Costume gypsy girl for masquerade girl

New Year and other holidays in kindergarten and school often mean the presence of costumes of various characters. And if in the modern world it has become easier, stores are full of clothes of famous heroes and attract attention, this does not mean that it will be better. Of course, it’s much easier to buy a costume for a cartoon hero, but more often than not it deprives a child of that touch of fabulousness and love that gives, say, a gypsy costume made by yourself.

Children's gypsy costume


It is customary to break any complex process into components, including making a gypsy costume with your own hands. It is better to start sewing with a skirt, this bright element is an indisputable sign of a gypsy outfit. What is so special about her?

For baby
  • First of all, a gypsy costume suggests the presence of bright fabrics. If we are talking about a skirt for a girl, then you need to choose very bright and sometimes absurd fabrics. The pattern on the fabric is better to choose from floral motifs, they reflect the original style.
  • The skirt itself is quite simple; it can be made using different techniques, for example, the sun or wedges. Wedges are used if there is not enough fabric for a full circle or half of it. The sun in the girth of the skirt may be one, but the more there are, the better. It is known that gypsies used about 3 suns for their skirt patterns.
  • If it is customary to choose a bright and clumsy fabric, then the frills should be made either from it or from a contrast fabric, preferably without a pattern. The skirt, made entirely from one material, looks boring and does not contribute to the appearance of a festive mood.

In addition to the suit, it is best to take a bright blouse, the advantage should be given to blouses with magnificent sleeves, but in no case should you choose tight-fitting models.


Folk costumes are most often accompanied by appropriate accessories. In some nationalities, these are ribbons and wooden shoes, but in a gypsy suit, independently made at home, there should be such things as a dress embroidered with coins and mono. If a monisto looks like a necklace made of coins or other large steel elements, it is better to buy or combine several chains, having previously prepared coins with a hole and connecting rings. Scarf can be taken as the basis for almost any, lightweight models can look awkward with heavy metal finish.

Light suit

Other little things

What else should be in a gypsy costume? First of all, this is a lot of metal bracelets and rings, large earrings, clips that fit tightly, but do not crush vessels, will be preferable for a child. Hairstyle and manicure to complete the image are also desirable, simple curls and waves are suitable. But the issue is controversial with shoes; you can’t put on elegant shoes under a folk costume, sneakers and sneakers also will not work. It is best to pay attention to ordinary ballet shoes of a neutral color, they organically fit into the image.

A gypsy costume for the girl, created and customized with her own hands, will be a great occasion to spend time with the child, make her happy and show how unique she is. Moreover, this image is suitable not only for stage performances, but also for home theater.


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