Gerdan from beads: weaving patterns

Each girl has a jewelry box that stores a lot of chains, bracelets, earrings and elastic bands. But there are situations when there is still nothing to wear. No store has a suitable bracelet for a new dress. And without accessories, some things do not look at all. What then to do? Create jewelry yourself! The bead gerdan will help in this, the patterns are very clear, according to them you can create a variety of interesting jewelry. This technique also helps to make decorative items for the home. It remains only to decide what exactly you need, and you can begin to work.

Why is it worth mastering this technique?

Accessories always help to correctly complement the image, an unpleasant situation can happen with purchased things, when a friend has the same. But, having learned how to make gerdan from beads, you can distinguish yourself from others and show your personality. In addition, the means for this are minimal. Take the beads of the right colors, fishing line, good mood and imagination. That’s the whole secret! Ethnic style is in fashion . An ornament with a geometric pattern of red, black colors is just what you need to be in trend.

gerdan bead scheme

What is needed for this?

Want to make bead gerdan? Schemes can be completely different. You can take the geometric pattern of embroidery and weave on it. Use high-quality material so that the finished result looks neat.

Get needles with a thin eye. Conventional beadwork techniques do not require this, but gerdan is made from kapron or dacron threads. Therefore, a needle is needed.

The machine may be purchased, but if you are not yet sure that you will like this activity, it is better to do it yourself. Such a thing may be less convenient, but at first it is. Useful box, scissors and clothespins.

The essence of weaving is this. Jewelry usually contains a belt, it is located behind the neck, the pendant is the main part, the ribbon, drops and pendants are connected to the pendant and belt. Beads are placed between the threads, so such smooth rows are formed.

Homemade weaving

A home-made machine will be an outlet for those who do not yet know whether weaving gerdan from beads is suitable for it or not. Therefore, I do not want to spend money yet.

Working process:

  1. Cut eight threads about two meters.
  2. On the box, make cuts at the same distance from each other.
  3. When weaving, the threads are taken one more than there is in the scheme.
  4. If you are a beginner, then take only one color to learn, and then try to create according to the schemes.
  5. Thread the working thread into the eye of the needle.
  6. String the beads of the first row on it and take it in the other hand, conducting under the fixed threads. Each bead should be between two threads.
  7. Pass the needle through them in the opposite direction.
  8. The thread should be pulled a little.
  9. Again, collect the beads, they will go to the second row.
  10. Lay it evenly between the threads and thread the needle through them.
  11. Continue to do this until you finish and achieve the required length.

gerdan bead weaving pattern

As you can see, bead gerdan, the patterns of which are easy to understand, is not so difficult to make. But you need perseverance and attentiveness. Everything is fine as long as you weave in one color, but using the pattern, you can get confused.

There are problems. It may happen that the thread is over or there is not enough space for weaving, so what to do in this case? Remove what is already there and pull it back. When there is not enough thread, cut a new one and fix it according to the following principle:

  1. Return to one row and pass the needle from under the beads.
  2. Create nodules on the first and last bead of the row.
  3. Pass the needle into the rest.
  4. Cut the desired length, leaving a little loose thread.

Continue the bead gerdan, weaving patterns will show which direction to go.

how to make gerdan from beads


Depending on which scheme is used, at different distances it is necessary to begin to increase the number of beads. Make it easy:

  1. Take a new working thread, thread it into the needle.
  2. Go through the beads of the last row.
  3. String the required number of beads.
  4. Pass the needle under the main threads.
  5. Pass from above through the holes in the beads.
  6. Now string the beads again, increasing their number if necessary.
  7. Do this until part of the product runs out.

DIY bead gerdan

Create an entire product

How to make gerdan from beads completely? To begin with, only a separate part was created, now it needs to be completed to get the finished product. Remove the belt from the machine and manually string the beads. They should be on the same length. Now start weaving the ribbon. Everything is simple with her. The width of the decoration in this place is the same. When this is done, string another bead and start weaving the pendant. In it, at first there is one width, and then begins to decrease by one bead from each edge. When left alone, create a fringe in the form of the same threads.

That's all, the bead gerdan is ready. You can create very beautiful things with your own hands.

What should I look for?

When doing this activity, forget about laziness. Made a mistake - go back and redo it. This is not embroidery, in which no one will pay attention to a small flaw. Better to dissolve everything and fix it. Set yourself up for work in advance to do everything neatly and efficiently. The beads should be calibrated to avoid bumps on the finished product.

gerdan from beads how to weave

Have you started weaving bead gerdan? The scheme should be as clear as possible, pay attention to understand everything. If in the middle of the process you realize that you are confused, quitting the lesson will be a shame, because so much has already been done. Work extremely carefully with fine threads. They can break, of course, you don’t have to completely redo everything, but restoration will require a lot of work. Securely hide the machine from pets and children when you decide to continue working later. Any intervention will also entail bad consequences.


Choose what suits your wardrobe, otherwise it will not be very good if the product is just lying around, because there is so much effort put into it. When giving, also pay attention to the color scheme, otherwise your gift will not be used or will be overdone.

Bracelets are created by the same principle. The pattern does not have to be ethnic or with flowers. Draw inscriptions, animals, badges, and more. The larger the finished product, the more interesting.

An ornament that can be made in any color, with any pattern, all only at the request of the needlewoman, is a bead gerdan. Weaving patterns can be invented by yourself. To do this, take a piece of paper in a cage or use a special program for the computer.

bead gerdan weaving

A beginner in needlework will be able to make gerdan from beads. Schemes describe in detail the essence of the work, the necessary materials and subtleties. It remains only to show perseverance. Some drawings are very simple and suitable for children. Forget about the usual jewelry that is sold in the store. Show your personality, show everyone what needlewoman you are. Create your bead gerdan . How to weave, you have already learned. Create beauty, please yourself and loved ones!


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