Belbek Airport (Sevastopol)

Belbek Airport is located on the sea coast in the city of Sevastopol.

belbek airport

A bit of history

In 1941, when this heavenly pier was only built, they used it only for military purposes. And since about 1985, when Gorbachev began to fly often to the presidential dacha, Belbek Airport began to receive civilian aircraft.

belbek airport flight schedule 2013

Now the sky pier of Sevastopol is used both for military and civilian purposes. And since 2002, the airport has a license allowing international transport.

How to get there

Belbek Airport is located a short distance from Sevastopol, 50 kilometers from Simferopol and 95 kilometers from Yalta.

belbek airport schedule

You can get to the airport from Sevastopol by bus, which runs here approximately every 30 minutes. From the north side of this city, Belbek is usually reached with transfers: first by boat, and then again by bus. The time of such a journey will be about 40-50 minutes.

More on everything

Belbek Airport is equipped with a three-kilometer runway, which can accept all types of aircraft.

For the past two decades, the airport has been extremely unstable, and for some time it was even closed. Perhaps this is due to the recent crisis. Only in 2010, the Sevastopol sky pier resumed its work, and its first passengers were guests who arrived from Dnepropetrovsk.

According to the plans of Belbek’s management, a new, more capacious terminal will soon be built here, the range of services will be expanded and new air carriers will be involved. A company website will also be created on which you can find out all the information you need about Belbek (airport). The schedule of nearby flights and ticket prices will also be available to all visitors online.


The building of this airport does not imply a long stay. There are no familiar cafes, restaurants and bistros. There are no shops in its territory. The nearest hotels can be found only in Sevastopol.


But despite this, many people have already managed to fall in love with Belbek Airport. The 2013-2014 flight schedule suggests that this air pier is still used!


And its main advantage is that it is very close to Sevastopol. In addition, as noted by numerous tourists, cleanliness and order are maintained at the proper level, as well as there is no noise and vanity. In general, the place is quite calm, with a measured pace of life and a peaceful atmosphere.

For a year Belbek can take up to 70 thousand passengers.

Of course, today this sky pier of Sevastopol is unlikely to be able to seriously compete with the main airport of Simferopol. The largest airlines there, which operate flights in various directions, offer their potential passengers much more favorable conditions.

But there will be more! Who knows, maybe when the Belbek airport is improved, it will become the most popular air harbor of this republic and will be able to seriously compete with its other "colleagues"!


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