We teach the geography of the Balkans: where is Macedonia

The region where Macedonia is located today is hardly politically stable. News about crises and conflicts comes from the Balkan Peninsula regularly. However, the long and eventful history of the Balkans allows us to hope that this unfavorable period will soon end.

where is macedonia

Ancient history of Macedonia

The history of the ethnogeographic region of Macedonia has its roots in ancient times, in the times preceding the well-known Trojan War. In that legendary era, the kingdom located in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula was an ally of the militant city-state of Troy.

Later, the region came under the heavy rule of the Achaemenid dynasty, which established itself in Persia. And two centuries later, in the lV century BC, the Romans invaded the Macedonian lands, who annexed the region to their empire, making it part of a vast province, which they also called Macedonia.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire and the establishment of two new states on its fragments - the Eastern Roman Empire, known as Byzantium, and the Western Roman Empire - the province remained under the control of the Byzantines. However, the new sovereign could not ensure complete security for the people living in this territory, and it was under pressure from the Slavic tribes, who began to reside in the Balkans in the 15th century in especially large numbers.

Macedonia, where is it located

origin of name

The region where Macedonia has been located since ancient times was at the crossroads of various cultures, which were far from always friendly to each other. The neighboring peoples continually tried to conquer the ancient tribes living in Macedonia, but the conqueror born in Macedonia - Alexander, nicknamed the Macedonian - the great descendant of the legendary kings of Macedonia, who built his genealogy to Karan, who ruled in this country in the Vlll century, brought the greatest glory to the country. ad.

Most modern linguists agree that it is impossible to reliably interpret the origin of the name of the country, since it dates back to the ancient layers of the local language, of which so far little is known. However, some attempts are still being made.

In ancient Greek, the word "Macednos" existed, which supposedly meant "tall, cone-shaped." Competing in witty interpretations, philologists have come to the conclusion that the word may indicate people who lived in the mountains, which are indeed a hallmark of the local landscape.

Where is Macedonia in Greece?

Geography and complex history

To understand where Macedonia is located, it is enough, looking at the map, to find Greece, to the north of which the Former Yugoslav Republic is located, as the Greeks call it. The thing is that the Greek Republic has its own Macedonia - a vast province in the mountains, bordering Bulgaria, Albania and the Republic of Macedonia. And it is not surprising that the Greeks are painfully reacting to this name, trying to defend the right to possess historically invaluable territory. It is believed that it was the dispute over the name that caused the prolonged entry of the Republic of Macedonia into the European Union.

The Greek region of Macedonia, where the mountain range is located, which includes Mount Olympus, is rightly considered one of the most interesting European provinces.

show where is Macedonia

Where is Macedonia located?

In Greece, as mentioned above, they are in no hurry to give primacy in the possession of a historical province, however, the Macedonians in their tenacity do not want to concede. This perseverance deserves to tell a little more about the small proud republic.

To show where Macedonia is located, it is worthwhile to find on the map its more visible neighbors - Bulgaria and Greece, between them there is a country that does not have access to the sea. In addition to these two states, Macedonia also borders with Serbia, Kosovo and Albania.

The geographical region where Macedonia is located is characterized by a mountainous landscape with clearly defined plains, numerous lakes and not too full rivers. Quite often earthquakes occur in the country, some of which leave significant damage.

However, in general, the climate is considered favorable, although transitional from continental to Mediterranean, which makes the Macedonian winters long, but mild and snowy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G40194/

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