convenience of the service through banks. There are acceptable commissions and short delivery times.


As an example, take Sberbank. A money transfer from Russia to Belarus takes 3-5 minutes, and the commission is 2%. The operation is performed within 2 days. To implement it, you will need:

  1. Passport.
  2. Name of the recipient.
  3. Beneficiary account number.
  4. If there is no last, you need to know the SWIFT code of the branch where the transfer will be accepted and its number.

An operation on these conditions is advantageous when sending from 102 thousand rubles, since the rate is fixed. You can transfer funds through the bank and not cash them. Judging by the reviews, cash items are one of the most sought after.


Sberbank makes Hummingbird money transfers from Russia to Belarus. They are sent in rubles, dollars and euros. The execution period is not more than an hour. The transfer can be canceled, but for a fee of 150 rubles.

money transfer from russia to belarus tax

The fee is paid by the sender and the recipient. For the first, the rule is 1% of the amount, but not less than 150 rubles. The recipient should pay 1%.

From card to card

Money transfers from Russia to Belarus from card to card are in demand. Favorable conditions are offered by Alfa-Bank. Payments are made online using the online service.

The advantage of this method is that you only need to know the card number of the recipient. The commission is 1.95% of the amount. The disadvantage is the limited amount that can be sent 1 time per month: 75 and 500 thousand rubles. As can be seen from the reviews, many use these services because of their reliability and convenience.

Postal transfers

It carries out money transfers to Belarus and the post office of Russia. Judging by the reviews, the system is very convenient and safe. But this method has a drawback - Belarus has a restriction on transfers, since the maximum on transfers from Russia should be no more than 90 thousand rubles.

send a money transfer from Russia to Belarus

To receive funds, you must present the completed form to the cashier. They are issued in Belarusian rubles. The transfer period takes 4-72 hours. But to send money to the receiving account using mail in Belarus will not work.

Western Union

International money transfers from Russia to Belarus are carried out using the Western Union system. According to customer reviews, this system is not difficult to find, it works in almost all cities. The company is in demand all over the world and has been operating for more than 150 years. The system allows you to transfer funds without opening accounts, so money can be received a few minutes after registration.

The commission is 1-1.7%, it is determined by the amount and currency. To receive the transfer, the recipient must provide a passport and fill out the form. You must specify the transfer number, amount and information about the sender. This method is still reliable and simple. As users note, the recipient takes the funds almost immediately after registration. Customers are satisfied with the availability of the commission compared to other methods.


Translations using this system are convenient, as evidenced by numerous customer reviews. You do not need to issue an invoice for this. But this rule is valid only up to restrictions. In excess of the amount required to create a personal account, as well as registration with the Department of Humanitarian Affairs.

money transfers from Russia to Belarus hummingbirds

In order to receive and cash out funds, a written permission is required from the Department for the targeted use of foreign assistance. The tax on money transfers from Russia to Belarus under this system is 3%. The duration of the procedure can be from minutes to days.

To receive money, you must provide:

  • passport;
  • indicated number and amount.

Each city has branch addresses where you can apply for funds. As noted by customers of the system, to find a “Contact” is very simple, since it is in almost every bank and in communication stores. Using this system, you can track the transfer of money from Russia to Belarus on the official website of the company.


The system provides the ability to arrange profitable translations. In this case, the transaction is carried out in 5-10 minutes. The commission depends on the currency:

  • rubles - 1.5-2%;
  • dollars - 2-3%.

Issuing funds is simple: you need to take a passport and a statement with a number.

"Gold Crown"

Payment system is one of the most popular. It is in demand in 20 European and Asian countries. In total, over 40 thousand service points are operating. Many Russian and Belarusian banks work with the Golden Crown.

international money transfers from Russia to Belarus

The system allows you to send and receive money, pay for services, goods, loans. There is a fixed tariff in Belarus. It turns out that the transfer amount can be any, and one fee is charged for it.

The Golden Crown is in demand among many people, as evidenced by the positive reviews. The company has established itself as a reliable partner that performs its work efficiently. It is enough to provide a passport to use the services of the system.

With the first visit, you need to fill out a personal card, indicating information about yourself. In the future, forms are not needed, which saves time in the sending process. As noted by the customers of the Golden Crown, the system is reliable and convenient, it is serviced by many banks and telecom stores.


This system works in many countries, it is usually found in banks, telecom stores. Traditionally, banks conclude an agreement on accepting payments and performing transactions. Organizations can rent a workplace to a money transfer agent.

track money transfer from Russia to Belarus

There are branches in Belarus and Russia. To get acquainted with more detailed information, just visit the site. There is also a calculator for calculating the commission. Together with the translation, you can send a text message up to 10 words.

The disadvantages include the execution of the transaction only in dollars and euros. In addition, there is a high commission. Although users in the reviews note the convenience and reliability of the system. To complete the shipment, you must provide a passport. Agents may request a residential address. You must fill out the form and provide the required amount. After that, you can notify the recipient of the receipt of funds.

Thus, you can send transfers from Russia to Belarus in various ways. Many banks and telecom stores provide similar services. And which system to choose depends on a person’s desire. Indeed, for each service there are some attractive conditions.


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