Ayu-Dag: a legend. Bear Mountain in Crimea

The southern coast of Crimea is famous not only for its beautiful landscapes, but also for its magical legends. Since ancient times, these fertile lands have attracted settlers here. Each nationality brought its own customs and beliefs. Time passed.

Crimea mountains photo
Different stories intertwined and complemented each other. Inspired by these stories, natural objects became even more attractive for tourists. This article is dedicated to one of the attractions of the coastline of the southern coast of Crimea - Ayu-Dag Mountain. This is one of the most recognizable silhouettes of the coast.

Different names

Bear Mountain, and this is how the name of Ayu-Dag Mountain is literally translated from the Turkic language, was not always so called. For example, the ancient Greeks somehow reminded her of a ram's forehead. And they called her accordingly - Kriumetopon. But sailors in the Middle Ages saw a camel hump in the outlines of the mountain and marked it with the name Camel in their maps.

By the way, some scholars are inclined to an alternative translation of the name Ayu-Dag. With the fact that the word "dag" means "mountain", no one argues. But in relation to the first part of the name, the historian O. Dombrowski admits the translation “holy” (in Greek “ayos”).

The beginning of a beautiful legend
Ayu Dag

Once upon a time, the area where Ayu-Dag Mountain rises today was chosen by a group of wild bears. They were strong and smart animals. They hunted raids on the nearby settlements of people. And when all the enemies went deep into the island, the bears began to go on long hikes and were absent for several days.

The leader was the strongest, oldest and wisest bear. He did not allow any of the people to step on his land. The old bear was convinced that people are the most dangerous and treacherous opponents, and no one in the neighborhood can feel safe.

But then one day, once again returning from a campaign, the animals saw on the shore the wreckage of a ship broken by a storm and thrown ashore. Among the piles of garbage, one of them found a bundle with a human child. The find was brought to the trial of the leader. Seeing an innocent child, the old bear took pity on the baby and decided to leave her in the pack.

Day after day, time passed and the little girl gradually turned into a beautiful young girl. She happily lived among the bears, who took care of her from early childhood. Not seeing other people, the pupil of the bears gave all her love to the animals around her. They, in turn, perceived her as a full member of the pack.

bear mountain in crimea

Unexpected meeting

Once, a girl was walking along the shore and saw a strange piece of wood brought by the surf. She came closer and inside (and it was not just a fragment of a tree, but a small boat) she found a man without feelings.

For the first time, she saw someone so similar to her. He was a young man with handsome features. Realizing that a meeting with the bears promises him certain death, the girl decided to save the young man and hid him in a cave.

Day after day, she furtively brought him food and worked on his wounds. And the young man told her about the native lands and customs of people. After a while, for some time, young people realized that they loved each other. Realizing that the bears just wouldn't let them go, they began to plan an escape.

The rescue

The young man was able to attach a small sail to the boat in which he had once been washed ashore, and the lovers set an escape time. After waiting for the bears to go on another raid, they pulled out a boat and sailed away from the coast. But suddenly the animals returned.

Seeing a boat floating in the sea with his darling, the old leader roared and rushed to the shore. But he quickly realized that he couldn’t catch the ship. Then the wise beast lay ashore, clasped its muzzle to the sea itself and began to draw water in its mouth. The rest of the animals did the same.

The formed current began to drag the boat back to shore faster and faster. And then the girl got up to her full height and sang her most beautiful song. Having disobeyed, the animals rose from the water, and the current immediately weakened. So the lovers managed to escape.

Only the old leader did not succumb to a bewitching voice. Blinded by anger, he remained lying on the shore by the very water. The huge beast was petrified and turned into a forested mountain. And so, according to legend, the Mountain Bear appeared in the Crimea. This story is most often told to tourists.

But this mountain of Crimea, whose photo so much resembles the silhouette of a lying bear, has other legends.

Ayu Dag Crimea

History originating in ancient Greece

Everyone knows about the epic Trojan War. But few remember that, setting off on this campaign, King Agamemnon sacrificed his own daughter Iphigenia to the gods. According to ancient Greek myths, this act laid the foundation for a chain of events, as a result of which there appeared Bear Mountain in the Crimea.

The story of the ancient Hellenes is full of drama and vivid characters. The story of Ayu-Dag Mountain is no exception. The legend of her appearance is quite capable of serving as a motive for the best Hollywood adaptations.

Victim substitution

The goddess Artemis took pity on the innocent girl who was put on the altar by her father, and at the last minute replaced the victim with a forest doe. She took Iphigenia to her temple so that the girl would serve there as a priestess.

The magnificent temple of Artemis stood on the seashore where Ayu-Dag Mountain is located today. The ancient Greeks called Crimea Tavrida. This land in those days was impregnable and harsh. The dense forests covered her. And in these forests there lived fierce wild boars and bears. Not a single traveler was able to break the boundaries of their possessions with impunity.

To live in the thicket were people living on the coast. These inhospitable children of the harsh land knew no mercy, no mercy. The Taurians were ruled by the one-eyed king Zarnak. He ordered his subjects to kill all foreign sailors whose ships could carry to the coast of Tauris.

These unfortunates were intended as a sacrifice to the patroness of Tauris - Artemis. Therefore, every morning Iphigenia was forced to kill sailors on the altar of the goddess. The girl did not like this duty, but she could not change anything.

Ayu Dag legend

Gift of Artemis

The young princess, brought up among the refined Hellenes, with the rude Taurians had nothing in common. Seeing how she was tormented by loneliness, Artemis taught her the language of animals.

Now Iphigenia began to often walk through the forest and communicate with its inhabitants. Wild animals did not offend the tender girl, and she found in their company much-needed comfort.

A particularly close friendship connected Iphigenia with a huge bear - the owner of this forest. Once she pulled out the arrow of a hunter. Since then, the gigantic beast was ready to fulfill any desire of its savior. Often one could see this strange couple, who had chosen a meadow for relaxation.

The girl hugged the bear and talked to him affectionately, and he with pleasure became like a peaceful pet.

Unexpected meeting

Once the Taurians captured the brother of Iphigenia Orestes. Fulfilling her role as a priestess, she had to stab him at the altar at dawn.

To save her brother, Iphigenia personally went to the ruler Zarnak and told him that the captive was defiled. Before the sacrifice, it should be cleaned in the waters of the sea. Unsuspecting Zarnak ordered the soldiers to take Orestes to the sea. There, Iphigenia sent the guards away, insisting that she should personally conduct the rite of purification.

As soon as the guards hid behind the nearest ledge, the brother and sister rushed into the water and sailed to a ship hidden nearby. By the time the Taurians felt something was wrong and rushed in pursuit, the fugitives were already far away.

Ayu Dag Mountain

A long bear longed for his girlfriend for a long time. For days on end he lay on the shore, peering into the distance. Unable to withstand the separation, the giant petrified and turned into Ayu-Dag mountain.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G40213/

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