What is Captain America’s shield made of? How to make Captain America’s shield yourself

Marvel and DiS have firmly established themselves on the podium of the best superhero comic book publishers. Children around the world idolize their characters: Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man and others.

One of the most memorable heroes of the Marvel universe is Stephen Rogers, also known as Captain America. The difficult and thorny path of the hero gave him the love of thousands of fans. The main weapon of Captain America is a shield painted in the colors of the flag of the United States of America.

what the captain america’s shield is made of

The life path of Stephen Rogers in the universe of comics and films varies. But only one thing remains unchanged - his shield.

Captain america: character story

Stephen Grant Rogers was born long before World War I. July 4, 1920 Sarah Rogers gave birth to her first child. Steve's father soon died in the war and his mother raised him alone.

Rogers grew up a frail and sickly child, suffered from asthma, he had poor hearing and vision. During the call to war, he was refused time after time. But once luck smiled at a young man and the guy became part of an experiment to create super-soldiers. Thanks to serum, his body changed and reached the peak of its capabilities.

how to make captain america's shield out of paper

Strength, speed, regeneration have become much better than that of an ordinary person. But in the last months of the war, Steve disappeared. Later, already in modern times, he was found in the ice. Soon after, Captain America joined the Avengers.

Vibranium - the most durable metal of the Marvel Cinema Universe

Many Rogers fans wonder, “What is Captain America’s shield made of?” The superhero's favorite weapon is created by their alloy of vibranium - the most durable metal in the world. Destroy it almost impossible. The shield is capable of absorbing energy so that even Hulk strikes do no harm to the Captain.

After it became known what the shield of Captain America is made of, it becomes interesting why weapons from this alloy were no longer made. The fact is that vibranium is a rare and expensive metal, it is not so much. But fans should not despair because their own shield can be made from improvised materials.

How to make Captain America's shield made of cardboard and paper

Is it possible using only paper products to create an object that will look like a legendary shield? There are several options for how to make Captain America’s shield out of paper and other materials at hand. One of the easiest ways is to cut it out of thick cardboard.

how to make captain america shield their metal

The optimal radius is from 60 to 70 centimeters. Next, you need to carefully cut the circle and paste the edges with paper tape. The next step is painting. The first circle is the central one. It occupies a third of the total area and should be painted blue. Next, the remaining space must be divided into three circles of the same width. After the lines have been drawn, it is time to paint. Phased circles are painted red, white and red again.

The last step is a white star in a blue circle. It must be drawn carefully: it should occupy the whole circle, but not go beyond it. Then there is painting and drying. A cardboard shield is ready.

Captain America's shield made of metal

For any fan of superheroes, becoming the owner of their individual weapons is a great success. The same applies to fans of Captain America. His shield is the personification of the idea of ​​the character’s path.

And when it’s already clear what Captain America’s shield is made of, many want to get a copy of it for themselves. But it costs a lot of money, so you often have to look for other ways to get a shield. In such cases, many people think about how to make Captain America’s shield with their own hands.

Since Rogers weapons have a clear shape - a circle, then not every material is suitable for work. Paper and cardboard is a budget option, as bad weather can easily ruin it.

how to make captain america’s shield out of cardboard

But there is a good alternative - steel. But how to make Captain America’s shield made of metal?

In order to make a shield with your own hands, you will need:

  • The sheet of steel is convex in shape.
  • Screws.
  • Paint.
  • Belts.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Drill.
  • Grinder

All fans know what Captain America’s shield is made of. A fictitious metal cannot be found, but it can be replaced by a commonly available analogue - steel.

To begin with, it is necessary to draw a circle on a sheet of steel, the recommended radius of which is thirty-three centimeters. Also on the outside should be drawn three more circles, the same as on the original shield. Then you need to cut off the excess parts. Using a grinder, you need to polish the outside without erasing the drawn circles.

Further, with a drill, holes for fastenings are knocked out on the inside. Exactly matching grooves are drilled on the belts. Using screws, the belts are tightly attached to the "shield".

The original shield of Captain America consists of four rings: red, white, red again and the main blue, in the center of which is a white star. The circles have a diameter of 12, 19, 26 and 33 centimeters. Painting is carried out in several stages.

Optionally, you can change the colors on the shield. For example, in the movie "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", Captain America’s shield did not resemble the US flag.

Attributes "Marvel": purchase in online stores

You can get Captain America’s shield in one more way. Online stores around the world are actively promoting the attributes of superheroes from comics and films. Finding Captain America’s shield is easy. True, it will cost more than a hundred dollars.

To support copyright owners, you can order products on the official website.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G40292/

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