How to distribute the Internet from iPhone 7: ways to share

With the onset of summer, almost all people move from stuffy offices and concrete apartments to nature. However, nobody wants to give up the Internet, especially to owners of apple products. Fortunately, a modern iPhone can be used as an access point in order to enjoy your favorite sites on multiple devices at once.

how to distribute the Internet from iPhone 7

Although this option is available and quite simple to connect, many do not know how to distribute the Internet from iPhone 7 and subsequent models. In fact, there is nothing complicated. To share a wireless network signal, you don’t have to resort to any tricks or connect additional devices to the phone.

How to distribute the Internet from iPhone 7

It is worth saying that you can share the Network signal from any iPhone in which the corresponding module is installed. In this case, the device, of course, must be connected to the mobile Internet.

However, it is worth considering that when connecting additional devices, traffic will begin to increase exponentially. Therefore, wondering how to distribute the Internet from iPhone 7, you should first make sure that the phone uses an unlimited tariff for mobile Internet. Otherwise, the costs will be huge.

In order to turn your favorite iPhone into a camp modem, you must first enable the "Cellular data" option and activate the "3G / 4G LTE" function. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to the phone settings and select the "Cellular" section.
  • Enable "Modem Mode". In some cases, you may need to additionally activate Bluetooth.
  • When a message appears on the screen to activate the modem mode, you only need to enter the password for Wi-Fi.

how to distribute the Internet from iPhone 7 plus

It’s best to come up with a complex access code for your wireless network, especially if your phone is not connected to an unlimited tariff. Otherwise, anyone can connect to the access point.

This is the easiest way to distribute the Internet from iPhone 7. After activation, you can visit your favorite sites from any device running Android or Windows. However, this is not the only way to access the network.

How to distribute mobile Internet from iPhone 7 via USB?

For this method, you will need to purchase the appropriate cable. With it, you need to connect the phone to the laptop. After that, you need to go to the control panel of the laptop computer and find "Network and Internet." In this section, you need to go to "View network status" and check whether the connection has been activated. In turn, in the settings of the modem mode of the phone, you need to check the box next to "USB only".

This method also answers the question - how to distribute the Internet via iPhone 7. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case the connection speed will be much lower. Therefore, it will be very difficult to watch a movie or play.

how to distribute the Internet via iPhone 7

On the other hand, the phone will be constantly recharged.

How to distribute the Internet via Bluetooth?

In this case, you also need to connect the iPhone to the PC. Only in this case, not cable is used, but Bluetooth. After connecting, do the following:

  • Indicate the code (will be displayed on the iPhone), which is required in order to activate the option "Create a pair."
  • Connect from the PC to the phone and wait until the last message β€œModem Mode” appears on the latter.

If everything is done correctly, the gadget will start working as an access point. In this case, you can use it in normal mode.

why iPhone 7 does not distribute the Internet

APN settings for cellular providers

In order for everything to work correctly, you need to connect mobile Internet. Then make a few more manipulations. More precisely, you need to configure your Internet connection. To do this, just go to the gadget settings and find the "Cellular" section. If APN configuration is not performed automatically, then you need to do this in manual mode. To do this, select "Cellular data network." Further, it all depends on the mobile operator:

  • Megaphone . In this case, you must specify "internet" in the APN field. Fields with a password and username do not need to be filled.
  • Beeline . To activate the distribution of the Internet, "" is indicated as an APN. The username is simply beeline.
  • MTS In this case, you need to specify "" in the APN field, and enter mts as the user and password.

Why is the Internet not distributed?

Some users often encounter a similar problem. However, before you start to panic and wonder why iPhone 7 does not distribute the Internet, you need to make sure that all the settings have been made correctly.

It is possible that the device is not elementarily switched to modem mode. In this case, it will be impossible to distribute the Internet.

how to distribute mobile Internet from iPhone 7

Another common mistake is that when you connect the gadget to a computer, it turns out that the phone has an outdated version of iTunes. In order to solve this problem, it is enough to install the current version of the software, then reboot the devices.

Also, the causes of a non-working modem may be more trivial. Perhaps the device simply does not have the right module.

In most cases, the phone begins to distribute the Internet immediately after activating the necessary options. Additional settings are usually not needed.


Knowing how to distribute the Internet from an iPhone 7 plus on other models of "apple" products, you can use the benefits of the World Wide Web in any conditions. If the signal works fine, and all the settings were made correctly, then you can connect many different devices to the iPhone. However, we must not forget about network security. It is best to come up with a password that contains not only numbers, but also letters written in different registers. This will not only protect against freeloaders, but also from scammers who can crack mail or get other data from the phone.


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