Sumerian civilization

The Sumerians are the first civilization on Earth. It appeared in the region of Mesopotamia more than six millennia ago.

In their calculations, the ancient Sumerians used the ternary system, were also familiar with the Fibonacci numbers. The legends of this people contain descriptions of the origin, structure and development of the solar system. Her image, created by ancient Sumerians, is stored in Berlin, in the State Museum. However, on the ancient map there is the planet Nibiru. It is located between Jupiter and Mars and crosses the system once every 3600 years, so it is not visible to modern people.

The civilization of the Sumerians developed largely under the influence of Nibiru. According to legend, the ancient people could be in contact with the population of the planet. According to the Sumerians, the Anunaki from Nibiru came to earth.

Ancient cosmic stories point to an event that happened about four billion years ago. The Sumerians called it “heavenly battle”. According to history, a catastrophe happened that changed the general view of the entire solar system

Sumerian civilization left ancient manuscripts that contain information about the origin of intelligent life on Earth. Legends say that the modern human race was created using genetic engineering methods more than three hundred thousand years ago. In other words, the Sumerians indicated that modern humans are a civilization of biorobots.

Ancient clay tablets testify in sufficient detail to the first appearance of man. They depict the process of its creation in the form of chronicles, including a mixture of divine and earthly elements, which is similar to in vitro fertilization.

Sumerian civilization possessed a fairly large amount of knowledge. The people knew astronomy, chemistry, herbal medicine, and mathematics very well.

Sumerian civilization was very well developed. This is indicated by the organization of their public administration. The Sumerians had a jury trial, elected and other bodies corresponding to the structure of power in the modern sense.

The Torah (Jewish Bible), created on the ruins of Sumer, attributed the creation of man to Elohim. This name is indicated in the plural and can be interpreted as “Gods”. The Torah accurately determined the purpose of creating a person as necessary for cultivating land.

Sumerian legends testify to the creation of Adam. According to the chronicles, the main Anunaki scholar Enki was called to the ruler of Anu. Together they created Adam. This name comes from the ancient Sumerian name of the earth ("Adamah"). Thus, Adam means "Earthling."

Sumerian civilization, especially its origin, causes a lot of controversy among scientists. The version about its cosmic origin is described in the book of Zakhary Sitchin “The 12th Planet”.

According to archaeological data and documentary facts, the culture of the Sumerians appeared already quite established, having its own written language. The religion of the people had cosmogonic roots, a whole pantheon of gods was present in it and was responsible for natural forces. The main deities were considered KI and AN, personifying the male and female principles. The gods had to work a lot, so they created people to help themselves.

The Sumerians left the world a huge number of objects used in the modern world: money, a wheel and others. The ancient people had knowledge of the production of various alloys, mainly bronze.

The Sumerians introduced the Zodiac for astronomical calculations, without reference to the months, they also knew about the precession cycle, they divided the sphere of the sky into twelve segments and united groups of stars into constellations.

Civilization lasted two thousand years. Over this relatively short period, she has provided invaluable knowledge for the development of mankind in the future.


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