Sights of Trieste, Italy: list, description, interesting facts and reviews

On the shores of the Adriatic Sea, in Italy, is the ancient coastal city of Trieste. The sights of this small village are known far beyond the borders of the country. We will introduce you to some of them today.

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A bit of history

The first mention of the city dates back to the 1st century BC. During the reign of Emperor Octavian, the first city fortifications were built. Due to its favorable location, Trieste turned into an important shopping center in the Middle Ages. Many states tried to conquer it: the Hamburg Monarchy, the Venetian Republic , etc.

The heyday of the city came only in the XVIII century, when Charles VI gave Trieste the status of a free city. During this period, the city became not just one of the largest ports in the Mediterranean, but also a resort in Austria-Hungary. In 1954, Trieste and the territories north of it passed to Italy.

triest attractions

Sights of Trieste, Italy: a list

The city is rich in interesting monuments and historical, cultural and architectural attractions. Below we present a list of the ten most popular and famous of them:

  1. Grand Canal.
  2. Canal Grande.
  3. Basilica of San Silvestro.
  4. Valley of Val Rosandra.
  5. Lighthouse.
  6. Seawater aquarium.
  7. Revoltell Museum.
  8. San Giovanni Park and the Rose Garden.
  9. Giuseppe Verdi Theater.
  10. Grotta Cave Gigante.

Trieste Attractions: Grand Canal

We begin our acquaintance with the city with the sights, which became the hallmark of the city. Often "little Venice" is called Trieste. The attractions located here really allow him to be called that. This primarily refers to the Grand Canal, which was built at the end of the XVIII century. It was built in the very center of the city, so that traders can get across the water for loading / unloading goods.

At first, the canal was longer, but after the demolition of the Old Town, its length was reduced. Now locals and visitors of Trieste like to walk here. Two bridges are thrown over the canal

triest italy sights

Canal grande

This canal was built in 1766 by the project of Matteo Piron and became an important element of the renewed Trieste, and the beginning of Borgo Teresiano - a modern area located between Piazza della Liberta and Corso Italy.

Previously, this territory was occupied by salt marshes, which are completely drained. In ancient times, the Grande Canal was a busy shopping center of the city. And today its shores are connected with squares, historical cafes, churches that were built by merchants who turned into the great trading city of Trieste (Italy). Its sights are included in almost all sightseeing tours in the country.

Every year, various events take place along the Grande Canal. Traditionally, the Barcolana regatta takes place here, and before Christmas fairs are held here.

Basilica of San Silvestro

Trieste is a city whose sights have an ancient history. For example, this basilica was built in the XI century, and is the oldest church in Trieste. In addition, the center of the Walden and Swiss Evangelical community is located within its walls today.

There was a Swiss Protestant community in Trieste. At the end of the 19th century, despite numerous administrative difficulties, the Waldenian community was attached to it. This contributed to the development of the religious and cultural life of the city.

trieste city attractions

The facade of the magnificent basilica is made in the Romanesque style and is notable for an elegant rosette. In front of the former main entrance to the church, today is the Romanesque porch, which is crowned by the bell tower. After the devastating earthquake of 1927, the basilica was severely damaged and had to be restored. At the same time, the appearance of the XIV century was returned to her. And a year later, San Silvestro was declared a monument of national importance.

Recently, the restoration of the ancient organ of the basilica was completed. Today it is used not only during divine services. The temple regularly hosts concerts of organ and classical music.

Val Rosandra Valley

If you are planning a trip to Trieste, the sights (the description and history of which are the subject of our review) you can see in the travel agencies' brochures. Nevertheless, we also want to talk about some of them.

In the vicinity of Trieste, one of the most picturesque places is the Val Rosanda Valley, which is loved by both the inhabitants of the city and travelers. In addition, climbers from various European countries have chosen this place. They claim that it was here that a well-known admirer of this sport Emilio Comichi learned his secrets.

It is better to start exploring the valley from the Premud shelter, which is considered the lowest in the country. Tourists can admire the Rosandra Valley with its waterfall and the harsh scenery of the Karst Plateau.

Lighthouse Faro della Vittoria

Far outside the city, its attractions are known. Trieste is famous for its lighthouse, which is 70 meters high. It is located on a hill on the ruins of the Kressich fortress, which was built in 1854. The lighthouse is considered one of the highest in the world.

It was designed by a native of the city, the architect Arduino Berlam during the First World War. Construction began in 1923 and was completed four years later. King Vittorio Emanuele III attended the grand opening of the city's landmarks. Trieste today uses the lighthouse for its intended purpose.

Trieste city italy sights

Beginning in 1979 and for seven years, the lighthouse underwent a planned restoration. In addition to performing basic functions, today a unique structure has become a monument in memory of sailors who died in the First World War. This is stated by the plaque at its base.

Seawater aquarium

The interesting sights of Trieste (with a description) that we posted in this article will allow you to develop a preliminary tour route that will be interesting to both adults and children.

A marine aquarium consists of thirty small tanks containing fish and crustaceans of the Adriatic Sea, and large fish, stingrays and small sharks live in a huge octagonal aquarium.

It is interesting that water for reservoirs is taken from the sea, at the pier. Then it is pumped into the tower to a height of about ten meters. There, it passes through a sump, and then descends into the tanks on the first floor. This system allows you to constantly change the water, while leaving the plankton intact.

Revoltell Museum

And now, we offer you to visit cultural attractions. Trieste is known for its art gallery, which began with the collection of Baron Pasquale Revoltell, who began to collect the most valuable works of art from 1872. The Baron bequeathed a palace and a priceless collection to his hometown. And that's not all. Revoltella left a very large sum of money for the annual expansion of the museum's collection and the formation of a collection of works of art.

By the end of the 19th century, the gallery mainly featured the works of Italian masters Favretto, Morelli, Palizzi, Nono, Previati and paintings by European artists. At the turn of the 20th century, valuable acquisitions were made at the Venice Biennale, including the famous painting "The Lady with the Dog" by De Nittis.

San Giovanni Park with Rose Garden

In this park, locals and visitors alike love to relax. His story began in 1908. The rose garden in this park is one of the largest in the country. About five thousand bushes grow here. These include American, European, and Japanese varieties. The garden presents a collection of roses from the Art Nouveau era, which are planted in flowerbeds, symmetrical shapes, as well as arches that are decorated with curly roses, popular in that period.

triest attractions

A significant part of the rose garden is located on a well-lit wide terrace in the northeast of the park. It is dedicated to modern collections of roses, which includes bouquet and curly, hybrid tea, clematis and decorative herbs.

Grotta Cave Gigante

This huge cave is located on the limestone plateau Kras, in its Italian part, very close to the village of Borgo Grotta Gigante. The central hall of the cave, 107 meters high, with a width of 65 meters and a length of 130 meters.

In 1995, this dungeon was recognized as the world's largest tourist cave and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Its main decoration is numerous stalagmites and stalactites, most of which are striking in their rare form and beauty.

A steep path leads tourists to the largest hall with various calcareous deposits. The largest of them reaches twelve meters in height. A dungeon tour takes no more than 45 minutes. The large spacious hall, as well as the constant air temperature during the year, made it possible to install two horizontal pendulums here, which hang from a height of 100 meters. These are the longest pendulums in the world. Here are other instruments necessary for research.

triest attractions description and history

Giuseppe Verdi Theater

The remarkable opera house, bearing the name of the famous Italian composer, was built with private money at the beginning of the 19th century. It was designed for only 800 seats. The first production on this stage was the opera Ginevradi Scozia.

Later the theater was restored and its auditorium began to accommodate about one and a half thousand opera lovers. Today, the International Operetta Festival is held here annually during the summer months.

Tourists reviews

According to travelers, Trieste (Italy), whose attractions are very diverse - one of the brightest Italian cities. It has both resort areas and areas for living. However, there are no excessively high prices for Rome or Venice.

Those wishing to visit Trieste in October will witness the Regatta, in which amateurs from different countries take part. In this city, next to modern yachts, 13th-century cathedrals coexist. Here you can combine a beach holiday with a sightseeing holiday, and spend it in the company of friends or with your family.


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