How to make a wreath of paper with your own hands?

You think to decorate the apartment for the holiday, but do not know what? Make a wreath of paper. This decoration has long ceased to be New Year's. Today, craftswomen make various autumn, Easter and simply decorative wreaths. They can decorate doors, walls or put on a chest of drawers. How to make a creative decor from paper, read below.

Easter wreath

paper wreath

To make this decoration you will need colored paper. And it should be not only tinted sheets, but also sheets with a picture. You can find such paper in shops for creativity. There you can buy ordinary matte sheets, as well as glossy and even paper with a metallic effect. From all this material we will make a wreath of paper. How to do it? First you need to draw a pattern. We depict the silhouette of an egg on cardboard and cut the blank. Now, from multi-colored paper, which is desirable to choose in one color scheme, we cut out the eggs. On a small wreath, they will need at least 12 pieces. When all the blanks are made, they should be glued together. To do this, you can use both PVA and a glue gun. We lay out the details in a circle so that the eggs are located with a slight overlap relative to each other. When the ring is ready, it should be decorated with a bow made of a ribbon. And also to the back of the wreath should attach a loop, for which the product will be suspended. It can be made from tape or from any other ribbon.

Wreath with a candle

do-it-yourself paper wreath

Such a decorative decoration is incredibly simple. A wreath of paper is made of thin stripes. Preparations should be made in two to three green colors. We cut strips 1.5 cm wide and 12 cm long. Such blanks should be cut at least 24 pieces. We will make a Christmas wreath with paper from our hands on the basis of a disposable plate. We take a cardboard base and cut out the bottom of it. You should get a circle, which we will now decorate. To do this, take one of the strips, wrap it around the base. The ends of the paper strip should be glued together. Next, glue a detail of a different shade. Moreover, it is desirable to arrange the paper blanks tightly, and it is better to generally overlap with each other. Thus, the base will not shine through.

When the cardboard is completely glued, you can begin to trim the edges of the blanks. The end of each green piece of paper needs to be given a zigzag shape. When this step is completed, you can decorate the wreath. We fold the white rectangular piece of paper with an accordion. Glue it to the bottom of the wreath, and the top of the candle should be decorated with a flame. Cut out the shape of a drop from yellow and red paper, connect them together. Now you should stick them to the candle. It remains only to scatter the foam balls on the wreath and stick a large red bow.

Snowman Wreath

do-it-yourself Christmas wreath made of paper

Such decoration will definitely be appreciated by children. Making a wreath of paper is very simple. First, you need to cut out the shape of a torus from thick cardboard. It is very inconvenient to draw large circles with a compass, so you should outline the outline of two plates of different sizes. Cut out the base. Next, you need to make all the decorative details. Let's start with snowflakes. Cut them out of colored paper in blue, blue and white. Snowflakes should be of two sizes - some larger, others smaller. Now you should make the heads of snowmen. Cut out circles from white paper and draw a funny face in them. Carrot nose must be depicted with an orange marker. When all the blanks are made, you can collect a wreath of colored paper. First of all, we attach snowflakes to the base. They should be alternated and glued one large, the other small. Now, in the center of each large snowflake, you should attach the snowman's head. It remains on the back side of the wreath to glue the tape, rolled up with a loop. If desired, a small snowflake can be hung in the middle of the circle.

Autumn wreath

how to make a wreath of paper

This craft can be made annually on the eve of autumn. Moreover, young mothers can ask their children to help them. Joint labor unites, and even in the process of making a wreath of paper with his own hands, the child will feel that he is making a significant contribution to the common cause.

Let's start manufacturing. First cut blanks. We draw a maple leaf silhouette on thick cardboard. You can also draw a birch or oak leaf. We cut out the pattern and make blanks on it from colored paper. Now you need to make a pattern of an acorn and cut out its β€œbody” and β€œhat” from brown paper in two shades. It remains to collect the craft. To make this easier to do, a blank in the form of a torus should be cut out of cardboard. Now you need to glue colorful leaves to it. You can revive them by attaching eyes to each blank and drawing a nose and mouth. It remains to decorate the wreath with acorns. Last of all, you need to stick a loop on the back of the product and a bow on the front.

Contour flower wreath

colored paper wreath

This craft looks very impressive, and is made in just 30 minutes. How to make a wreath of paper? We will make it from thinly cut strips. In our case, they are green, you can choose any other color. Two ponytails strips should be glued together. Now the workpiece must be flattened from two edges so that it acquires sharp tips. From 5 such details, a flower should be assembled. How to do it? Glue the blanks at the base. Make 7-9 of these flowers. Then you need to attach large blanks as shown in the picture. We complement the wreath with lace. If desired, another small flower can be hung in the middle of the product.

Wreath of circles

how to make paper wreaths with your own hands

If you do not want to make a lot of effort, but you still need to create a craft, you should make this version of the decor. It is made either from paper tubes or from personally glued rings. It is necessary to make 15 circles of 3-4 different diameters. Then it is necessary to assemble a circle shape from the blanks. To make the product look bright, you need to simulate it from colored paper. As the decor of the wreath, you can use Christmas balls. If you do not have them at hand, you can take ping-pong balls and paint them from the spray can. Such blanks should be placed in a chaotic manner in some of the circles of the wreath.

Volumetric flower wreath

how to make paper wreaths with your own hands

Such crafts should be made by spring. It is when the first flowers appear on the street that I want them to be present in the apartment. How to make a wreath of paper with your own hands? First of all, you need to make a base, and then cover it with either thread or colored paper. Now you should make blanks. Flowers are made from a circle. This geometric shape is cut in a spiral and twisted with a rose. To prevent the workpiece from disintegrating, it should be fixed with glue. Roses can be made of multi-colored paper. Moreover, the wreath will look more interesting if the flowers are of different sizes. Now we turn to the manufacture of leaves. We cut them out of colored paper in different shades of green. When all the blanks are done, you should collect a wreath. We glue leaves in groups, and flowers on them. Attach a loop in the form of a loop to the back of the wreath.


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