How to easily and easily convert milliamps to amperes and vice versa

Quite often in practice there is a need to convert milliamps to amperes. Experienced electricians have no problems with this. But novice specialists of this profile may not immediately respond. In this article, simple and affordable ways to perform this operation will be described.

Milliamps to amperes.

Physical quantity

Ampere is a unit that quantifies the strength of the current. Its value can be determined by conducting direct measurements using a multimeter, tester or ammeter (direct method). The current strength is measured only by sequentially connecting the measuring device to the electrical circuit. In the second case, its value can be found out by carrying out calculations (indirect method). If the voltage applied to the circuit section, as well as its resistance, is known, then it is enough to divide the first into the second - and we will get the necessary value. In practice, amperes are not so often used - this is a large value. Therefore, it is necessary to use multiple units - micro (10 -6 ) and milli (10 -3 ). But for electrical calculations, you need to translate them into the basic units of measurement. (For example, milliamps to amperes). Consider the following example. The voltage in the circuit section is U = 6 V, and its resistance is R = 100 Ohms. We determine the current strength I on it according to Ohm's law:

I = U / R, (1)


  • U is the voltage on the circuit, V;
  • R is the resistance of the same section, Ohm;
  • I - current strength on it, A.

As a result of the calculations, we get I = U / R = 6/100 = 0.06 A. Not a very convenient number for perception. Therefore, it is converted to multiple units. In this case, it is convenient to represent this value in milliamps. For this, the resulting value of 0.06 A is multiplied by 1000 and we get 60 mA. You can do the reverse counting - milliamps to amperes. To do this, it is enough to divide 60 mA by 1000, and we will get the same 0.06 A. From this recalculation it is clear how many milliamps are 1000 in amperes. Therefore, divide or multiply by this number. If the prefix "micro" is used, then to switch from one unit of measurement to another, you need to multiply or divide by 1,000,000.

How many milliamps are in amperes?

Measurement procedure

As noted earlier, ammeters, multimeters and testers are used to measure current strength. The greatest accuracy of measurements is provided by the first of them. They measure only one quantity and only in one scale. And this is not entirely convenient. In turn, multimeters and testers allow you to measure almost all electrical values ​​and not only in one range. Also in these devices there is the ability to switch units. For example, a meter indicates that a range has been exceeded. In this case, you need to switch milliamps to amperes and thereby find out the required value. The main disadvantage of testers and multimeters is that, unlike ammeters, the error in them is much larger. But all the same, in practice they are often used, because this makes it easy and simple to find a malfunction and eliminate it. Another important nuance associated with these devices: if previously it was necessary to break the circuit, now testers and multimeters have appeared that allow you to measure the current strength in a non-contact way, that is, without connecting. Such a solution is increasingly used in practice.

Convert milliamps to amperes.


Convert milliamps to amperes There are two ways. The first of these consists in performing arithmetic calculations using a special coefficient of "1000" (the number of milliamps in ampere). The second method is based on the use of special measuring tools - a tester and a multimeter. They have special switches that allow you to easily convert milliamps to amperes and vice versa. Which method is more convenient, that one is used in practice. If it is possible to find out the setpoint by calculation, then this method is used. Otherwise, a measurement is carried out, according to the results of which an unknown value is recognized.


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