The scientific picture of the world and science in the life of modern society.

Science and modern scientific developments are something without which all of the benefits and conveniences of the 21st century would not have been possible for mankind to see. It is difficult to overestimate its role in the development and life of people. Progress moves by leaps and bounds, opening up new areas at levels completely inaccessible to the human eye.

As in ancient times, and today, science in the life of modern society is aimed at the production and systematization of new and old discoveries. Its main components are:
- explanation
- description,
- forecasts.

Undoubtedly, the description and explanation of certain facts represents the important role of science in the life of society, but the creation of a competent forecast based on the existing knowledge base is much more valuable. Forecasting is one of the key factors that push science to develop, expand concepts and knowledge, which leads to the need for new research in various fields.

If we consider the functions of science in society, we can distinguish the following:
1) the formation of true knowledge,
2) cultural and ideological function,
3) science is a productive force,
4) science is a social force.

Scientists attribute the beginning of discussions about science to antiquity when theological views on the world and the processes taking place in it began to be subjected to explicit criticism. Theology suggests that all processes on the planet are connected with divine providence. Gradually, the role of science in human life became apparent: now the church had to reckon with the naturally occurring scientific picture of the world, which began to change the worldview of man. Even though religion has suppressed science in every way for a long time, trying to drive it into the framework of theology, the development of the experimental base and the accumulation of experience made it possible to explain many phenomena on the basis of natural science.

As the functions of science in the life of society began to change, not a few enthusiasts began to engage in it, which led to the emergence of scientific schools and the development of the educational system. In this case, the fundamental is not only religion and the study of biblical subjects and scripts, but a base based on the experience, experiments and practical importance of a particular skill. Indeed, one of the main goals of science is the application of existing knowledge in practice.

However, only by the twentieth century did science become so important that it led to the establishment of a scientific worldview. Now it has become a full and integral part of culture. Science in the life of modern society affects all spheres of activity, it is already impossible to imagine the existence without a phone, TV, car, created thanks to it.

Nevertheless, science in the life of modern society is a pillar for the activities of many enterprises and organizations; the actions of politicians and businessmen are based on it. This was started not so long ago. Even in the nineteenth century, scientific achievements were practically not applied in practice, since production was static and did not require any new implementations. But gradually, experienced owners began to understand the importance of modernizing existing technologies and equipment, and this is precisely what science is for. At this time, scientific institutes, laboratories arise, which becomes the impetus for the development of science education.

At present, science in the life of modern society is an active productive force. It is the development of science that allows many countries to master advanced technologies and enter the world level with new products, research, scientific achievements, and these countries are leaders in the field of politics and economics. A vivid example of this fact is the arms race between the USSR and the USA after the end of World War II, when powerful institutions were created that were engaged in research and implementation of new technologies in the military industry.


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