D-Link DCS-2103 IP Camera: Overview, Description, Specifications and Reviews

The DCS-2103 IP camera is an excellent tool for organizing monitoring of various objects. Moreover, their condition can be monitored both in real time and can be recorded with subsequent playback on any computer system connected to it. In addition to this, it has expanded functionality, and the cost is not so high. It is precisely the capabilities of such a monitoring tool for monitoring that this material will be devoted to.

Camera D - Link DCS - 2103


The D-Link DCS-2103 delivery list includes the following main components:

  1. IP camera.
  2. Stand for this video surveillance system.
  3. User Guide in abbreviated format. It provides only basic data. But more detailed information can be found on electronic media and view it on a personal computer.
  4. Twisted pair crimped on both sides.
  5. External power supply
  6. Documentation CD and specialized software.

The only negative of the list above is the lack of a memory card in it. But there is a slot for its installation in this case, and without such a drive, such a video surveillance system cannot work autonomously. Therefore, you need to buy it separately and, of course, for an additional fee.

DCS Camera - 2103


As previously noted, the DCS - 2103 is a device with advanced functionality. It differs from ordinary cameras in that it has its own processor and drive. That is, in this case, it is possible to record offline. In essence, this is a specialized computer for creating ultra-compact video surveillance systems. It is this advantage that this device compares favorably with competitors.


It is most optimal to use the D - Link DCS - 2103 IP camera when implementing autonomous and distributed surveillance systems. If you need to observe one object, then a single such device is enough. A similar number of cameras can be dispensed with if there are several and they are very close to each other.

But also such surveillance tools allow you to implement a distributed video surveillance system. It is enough just to choose the installation location of such IP - cameras and purchase them in the right amount. Then you just need to perform installation work and properly configure them. That is, this device is universal and is excellent for use as part of various video surveillance systems.

Camera D - Link DCS - 2103

main parameters

The D-Link DCS-2103 boasts advanced technical features. It is equipped with a separate processor and runs under a special operating system. Already these two points make her special.

The optical system in this case is really beyond praise. It is based on a sensor element whose diameter is a quarter of an inch. At the same time, it allows you to record an image in HD quality (the real resolution of such a picture is 1280x800). That is, the detailing of the picture obtained in this case does not cause complaints from specialists. The minimum level of illumination of the controlled area should be at least 1 lux. But the better the lighting, the better the picture will be.

There is also a microphone. Its hole is brought out under the camera eye. That is, you can see not only the record, but also listen to the sound situation at the controlled object.

The viewing angles of this component of video surveillance systems are 57 degrees diagonally and 37 vertically. Diagonally, this allows you to get as much as 66 degrees. Of course, this is 170 degrees, like modern smartphones, but for the observation of the previously mentioned values ​​is quite enough.

To connect to a personal computer, this device uses the RJ-45 port. It can transmit information at a speed of 100 Mbps. This is enough to get a picture in real time or to remotely read the built-in drive.

Short setup

Although the DCS - 2103 IP camera is nominally a standalone device, external power supply is required for its normal functioning. Therefore, experts recommend using uninterruptible power supplies in such cases. If for some reason the power supply ceases, then the problems with the presence of a picture will certainly not arise and important information will not be lost.

The setup algorithm for this device is as follows:

  1. We take it out of the box and install the camera in the place of future operation.
  2. We summarize all the communications. These are power wires, this is twisted pair cable from the control PC. Also in the expansion slot, you must install a memory card for offline use.
  3. We turn on the entire video surveillance system in the complex. We are waiting for the download of the personal computer.
  4. We install the digital media that is included in the package in the CD-ROM drive.
  5. Further, following the instructions of the wizard, we install all the necessary software. It is also necessary to set additional parameters, for example, the address of the camera on the network and the password for establishing a connection to it.
  6. After that, just start the proprietary utility from D-Link and you can begin video surveillance.
IP Camera DCS - 2103


On the one hand, the DCS-2103 camera is quite expensive compared to its competitors. You can find cheaper such devices. But from the point of view of functionality, they are significantly inferior to the technical means of video surveillance systems considered in the framework of this review. Such a camera can work autonomously, and allows you to install a separate drive, which will then be recorded. In this case, it is possible to set the image quality. In addition to this, you can also set a special mode, which will include recording only if there is movement in the field of view of such a device. Therefore, the price tag of 4,500 - 4,700 rubles does not look so overpriced. The user gets a more functional solution, with which it is much easier to implement any video surveillance system.

IP Camera DCS - 2103


The only minus of DCS - 2103 is the high cost. But it is justified by the improved functionality of such a device. He really has improved specifications and there are not so many analogues for the hero of this review. At the same time, the price will be lower for this camera.

The pluses include advanced specifications, the possibility of battery life and advanced communication capabilities. The owners also focus on high quality and detail of the resulting image, which in this case meets the HD specifications.

DCS - 2103


An almost universal tool for implementing various video surveillance systems is DCS - 2103. The technical specifications of this IP camera practically do not limit the possible scope of its use. In addition, it allows you to additionally install a digital drive and store information recorded during the operation on it. At the software level, many modes are implemented that allow the device to be individually configured for each individual situation. As a result, it really turns out to be an ideal tool for creating video surveillance systems of any level of complexity. Moreover, universal and functional.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G40241/

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