Alexey Maresyev: a feat that went down in history

A.P. Maresyev - an example of will, courage, love of life. He could not give up his dream, even when he lost his legs, he stubbornly walked towards her, because he loved the sky. He never boasted of his victories, and did not consider them feats. Alexey Petrovich simply did not know how and did not want to live differently.

Maresyev feat

Labor is good

Alexei Maresyev, whose feat has gone down in history, was born on the earth of the city of Kamyshin, on the Volga River, on May 20, 1916, the last, fourth child. Describing his brothers, he said that the elders were smart, and he went to the pilots. At the age of three, Alexei was left without a father, he died from wounds, barely returning from the First World War, working as a trench soldier. Boys were brought up by one mother. The modest income of a woodworking housekeeper and the strong-willed character of a woman raising four children alone allowed the boys to get used to work, as well as to understand what it means to live an honest life. At the end of his life, Alexei Maresyev, whose feat is an example to follow, will name the main positive quality of a person - this is a conscientious attitude to work.


The future Hero of the Soviet Union, the legendary pilot Maresyev (every schoolchild knows his feat) in childhood did not shine with special health, but rather the opposite. He said to himself that he looked like a Chinese, and not like a Russian kid, because from year to year he was ill with malaria. In his youth, Alexei had serious problems with his joints, they caused him a lot of suffering, the pain was so strong that he could not move. Tormented him and constant migraines. No one has established an accurate diagnosis. With such poor health, he didn’t even have to think about any flying military school, but he thought and dreamed.


At the end of school, Alexei studies as a metal turner at a school at a woodworking factory, where he begins his career. Then he sends the documents to the Aviation Institute (MAI). The dream should have already come true, it is so close to it, but suddenly the Komsomol district committee of his native city directs him to the construction of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.
Angry, he replied in a rage that he would not go, he sent the documents to the Moscow Aviation Institute. To which he was offered to hand over a Komsomol ticket. But Alex was not from a timid dozen, took it and laid it on the table. But returning home, I had to tell my mother everything, she was ideological, cried for a long time and wailed. But everything worked out, fortunately, Alex reassured his mother and went to the Komsomol cell.

feat of maresyev summary

Dream is reality

Maresyev Alexey Petrovich ... Descendants will never forget his feat, but how would his life be if he didn’t go to the Far East? Would he become a pilot? Before leaving, Alexei underwent a medical examination, a woman doctor turned to him motherly, saying that he might not go, but if he steps on that land, then all his illnesses will go away. Then Alex thought that if he recovered, then he would become a pilot. She was looking into the water ... After arriving in the Far East, his health began to recover. The climate helped, as Alexey Petrovich himself said.

Arriving at the place, Alexei worked as an ordinary lumberjack, sawed wood, built barracks, neighborhoods, at the same time visited the flying club. Health has improved markedly, and with it self-confidence appeared. He made a lot of efforts to make his dream of becoming a professional pilot a reality.


He received his first lessons on the Amur, then, after being drafted into the army in 1937, he was sent to the 12th airborne squadron on Sakhalin Island, but he still could not fly there. This happened only when he was admitted to the Bataysk Aviation School named after A. Serov. In 1940, he graduated with the rank of second lieutenant and remained there to work as an instructor. In Bataisk, he receives news of the war.

A.P. Maresyev: feat (short description)

In August 1941, he was sent to the South-Western Front, in August the first sortie took place. Initial flight experiments at the Aviation School were not in vain; at the beginning of 1942 he was lucky in a real battle. You probably already wonder what feat Alexei Maresyev performed.

Alexei Maresyev feat

The stubborn pursuit of high professionalism yielded results, he was a good student and perfectly mastered everything that the teachers said. Alexei Maresyev performed the feat without hesitation: the downed German cars went one after another. The first destroyed German Ju-52 aircraft opened an account of victories over the enemy, by the end of March, 4 enemy aircraft had already been shot down by a talented pilot. Then it is transported to the North-Western Front.

Thirst for life

In early April, a misfortune happened with a young pilot. The plane was shot down, and the pilot himself was seriously wounded in the legs. When planning, he was going to sit in a forest swamp covered with snow, but the aircraft did not have enough power, and he collapsed with all his might onto the mighty tree trunks. Finding himself in the territory occupied by the enemies, he tried with all his might to get to the front line. First, on sick legs, and then crawling for 18 days, he got to his own. How survived is unknown to anyone. Alexei Petrovich Maresyev himself (his feat now seems unthinkable) did not like to recall this story and tell about it. He was driven, he said, by an indomitable desire to live.

Wonderful salvation

It was discovered, barely alive, by the local residents of the village of Plav, the boys Sasha Vikhrov and Seryozha Malin. Sasha’s father located the wounded in his house. For a week the collective farmers looked after and cared for him, but there was no doctor in the village, and his frostbitten legs were very sore. Alexey Maresyev received qualified assistance later, when he was transported to the nearest hospital. Amputation of the legs - this was the only right decision, since it began to develop incompatible with the life of gangrene.

Maresyev Alexey Petrovich feat


Doctors knew what a feat Maresyev performed, which means a profession for him. The more difficult it was for them to declare their conclusion to him: unfit for flight. A young, strong-spirited man was greatly depressed, but his iron will and thirst for a full life did not allow him to get used to the idea of ​​disability and his professional unsuitability. He could not put an end to himself and abandon military activities. The motives for action were not the desire to make a career or become famous, he, on the contrary, regretted his obsessive fame, which burdened him - as he spoke about her in numerous interviews. In the difficult time of the country, he could not become an invalid and a burden, such was Alexei Petrovich Maresyev. The feat from everyone was needed by the Fatherland in this difficult time, and he felt in himself huge unspent forces. In addition, Alexei Petrovich passionately loved the sky, and the conclusion of the doctors became a sentence.

Strength of will

Alexey Petrovich owes his return to the flight forces exclusively to his qualities: perseverance and willpower. While still in the hospital, he began to train, preparing himself to fly with prostheses. He had a great example - Prokofiev-Seversky - a World War I pilot who fought without his right foot. He convinced not only himself, but also the doctors that he could fly.

pilot maresyev feat

In February 1943, the senior lieutenant made his first flight with prostheses instead of legs in the flight school of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He achieved sending to the front and in the middle of the same year he arrived at the fighter aviation regiment.

On the Bryansk Front, they did not immediately believe in him. Alexey Petrovich was worried and very much asked to give him a chance. Soon he received it from the commander Alexander Chislov, who was accompanying his first flights. When a German fighter shot down Maresyev before his eyes, confidence immediately increased.

It was a great victory and his great feat. Having lost both legs, he ended up in the ranks.

what feat did the maresis

The next feat of Maresyev: summary

On the Kursk Bulge in a bloody battle, Alexei Maresyev proved his right to be one of the best Soviet fighter pilots. After amputating his legs, he shot down another 7 enemy aircraft and saved the lives of two Soviet pilots in the fight against superior enemy forces.

After the battles on the Kursk Bulge, Maresyev was sent to the best sanatorium of the Air Force. Here he was caught a decree on awarding him the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Regiment commander N. Ivanov wrote that Alexei Maresyev, whose feat was true patriotism, not sparing himself, his blood and life, fought against the enemy, achieving excellent results in battle, despite his physical disability.

Acquaintance with B. Polev

The military glory of him spread throughout the front. War correspondents began to arrive , including the author of The Tale of a Real Man. Boris Polevoy did not give the hero a real name. So the well-known Meresyev was created. The remaining events described in the story were in reality, with the exception of the novel, but the prototype liked the girl's image.

He did not have to make a choice between airplanes and girls, since his wife is also related to the Air Force. Maresyev said that he had not read the story, but he had a book.

Hero pilot Alexei Maresyev was not the only prototype of the "Tale of a Real Man." Many heroes who were left without limbs fought at the front, they were also marked with ranks and orders, Meresyev is a collective image.

what feat did alexei maresyev

Maresyev - an example of courage

After the war in 1946, it was already hard for Alexei Petrovich to fly: old wounds began to make themselves felt, so he resigned, although he did not complain about his health. Engaged in teaching activities, teaching young pilots. And he summed up his brilliant heavenly history in the 50s, when he made his last flights. Then he worked in the committee of war veterans.

We are familiar only with the Maresyev pilot, and the other side of his personality remained in the shadows. He was a candidate of science in history, took an active part in the work of public organizations. This amazingly persistent man not only did not succumb to illnesses, but also amazed those around him with his cheerfulness.

In the post-war era, Maresyev, whose feat glorified him throughout the country (partly thanks to the story of Boris Polevoy), was invited to many celebrations and meetings with schoolchildren. His merits served as an example in the education of the young generation.

The feat of Maresyev, the summary of which we examined, will be remembered by descendants. Throughout the war, this heroic man made 86 sorties, destroyed 11 enemy fighters, and saved the lives of two pilots.

A.P. Maresyev left this world in 2001, when an hour before the gala evening on the occasion of his 85th birthday everyone was informed of a heart attack. The evening took place, turning into an evening of memory, it began with a moment of silence. A.P. Maresyev was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.


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