Naiman: riddle of origin, history of nyman

Naiman is a strong warlike tribe of Turkic or Mongolian origin, wandering around the territory of Central Asia in the Middle Ages. They became participants in the ethnic history of many peoples, in particular the Mongols, Kyrgyz, Karakalpaks, Nanais, Tatars, Khazars and Buryats. In the Kazakhs, Naimans account for about one and a half million, which is a tenth of the total population. This tribe at different periods in a number of sources was mentioned in medieval chronicles. However, the history of Naiman, as well as their language and ethnicity, to this day remain a subject of controversy and largely a mystery to scientists.

Naiman: history of Kazakhstan

About the name of the nationality

Some believe that the name of the people comes from the original habitat of this tribe - the banks of the Maima River, which is a tributary of the Katun River, originating in the Altai Mountains. Also, the word "Naiman" in translation from the Turkic language means "eight." This was the reason for the emergence of another version, whose roots go deep into the history of Naiman. The genus of eight ancestors - this is how this name should be interpreted. And the main of the ancestors, according to legends, is Okresh. But most often they translate the name of this ethnic group as "eight-tribe people." There are about two dozen versions in this regard.

The Political History of Naimans

History of the people in the X-XV centuries

According to some versions, until the 10th century, the naimans were part of the Turkic Kaganate for some time. And after its collapse, they participated in the creation of the state of the Karakhanids along with the Kerei, Karluks and other ancient tribes of Central Asia. In the runic monuments of that era, they were called the Segiz-Oguz people. But this, again, is just one version.

The political history of Naiman is eventful. They created great empires and fought with the conquerors. In their life there have been great ups and crushing falls. By the time of the invasion of Genghis Khan, that is, by the end of the XII century, among the Turkic tribes they were considered the most powerful. And therefore, the great warrior did not immediately succeed in subduing them, but only after the conquest of other neighboring nations, political intrigues and the application of tactics of fragmenting the enemyโ€™s forces. Under the onslaught of Genghis Khan, part of the Naimans was forced to move to the western lands, while others mixed with the Mongols, gradually adopting their culture and customs.

History of the Naiman clan

Later, having become part of the medieval Turkic state of the Chagatai ulus, the naimans tried to maintain their tribal structure. At the time of Tamerlane, this nation occupied the territory between the rivers Nur and Ishim. And in the XV century it became part of the Kazakh and Kyrgyz tribes, sharing the fate of these nationalities, occupying not the last, but even an honorable place among them. That was the story of the Naimans.

Origin and language

Scientists today do not know much about the ancient customs of this tribe. In the modern speech of the peoples of Central Asia, only a few words are left of the Naiman language, some of which are borrowed. Therefore, judging by the language of the historical roots of this tribe is impossible. If we consider them to be the Segiz-Oguz people mentioned in the annals of the VIII-IX centuries, then the places of their ancient residence should be considered Altai, Kazakh and some nearby areas. Consequently, their language was formed under the influence of the environment; it has a Turkic origin.

But according to some reports, Naiman is a Mongol-speaking people. And that, too, has scientific evidence. There is information, drawn from written sources from the time of the invasion invasion, that during military clashes with the Mongols and Keraites, they could perfectly explain themselves to them and perfectly understand their speech. In this case, it turns out that the history of the Naimans and their roots should be sought among the Khitan people, wandering in the neighborhood of Chinese lands. But disputes among scientists are still ongoing.

Kazakh clan of Naimans

The descendants of this ancient tribe can be found in the modern world. In particular, over the past century, Naiman played a large role in the history of Kazakhstan, as well as in its ethnogenetic processes. In the XVIII century and later they lived on the coast of the Amu Darya, inhabited the Karakum, Afghan territories, and parts of Western Kazakhstan. They live in these parts now.

Naiman: history of the clan

In far abroad countries with naiman can be found in the UK, France, even in the United States. And, of course, they live in countries that have played an important role in the history of Naiman, that is, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mongolia, China, and Russia.

Modern representatives of this tribe from the Kazakhs of the Middle Zhuz, as a rule, do not differ much in appearance from Europeans, often have light eyes and skin. By nature, it is an energetic, strong-willed, selfless and courageous people. They are hardworking, and their women are devoted and economic. These people are curious and sociable, but at the same time cunning and observant. Therefore, it is not worth relaxing especially with them when meeting.


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