Rest with children in the Leningrad region. Recreation centers, Leningrad region

Of course, we all love spending time with our loved ones. But what about if you can’t go on a long trip due to some circumstances? It turns out, as experienced tourists say, a vacation with children in the Leningrad region can also be pleasant and useful, and a fun company will be boring even at a short distance from the city.

This article will tell readers in detail about the rest in the Leningrad region. Everyone will receive useful information about where to recover in the first place, what to look for, how to save money, but at the same time get a lot of positive emotions.

Section 1. General Information

rest with children in the Leningrad region

Among all places intended for recreation, camp sites, sanatoriums, boarding houses of the Leningrad region stand out especially. Why? There are more than enough grounds for such statements. This region of Russia can boast of the presence of several factors at once: ancient history, picturesque nature and many amazing places with historical and architectural monuments of all-Russian and world significance.

Choosing for yourself an inexpensive vacation in the Leningrad Region, you should not forget that most of the objects can be visited for free or at a very symbolic cost.

This territorial unit is located in the north-west of Russia, in the vicinity of Finland and Estonia. In general, it is believed that for those who planned a vacation with their children in the Leningrad region, these regions are simply ideal, and a lesson for everyone here is for young travelers of any age, from very thoughtless to curious adolescents. And if for the former, as a rule, fresh air and local flora and fauna are important, then the latter are already happy to go on excursions.

One of the places worth visiting is Shlisselburg, located near St. Petersburg. It is located near Lake Ladoga, on the banks of the Neva. Here, on the island of the same name, seven centuries ago, the Oreshek fortress was erected. Once here, travelers feel how time actually stops. Fortress walls with weathercocks and ancient buildings have survived to this day.

Many of the oldest monuments are located in Vyborg. The symbol of the city was the only medieval castle in Russia, built in the XIII century. From its observation deck, a panorama of the whole of Vyborg opens. The castle hosts festivals and jousting tournaments. Also in the city there is a rocky park Monrepos. The manor and park ensemble embodied the beauty of architecture and landscape art. But the piles of unique granite rocks are especially interesting.

Another attraction of this region is the Assumption Monastery, where the miraculous Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God is located.

True, it should be noted that comfortable holiday homes in the Leningrad Region are located at a remote distance from the above places, so it would be rash to hope to see them in the company of the younger generation without any problems.

Section 2. Features of holidays with children

Leningrad region rest with children

In the vicinity of the northern capital of the Russian Federation there are enough places where you can spend time with fidgets.

For example, in the region there are children's camps, recreation centers, motels and country hotels, which are mainly located far from the city. Pensions in the Leningrad Region with a child are also very willing to accept, but parents will have to collect more medical certificates and conclusions.

In all institutions of such a plan, entertainment programs, sports events and classes are organized for children. In many centers, in addition to fascinating leisure time, treatment and preventive procedures are offered, designed specifically for children and adolescents.

Section 3. Can a vacation with children in the Leningrad region be a budget?

recreation center Leningrad region

The northwest is characterized by natural beauty, mild climate, clean air and many rivers and lakes. All this contributes to the restoration and recovery of an actively growing organism. Everything seems to be provided here for an inexpensive and comfortable stay at any time of the year.

But in the summer the Gulf of Finland is especially beautiful, so it’s worth paying close attention to it. For children in this area, there are various hikes, acquaintance with the local flora and fauna, games, etc.

In winter, children will also not have to be bored. Winter fun in the fresh air is always good for children. They ski, skate and sled, watch the life of birds and feed the squirrels. Modern buildings have been built on the territory of children's camps, and special meals have been organized. Children are supervised by experienced educators. There are all conditions for entertainment and activities.

Section 4. Resting with the whole family

sanatoriums boarding houses of the Leningrad region

The Leningrad region, holidays with children in whose territory is very popular, is good in any season. It should also be noted that here you can always choose the tours that correspond to the family budget.

Many motels and recreation centers accept adults and children of any age. Country pensions and hotels offer to spend a joint holiday on weekends, where parents with children can take part in sporting events, watch an entertainment show, etc. Even grandparents will find activities to their liking.

For outdoor enthusiasts, they organize field trips, excursions and hiking along forest paths, and barbecue. Such trips around the native land will save children from long flights, acclimatization and intestinal infections.

Section 5. Fortresses - a gift for the curious

boarding houses of the Leningrad region with a child

Children were always interested in stories about knightly tournaments and campaigns. In the vicinity of St. Petersburg are the most ancient fortresses from the Middle Ages, where you can get acquainted with history, watch knightly fights and battles. It is easiest to get to the towns of Shlisselburg and Vyborg by transport. Here are the Oreshek fortress and Vyborg castle. You can go to the fortress in Koporye with your own transport.

The building "Nut" was built on Nut Island in the XIV century. Hence the name of the fortress itself, which is an example of an old Russian defensive structure. It was used to maintain political prisoners. Of the four prisons, two are preserved, which are open for inspection. In the Secret House it is recommended to see the expositions about the prisoners of the fortress. Also in the fortress is a branch of the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg. You can get to the island only by water. For excursion groups organized crossings. The fortress is open from May to October.

In Vyborg, on Volovy Ostrov, the only medieval castle of the 13th century rises in our country. Once with the city, the fortress was connected by drawbridges. In the center to this day stands a stone tower, named after the king of Norway, Olaf Saint. It offers a beautiful view of the whole city. In the chambers of the castle a historical museum of local lore is opened, where ancient artifacts are collected. The zoological exhibition will tell about the wealth of flora and fauna of the Karelian Isthmus. The castle regularly hosts festivals and knightly fights. The tour takes a lot of time, so there is a cafe for visitors.

In the village of Koporye, 100 km from St. Petersburg, on a hill, there is a 13th-century fortress built by German knights. Initially, it was wooden, but after the capture of Alexander Nevsky it was destroyed and built of stone. Preserved walls and towers, under which remained the underground passages that once led to the torture chamber. Three towers are available for visiting. In the center stands a small dilapidated Church of the Transfiguration (XVI century).

Section 6. The advantages of country hotels

rest in the Leningrad region

As you know, rest with children in the Leningrad region, however, as in any other corner of the planet, you need to think carefully and in advance. According to experienced travelers, a stop at country hotels has a lot of advantages. All of them were built away from the city, most often in places with favorable ecology. In many of them, treatment and preventive procedures are provided. In the surrounding area, in addition to buildings, there are green areas with plantings, lawns and ponds. Playgrounds are organized for children, additional supervision is provided by staff. For security reasons, video surveillance is installed.

In addition to family vacations, country houses offer birthday parties, graduations and other children's and youth holidays. To do this, organize discos, festive tables and shows with the hosts. All conditions are created for a complete and comfortable stay for people of any age.

Section 7. The Underground Kingdom

Sanatorium, dispensary, modern hotel, recreation center ... The Leningrad Region has a lot of places to accommodate its vacationers. However, those who need to spend a long time in the company of kids at least once in their life know that they need to specially organize an interesting cultural program. So why not head to meet unusual travels?

40 km from St. Petersburg, near the village of Ulyanovka, the Sablinsky natural monument is located, on the territory of which there are waterfalls, river canyons, artificial caves and other historical places.

In the middle of the XIX century. underground work was carried out to extract silica sand for the production of glass. Production continued almost until World War II. After the cessation of mining, the caves began to crumble, flooding began, and blockages formed.

Abandoned dungeons of Sablinsky caves have complex labyrinths. For their passage requires special training and safety precautions. Now there are four caves.

Section 8. Leningrad region. Holidays with children in


This year-round resort complex is built on the hill of the Karelian Isthmus and meets European standards. Here the highest mountains in the region with long descents. This is a place where you can spend your holidays with toddlers and older children. Especially for them, there are children's slopes and rental of children's ski equipment, classes with instructors.

A children's pool, playgrounds and a games room are open, sports and entertainment events are held. The resort has various sports sections for children of different age groups. Accommodation of guests under 12 years old is free of charge.

Section 9. Rest in the Golden Valley

inexpensive vacation in the Leningrad region

A great option for families with children is a trip to the ski resort "Golden Valley". This is a wonderful recreation center. Leningrad region can be proud of it.

Here, children will gain strength and acquire sports skills. For your stay we offer comfortable rooms in the hotel or cottages in the park area. Developed a children's menu. In summer, tennis courts and football fields are open, trips around the region and hiking are organized. In winter, ski slopes, ski schools and children's rooms are available.

Section 10. Recreation center “Lukomorye”

Open year-round recreation center "Lukomorye", located in an ecologically clean area, on the shores of a clean lake. Modern cottages are equipped with all amenities. From all sides the base is surrounded by a pine forest. The resort has restaurants and cafes, parking, a volleyball court and billiards, a bathhouse, rental of ATVs, bicycles and other sports equipment.

There is a beach on the lake, entertainment and discos are organized. In winter, prepare a slide for sledding.


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